The first version of laser-plasma ontology is provided by Protégé which is one of the most famous and well-established software for ontology creation. The ontology is saved in RDF/XML format which is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard for representing RDF (Resource Description Framework) data and is widely adopted in the semantic web community. It is a standard model for representing data and metadata on the web. RDF provides a framework for expressing relationships between resources in a machine-readable format, enabling data interchange and integration across different applications and systems.
To update/edit the ontology you first need to install Protégé on your system. Then open the app and on the top menu select: File-> open and select the rdf file. Here you can find a short documentary video on how to add new Classes, Object properties, and Data properties to the ontology.
One can also save the ontology in JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) format. It allows data to be interconnected and linked across domains by using URIs. It is commonly used in semantic web applications, including ontologies because it is simple and compatible with web standards and provides context to data through schemas or ontologies, making it machine-readable and interoperable. To save a .rdf file in a JSON-LD format, on the top menu of the Protégé select File-> Save as->, and instead of RDF/XML format choose JSON-LD format.
To visualize the ontology, after loading the .rdf file in the Protégé app, from the top menu select Window-> Tabs -> and select OWLViz or OntoGraf. Here you can find a short documentary video on how to use these features. OWLGrEd is also another software that is easy to understand and can be used even with "non-ontologists" to view the structure of ontology online in a web browser without specific expertise. We need to upload the ontology where OWLGrEd will present the structure of the ontology.