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File metadata and controls

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Queueing systems with control

If a client arrival stream is distributed among several process stations and if certain rules are applied in this distribution, this is referred to as a queuing system with control.

Base model

import queuesim
from queuesim.stations import Source, Process, Dispose
from queuesim.random_dist import exp as exp_dist
from queuesim.models import mmc_results

count = 100_000
get_i = exp_dist(100)
get_s = exp_dist(160)
c1 = 1
c2 = 1

simulator = queuesim.Simulator()

source = Source(simulator, count, get_i)
decide = ...  # Select decide mode
process2 = Process(simulator, get_s, c1)
process2 = Process(simulator, get_s, c1)
dispose = Dispose(simulator)

...  # Setup decide mode

The arriving clients (source station) are directed to some kind of decide station. From there the clients are send to process1 or process2. At the process stations the arriving clients have to wait and then will be served. After this they leave the system (dispose station).

Decide by chance

from queuesim.stations import Decide

decide = Decide(simulator)

decide.add_next(process1, 1)
decide.add_next(process2, 1)

In this case 50% of the arriving clients are sent to process1 and 50% to process2. No further control takes place. The second parameter in add_next is a rate. So you need not to enter a probability (the rates need not to sum up to exact 1). QueueSim will normalize the rates to probabilities when simulation starts.

The disadvantage of "decide by chance" is that on partial queue can run empty while clients who have chosen the other queue are still waiting. The available work performance of the two operators is not utilized well.

Decide by shortest queue

from random import randint
from queuesim.stations import DecideCondition

decide = DecideCondition(simulator)

def shortest_queue(client) -> int:
    nq1 = process1.nq
    nq2 = process2.nq
    if nq1 < nq2: return 0
    if nq1 > nq2: return 1
    return randint(0, 1)


Each time a client arrives at the decide station, the shortest_queue function is executed. If the queue at process1 is shorter than the queue at process2, the client is sent to process1, i.e. to exit 0 (0-based) of the decide station. If the queue at process1 is longer, the client is sent to process2. If both queue lengths are equal, the next station is chosen by chance (randint(0, 1)).

This method reduces the risk that one queue runs empty while there are clients in the other queue. But some risk still exists.

More options

  • Single queue, faster operator
    This is just the M/M/c case but we have get_s = exp_dist(80) instead of get_s = exp_dist(160). In this case there is only one queue so no control strategy is needed and a client can never choose the worse queue.
  • Single queue, two operators
    This is also a M/M/c model with c=2. There is also no control needed and there is also only a single queue.
  • Single queue, batch processing
    In this case we have b=2. This has the same result on the available work performance s the faster operator or as to have two default operators. But the there strategies still have some differences (see example notebook below).

Example files

In exmaple_sim_shortest_queue.ipynb and in the strategies descript above are implemented and the differences are explained.