In those days and ages of GPGPU, Cloud Computing, and other bleeding-edge large-scale computing architectures, peoples often forget that 150% of their CPU comes with a layer of Instruction Level Parallelism: their SIMD computing unit. If writing code using SIMD systems was less of a nightmare then, yeah, people would use it. So, obviously, we had to write a library for it.
Writing SIMD wrapper libraries is not a new idea and a bunch exists already. What we want to showcase here is EVE : a C++20 library giving access in a uniform way across both ARM (neon) and x86 (from sse2 to avx-512)..
Its main advantages over similar libraries include:
- STL like algorithm support, including zip to operate on multiple ranges.
- ARM support (many libraries only support x86)
- A very comprehensive math library.It is liberally licensed and intended to be production quality.
This talk will include a collection of demos (like for different library features and benchmarks, as well as practical advice on using EVE in your projects.