This image is based on the official Postgres image
set required max_prepared_transactions
setting required by Bonita
When starting a new container, it will create two databases...
(connection userbonita
, passwordbpm
(connection userbusiness_data
, passwordbpm
Note: tag is just an argument and is not provided by Dockerfile. so
docker build -t bonitasoft/bonita-postgres:9.6 .
It will restore dumps present in the volume /opt/bonita/dump
For plain text sql form, dumps must be named bonita.dump
and business_data.dump
Create those dump using:
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -Ubonita bonita> /opt/bonita/dump/bonita.dump
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -Ubusiness_data business_data> /opt/bonita/dump/business_data.dump
for compressed format, dumps must be named bonita.pgdump
and business_data.pgdump
. This format is used
with a .list file that allow to white list items to restore:
# --quote-all-identifiers : ensure no issues with bonita columns name that use a PostgreSQL reserved word
# --encoding=utf8 : required
# -F c : use PostgreSQL compress format
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U bonita --quote-all-identifiers --encoding=utf8 -F c bonita > /opt/bonita/dump/bonita.pgdump
# prepare white-list file for pg_restore
# this will read backup file and generat a TOC (Table Of Content) stored in a white list file
# then edit this file to comment with a `;` items you don't want to restore
pg_restore -l /opt/bonita/dump/bonita.pgdump > /opt/bonita/dump/bonita.list
# same for BDM
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U business_data --quote-all-identifiers --encoding=utf8 -F c business_data > /opt/bonita/dump/business_data.pgdump
pg_restore -l /opt/bonita/dump/business_data.pgdump > /opt/bonita/dump/business_data.list
then run the docker using volume -v <path to dumps>:/opt/bonita/dump
Note: if container already exists, it must be removed, using `docker rm <CONTAINER_ID>`, unless restore won't be applied
- create a container with:
- extra parameter
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword
, in order to be able to access the tables with a known user (postgres
) and password - extra volume mapping parameter with the dump file, to access it easily from within the container
Eg. `docker run --name postgres-from-dump -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -p 5432:5432 -d -v /home/manu/work:/opt/bonita/dump bonitasoft/bonita-postgres:9.6
- extra parameter
- access the new container through
docker exec -ti <container_id>
- run
psql -U postgres bonita < ./my_dump_file.sql
default way
docker run -p 5432:5432 -d bonitasoft/bonita-postgres:9.6
recommended way, to have datafiles out of container: bind a volume to /var/lib/postgresql/data
docker run -p 5432:5432 -d -v "/PATH_TO_DATA_FILES:/var/lib/postgresql/data" bonitasoft/bonita-postgres:9.6
with local volume for backup/restore and script exchange
docker run -p 5432:5432 -d -v "/PATH_TO_DATA_FILES:/var/lib/postgresql/data" -v"/MY_SQL_FOLDER:/opt/bonita/sql" bonitasoft/bonita-postgres:9.6
docker exec -ti <CONTAINER_ID> bash
Example to display Bonita version number:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> psql -U bonita -X -A -w -t -c 'select version from platform'
use provided docker-compose example
docker-compose up --build -d
# do some tests
docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans