We are open for contributions, big or small. The best way to contribute is to open a bug report or feature request and testing fixes. If you want to poke around in Cupdate's code, the rest of this document contains some basic info to get you started.
Cupdate is written in Go and comes with a frontend written using TypeScript, React and Tailwind. For more information see ARCHITECTURE.md.
Cupdate can be built on host using yarn and go, or inside of a container using Docker.
Build Cupdate for running inside of a container.
docker build --tag ghcr.io/alexgustafsson/cupdate:latest .
Build Cupdate inside a container for running on host.
docker buildx build --target=export --output=. .
Build Cupdate inside a container for running on the specified platform.
docker buildx build --platform macos/arm64 --target=export --output=. .
yarn install
yarn build
go build -o cupdate cmd/cupdate/*.go
Cupdate supports both Kubernetes and Docker as the target platforms. Typically Cupdate will run inside of these environments, but for development it can run on a host and communicate the the platforms' APIs remotely.
Proxy the Kubernetes API server.
kubectl proxy
Source the default dev config for the Kubernetes platform.
# Inspect
cat .env-kubernetes
# Bash etc.
source .env-kubernetes
# Fish
export (cat .env-kubernetes | xargs -L 1)
Symlink the Docker socket.
# NOTE: The path might be different on your machine
ln -s ~/.colima/default/docker.sock docker.sock
kubectl proxy
Source the default dev config for the Docker platform.
# Inspect
cat .env-docker
# Bash etc.
source .env-docker
# Fish
export (cat .env-docker | xargs -L 1)
Start Cupdate.
go run cmd/cupdate/*.go
Optionally start the development web server for frontend development.
yarn run dev
Optionally use Jaeger for otel testing.
docker run --rm -it \
-p 4317:4317 \
-p 8081:16686 \
# NOTE: Start Cupdate with the required additional config
export CUPDATE_OTEL_TARGET=localhost:4317
Optionally proxy a Docker socket to test Docker over TCP. Use the proxied port
as the Docker host rather then the one specified in .env-docker
go run tools/sockproxy/*.go -p 3000 docker.sock
To test custom registries and authentication, Zot can be used.
# Create a htpasswd for zot
htpasswd -bBn username password > integration/zot/htpasswd
docker run --rm -it -p 9090:9090 --volume "$PWD/integration/zot:/etc/zot:ro" ghcr.io/project-zot/zot-linux-arm64
Note that Zot's UI doesn't work on Safari ATM - you will just be logged out if you log in.
Run an image using zot instead.
docker run --rm -it localhost:9090/alpine
Start Cupdate targeting Docker, specifying the auth file.
export CUPDATE_REGISTRY_SECRETS="integration/zot/docker-basic-auth.json"