The daily log of my #301DaysOfCode challenge.
- Daily tasks might not be the best format for me; in any case I'll keep studying and might try again later on.
Today's progress:
- Refactor time tracking project.
- Reframe work/study schedule.
Thoughts: text
Today's progress:
- Code review
Today's progress:
- Catch up with previous projects.
Today's progress:
- LibreOffice calc dates & macros.
Today's progress:
- Fix mail signature.
- Fix CV.
- Client work.
Today's progress:
- Refactor time tracking project.
Today's progress:
- Setup local/remote git environments.
Today's progress:
- Git & SSH credentials.
- ssh-agent + .bashrc & .bash_profile.
- Review study notes.
Today's progress:
- Text expansion (hotstrings) and sequential pasting with CopyQ and AutoHotkey.
- Remove Android bloatware via adb.
Today's progress:
- Migrate email on mobile.
- cPanel config and Site Publisher test.
Today's progress:
- Migrate hosting domain and email accounts.
- Setup SSL.
Today's progress:
- Automation tools.
- Intro to GitHub Codespaces.
Today's progress:
- Hosting research and started migration.
Today's progress:
- Testing and playing with Figma.
Today's progress:
- Intro to Figma.
Today's progress:
- Freelancing and client work.
- Studying when got some time available.
- Losing and recovering motivation.
- Learning that I actually missed coding.
Today's progress:
- Automation tools.
Today's progress:
- Client work.
- Review passing arguments to listener functions.
Today's progress:
- Automate some regular tasks (e.g.: telegram chat to process time tracking reports).
- Looking for free currency conversion APIs.
Today's progress:
- Being able to remove an
rule on #css. xD
Thoughts: Keep on with clockifyTarget project and some more automation.
Today's progress:
- Project task and report automation with @make_hq.
Today's progress:
- Client work.
- Job search.
- Planning and refactoring own project.
Link to work:
Today's progress:
- Client work.
- Cable/hardware networking.
Today's progress:
- Client work.
- Catch up with own/shared repos.
Today's progress:
- Improve clockifyTarget output.
- Quick peek at GitLens+.
Link to work: [clockifyTarget]: show side projects name
Today's progress:
- Intro to GitHub dependabot alerts and fixes.
- Review annotation/studying tools. Shout-out to @death_au for markdownload
I've had to move and failed to keep up with the challenge, starting again today.
Thoughts: Things won't wait to happen in life until we're ready for them. I failed the first attempt and will learn from it which is why I'm starting again on the same repo. I might have less time because of work but I'll keep on it.
Today's progress:
- Update and catchup with owned repos.
Today's progress:
- Overall backup and cleaning.
Today's progress:
- Review CSS selectors
Today's progress:
- Touch typing practice + freelance stuff.
Today's progress:
- Client work & tooling review/config.
Today's progress:
- Test recovering untracked files after stashing on git.
Today's progress:
- Cleaning/messing up with Windows task scheduler and services.
Today's progress:
- Fix git using wrong gpg executable.
- Setup Netlify local server.
Thoughts: Remember to quote paths containing spaces on config files.
Today's progress:
- Team work & planning.
- Netlify setup and deploy.
- Document steps.
Today's progress:
- Review git and git config.
Today's progress:
- git/host setups with SSH-rsa
Today's progress:
- Error checking & client work
Today's progress:
- Review notes and bug fixes.
Today's progress:
- Netlify config + .env vars
Today's progress:
- First pair programming session!
- Intro to Netlify
Today's progress:
- Adapt to current Magisk/safetynet status + apply fix.
- Tools/project setup.
Today's progress:
- Code review of some JS exercises.
- Considering joining Full stack open 2022.
Thoughts: I might not have enough time but FSO looks like the course I need to start with React and learn some backend right now.
Today's progress:
- Review JS prototypes
Today's progress:
- Overview of nodemon, cors, and bcrypt.
Today's progress:
- Login/register lifecycle with NodeJS, round 2.
Today's progress:
- Login/register lifecycle with NodeJS, round 1.
Links: Steve Griffith's tutorial on YouTube
Today's progress:
- Test sending/getting requests; ⚠ localhost !=
Today's progress:
- Basics on setting up a Node dev environment.
Today's progress:
- Trying to understand why you can log FormData props but not the object itself.
Today's progress:
- Client work
Today's progress:
- Joomla recap
Today's progress:
- Client work
- FormData objects
Today's progress:
- Hosting and webmail config
Today's progress:
- Review coding editors and tools
Today's progress:
- Finish #CNC2022's challenge
- Client work
Today's progress:
- Keep up with #CNC2022 mission 5 + I forgot to post on previous one :$
Today's progress:
- Start #CNC2022 mission 5
Today's progress:
- Review CSS positioning
Today's progress:
- Trying to "debug" why a specific site is auto-refreshing on tab focus-unfocus when blocking trackers (ClickUp vs uBlock round 1!).
Today's progress:
- Touch typing practice with monkeytype
Today's progress:
- Review #JS closures
Thoughts: "Everything has access to outside content/vars but not the other way around."
Today's progress:
- Start #CNC2022's mission 4
Thoughts: Some important personal things came up. I'll have to manage with whatever time I have left after the day while taking care of them. At least for some months.
Today's progress:
- Review JS currying and 'this'.
Today's progress:
- Review JS interview questions
Today's progress:
- Review grid and flexbox (@AlyssaNicoll @kathryngrayson)
Thoughts: Lots of work as of late on Mondays and more to come this week. CSS review only.
Today's progress:
- Reviewed some web basics and #JS concepts (thanks to @midudev and @coding_garden)
- #CNC2022's mission 3.
- Trying to config git bash/stop ssh passphrase requests.
Thoughts: Reflecting on current goals and targets with CNC2022; time really flies, especially when urgent issues come in with no warning.
Today's progress:
- Client work.
- MDN docs review.
Thoughts: Not much time available today. Some client work done + MDN docs review.
Today's progress:
- Getting some info and insights on building a career for devs.
Thoughts: Nice helpful advice by freeCodeCamp on YouTube.
Today's progress:
- #JS events, bubbling, closest and remove Elements.
You can assign removed elements with Node.removeChild(Element)
but not with Element.remove()
- Today's progress:
- Review on accessibility (mainly HTML and CSS attributes and rules)
Links: "We ❤ A11y." Twitch, streamed by CodeItLive.
Today's progress:
- Review event listeners.
Thoughts: Another busy workday; I'm not sure if its best to cram all work at the beginning of the week like this to have more time left the rest of the week but, financially, its the best option for now. I intent to have the same determination for studying.
Today's progress:
- Completed #CNC2022's mission 2.
Thoughts: Hard busy day today at work; just completed CodeNewbie's mission.
Today's progress:
- Optimal line length and readability.
- Coding conventions (specially naming).
- JS prototypes.
Thoughts: I used to like a wide viewport with an article (like Wikipedia) cramming all content on it but I now appreciate legibility more and acknowledge there's a need for line length limiting. JS prototypes are like parents of objects which inherit their functionality but can also have their own, otherwise they'll fallback on them.
Links: -"Line length." Wikipedia
Today's progress:
- Fixed autokey not starting on Arch (Garuda) boot and learn a bit about locale settings in #linux.
- Reviewed some #JS, thanks to @midudev
Thoughts: Remember to pay attention when researching; it can be easy to just scan and get frustrated when you don't find the solution by going too fast. Also learn to choose which battles you should fight; sometimes fixing just what you need is enough to keep going and not getting lost on something thats not really affecting your work.
Today's progress: Test and review basic and intermediate GIT concepts. Cheers to @petermcottle for
Thoughts: In the middle of a situation at home but got some time to review GIT. Tomorrow I'll be busy but will make as much time as I can. I need to keep going.
Today's progress:
- Practiced some CSS selectors @flukeout
- Keeping up with #CNC2022's mission 2
- Reviewed bash date man
Thoughts: #CNC2022's mission 2 can be challenging (setting up clear goals and planning). Fortunately I already have experience managing my study/work tasks using a project manager.
Today's progress:
- Catching up with @ChrisFerdinandi's JS tips.
- Continuing with "Refactoring UI".
Thoughts: Busy day with some home issues. Those UI tips might seem a divergence but they're pretty in line with what I'm currently learning (DOM, JS). I'm reading Refactoring UI when I have the time at night; it also seems a detour but, from what I've seen, it might help on my next projects and portfolio.
Today's progress: Extremely busy day today + some bad news. Managed to review some study techniques and a couple of JS concepts.
Today's progress:
- Started #CNC2022 mission 2.
- Managing workspaces and setups.
- Filename conventions.
Thoughts: Busy day at work but I think I've started to set up properly #CNC2022's mission, some settings in my workspace and learned some more about portfolios and filename conventions.
Today's progress:
- Continuing with debouncing.
- Rediscovered (@iliakan)
- Trying the pomodoro technique.
Thoughts: I'm going to add to my list of resources as it seems to be a great resource. I'm starting to implement the pomodoro technique in my study sessions so I can test if it helps focusing and managing time and tasks.
Today's progress:
- Learning about PubSub design patterns, scroll events and debouncing.
Thoughts: Busy day but managed to study some hours. I need to get better managing time but I'm improving.
Link to work: AdrianSkar/JS-Steve-Griffith/2.JS in the browser - GitHub
Today's progress:
- Learning about PubSub design patterns @prof3ssorSt3v3.
- Reviewed some CSS selectors.
Thoughts: New concepts are the hardest, I've spent almost all my study time with a single lesson on PubSub design patterns, hope it's worth it.
Today's progress:
- Reviewed VSCode snippets and other settings.
- Started reading Refactoring UI by @adamwathan and taking a look at @tailwindcss.
- Learned about functions and the Resize Observer API with @prof3ssorSt3v3
Thoughts: Other tasks involved getting some info on Magisk updates (dealing with Android rooted phones), Zapier automations.
Today's progress:
- A lot of work in my main job today but managed to review some CSS; specificity, rules + found out that the order of the value in the border property does not matter.
Thoughts: I also discovered some coders streaming on Twitch, pretty insightful to be able to watch their workflow and thinking process.
Link to work:
Today's progress:
- Completed #CNC2022 Mission 1.
- Established clear time goals and tools.
- Built a small Add/subtract days from date calculator because I wondered when the challenge would end.
Thoughts: #CNC2022's mission one helped me realize my main assumptions for this challenge and where I could start tackling related difficulties. I'm also trying to be more open with the learning experience by publishing on
Link to work:
Today's progress:
- Started both #301DaysOfCode and #CNC2022 CodeMore challenge from CodeNewbie.
- Reviewed markdown and proper MLA citations.
- Completed #CNC2022 pre-mission.
- Learned some more about JS arrays with @midudev
Thoughts: After a sick leave from Day 0, I'll finally be able to commit to the challenge. Hope my target goals and projects as self-taught dev are the correct ones. I'll need to get more orientation on that too. Fortunately enough, the #CNC2022 seems to provide some of that orientation.
Today's progress:
- Set up repo and ClickUp (project management tool) tasks for the project.
Thoughts: I'm currently working, managing things at home and involved in other learning resources but I think the challenge will help me establish the habit of coding every day. I hope this project helps me become a good programmer and get a job in which I can learn, grow and enjoy.