A Django project template ready for continuous delivery.
The Talos script can be run either using Docker or a Python virtual environment.
In order to run Talos via Docker, a working Docker installation is the only requirement.
In order to run Talos in a virtual environment, first clone the repository in a local projects directory and ensure it is your current directory:
cd ~/projects
git clone [email protected]:20tab/django-continuous-delivery.git talos-django
cd talos-django
Then, create and activate a virtual environment and install the requirements:
python3.12 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
python3 -m pip install -r requirements/common.txt
The terraform
cli package is required, unless you want to generate a project only locally. To install it we suggest to use the official install guide.
If the GitLab integration is enabled, a Personal Access Token with api permission is required.
It can be generated in the GitLab User Settings panel.
Note: the token can be generated in the Access Tokens section of the GitLab User Settings panel.
Change to the projects directory, for example:
cd ~/projects
docker run --interactive --tty --rm --volume $PWD/.dumps:/app/.dumps --volume $PWD/.logs:/app/.logs --volume $PWD:/data 20tab/talos-django:latest
source talos-django/.venv/bin/activate
Project name: My Project Name
Project slug [my-project-name]:
Service slug [backend]:
Project dirname (backend, myprojectname) [backend]: myprojectname
Deploy type (digitalocean-k8s, other-k8s) [digitalocean-k8s]:
Terraform backend (gitlab, terraform-cloud) [terraform-cloud]:
Terraform host name [app.terraform.io]:
Terraform Cloud User token:
Terraform Organization: my-organization-name
Do you want to create Terraform Cloud Organization 'my-organization-name'? [y/N]:
Choose the environments distribution:
1 - All environments share the same stack (Default)
2 - Dev and Stage environments share the same stack, Prod has its own
3 - Each environment has its own stack
(1, 2, 3) [1]:
Development environment complete URL [https://dev.my-project-name.com]:
Staging environment complete URL [https://stage.my-project-name.com]:
Production environment complete URL [https://www.my-project-name.com]:
Media storage (digitalocean-s3, aws-s3, local, none) [digitalocean-s3]:
Do you want to configure Redis? [y/N]:
Do you want to use GitLab? [Y/n]:
GitLab group slug [my-project-name]:
Make sure the GitLab "my-project-name" group exists before proceeding. Continue? [y/N]: y
GitLab private token (with API scope enabled):
Sentry DSN (leave blank if unused) []:
Initializing the backend service:
...cookiecutting the service
...generating the .env file
...formatting the cookiecut python code
...compiling the requirements files
- common.txt
- test.txt
- local.txt
- remote.txt
- base.txt
...creating the '/static' directory
...creating the GitLab repository and associated resources
...creating the Terraform Cloud resources
The following arguments can be appended to the Docker and shell commands
--project-name="My project name"
Description | Argument |
DigitalOcean Kubernetes | --deployment-type=digitalocean-k8s |
Other Kubernetes | --deployment-type=other-k8s |
Name | Argument |
Terraform Cloud | --terraform-backend=terraform-cloud |
GitLab | --terraform-backend=gitlab |
Disabled args
Choose the environments distribution:
Value | Description | Argument |
1 | All environments share the same stack (Default) | --environment-distribution=1 |
2 | Dev and Stage environments share the same stack, Prod has its own | --environment-distribution=2 |
3 | Each environment has its own stack | --environment-distribution=3 |
If you don't want DigitalOcean DNS configuration the following args are required
Value | Description | Argument |
digitalocean-s3 | DigitalOcean Spaces are used to store media | --media-storage=digitalocean-s3 |
aws-s3 | AWS S3 are used to store media | --media-storage=aws-s3 |
local | Docker Volume are used to store media | --media-storage=local |
none | Project have no media | --media-storage=none |
For enabling redis integration the following arguments are needed:
Disabled args
⚠️ Important: Make sure the GitLab group exists before creating. > https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/244345
For enabling gitlab integration the following arguments are needed:
For enabling sentry integration the following arguments are needed:
No confirmations shown.