Why not use "x" over Coze?
See the presentation
We respect the various projects in the space. Other projects have noble goals and we're thankful they exists. It's not cool to trash someone else's work. Authors have worked hard to bring value, frequently for free, to everyone.
We also think it's important to give specific reason why Coze's design is different from other projects. In this document, we attempt to give specific reasons why Coze was needed.
We love signify and think it's awesome.
It wasn't the right fit for what we use Coze for because:
- Not JSON.
- No browser implementations.
- No algorithm agility.
- No real plan to expand its use.
We love SSHSIG and think it's awesome.
OpenBSD announcement: https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.bin/ssh/PROTOCOL.sshsig?rev=1.1&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup
Can finally support signing messages: https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/master/PROTOCOL.sshsig
Proposed 2020, implemented and pushed ~2022.
Zami was waiting forever for this. Glad it's finally out there (but why did it take 25 years?).
Go lib: https://github.com/paultag/go-sshsig qbit's: https://github.com/qbit/sshign
Random blog: https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/ssh_signatures#comment-32383
SSH's fingerprint is the hash of the base64 ub64t (not +b64ut) encoding of the
public key. This is very close to the way Coze generates tmb
, and the
pre-digest message includes the b64ut value.
Phil Zimmerman can't sign things. If the author can't use it, perhaps others
should think about the usability.
The PGP Problem - https://latacora.micro.blog/2019/07/16/the-pgp-problem.html
See the Coze vs JOSE presentation.
We have a lot of respect for JOSE. We think its goals are noble and we're glad it exists.
- Updates old standards that are hard to use or require dependencies.
- Defines cryptographic key representation in JSON.
- Key has a thumbprint.
- Like a PGP/SSH fingerprint or Ethereum address.
- Thumbprints universally address specific keys.
- Defines algorithm suites.
- Uses some JSON.
- Somewhat human readable.
- JWT is not JSON (despite the name). JWT is not JSON in both encoded and decoded form.
- The "unencoded" option is still encoded, and was added to the standard later. (RFC 7797)
- Thumbprints have no way to signify hash algorithm (as of 2021/05/04) and it appears to be always assumed to be SHA-256, even for ES384 and ES512. Later, additional RFCs have followed this implicit requirement. For example RFC 8037 specifies that Ed25519 and Ed448, neither of which use SHA-256, use SHA-256 for their thumbprints.
- Payers are always transmitted encoded and as base64 and they increase in
size. For example,
is larger than the unencoded representation{"alg":"HS256","b64":false,"crit":["b64"]}
. - Converts UTF-8 to b64ut and encodes that into ASCII bytes, and then hashes/signs those bytes. That's at least one extra conversion.
- JOSE's double encoding of some base64 values is inefficient.
- Protected headers. For example, "alg" is required but doesn't always have to appear in the "protected" header. This makes "protected"/"unprotected" headers less meaningful.
- Any string that re-encodes b64ut grows in size. normal JOSE objects, both the compact (like JWT) and JSON forms grow in size.
- Every JWT library I've seen ignores JOSE/JWE and implements as minimal of JWS as they can. (In other words, not a complete JWT implementation)
JOSE: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515#appendix-A.4.1
Example JWS aesthetic:
"signatures":[{"protected":"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9", sign over:
Great question! I'm the co-author. I'll put on my salesman ballcap:
We get asked a lot, how does Coze compare to JOSE?
Coze is a cryptographic JSON messaging specification. It is open source (BSD 3) and has a reference implementation is written in Go along with a Javascript implementation a CLI library, and an awesome online tool.
When we first started, we knew we needed a dependable cryptographic framework for Cyphr.me which as it is deeply dependent on cryptography. We needed a standardized way to reference messages, replay attack prevention, signature malleability prevention, and other critical features we expected from a cryptographic framework.
We surveyed existing tools and among those was JOSE. At first glance JOSE looked promising, but as we dug into it we quickly realized it was not suitable for our needs. Implementing JOSE, or even just JWT, would have been hard and didn't have the features we anticipated. If we employed JOSE, it would have been for a specification that we were not happy with and needed additional restrictions on to meet our needs.
So we journeyed out on our own, and started work on what we first called the "radical cyphr", name such because it was a "radical" departure from existing tools. We knew that "radical cyphr" was a terrible name, and Jared joked that we should just name it "Cyphr JOSE", or "CO-SEE" for short. Eureka, Coze! We looked up the meaning, "a friendly talk; a chat" and it was perfect for a messaging standard.
We first worked privately on the specification, and then publicly released Coze on Jun 8, 2021, which is 30 years and one day after the initial release of PGP 1.0 as a nod to cypherpunk Phil Zimmermann.
Coze, compared to JOSE, made design changes that focus on a simplified specification that's easy for application deployment. We'll focus on larger concerns while omitting the smaller technical differences. Sometimes people are unaware of JOSE and know of the more specific JWT, but the following applies to "Coze Vs. JWT" as well.
The both Coze and JOSE share:
- Both permit several cipher suits ("algs") and easily supports new standards. (ES244, ES256, ES384, ES512, Ed25519, Ed25519ph)
- Both use at least some JSON in their construction.
- Coze and JOSE (the later RFC 7638) both define programmatic references for keys. Keys are probably where Coze and JOSE are the most similar.
- Is JSON.
- Coze messages are smaller than JWT's.
- The Coze specification is much smaller than JOSE or JWT.
- Prohibits signature malleability.
- Prohibits base 64 malleability.
- Prohibits JSON duplicate fields which alleviates a category of security concern.
- Coze provides built-in replay protection using
. - Does not suffer from re-encode ballooning.
- Has a feature complete online tool.
- Provides a reference implementation.
- Defines general purpose canonicalization.
(Including JWS, JWK, JWE, and JWT)
- JWT is not JSON.
- JWS is JSON, but it's not idiomatic JSON. For example, it base64 encodes JSON into JSON for headers.
- JWT is downstream of other JOSE specs, JWS, JWE, JWK. For a complete JWT implementation, it needs to be implemented in view of JWS, JWE, and JWK which are all complex. We're not aware of any JWT library that does this, all JWT libraries we're aware of are partial implementations.
- JOSE/JWT does not prohibit signature malleability.
- JOSE/JWT does not prohibit base 64 malleability. (See Base64 Malleability in Practice)
- JOSE/JWT does not prohibit duplicate JSON fields which is a security concern (See An Exploration of JSON Interoperability Vulnerabilities and control-f "duplicate")
- JOSE/JWT re-encode balloons which significantly increases the size of messages.
- JOSE has no built in replay protection. JOSE places the burden of defining unique message identifiers onto applications. This also means various systems are not out-of-the-box compatible. See rfc7515-10.10
- The functionality of JOSE online tools is limited
- JOSE and JWT has no reference implementation.
- JOSE does not define general purpose canonicalization.
Overall, we're very please with Coze, and use it heavily throughout Cyphr.me. We hope the open source community finds it useful, or in the very least as an example pushing progress forward. Coze glady accepts contributors on the existing Go or Javascript implementation. The Coze project would also be thrilled to have implementation in other languages, such as Python, Rust, and PHP.
We're planning future posts comparing to Coze other specifications (ssh, SSHSIG, signify, pgp, PEM, the rest of JOSE (JWK, JWS) PASETO, PASERK, Bitcoin, Ethereum), but until then see the coze_vs.md document.
We hope you enjoy Coze!
- Canonicalization is used in JOSE, but it's only applied narrowly to
thumbprints. JWS and JWTs can be out of order and not canonicalized.
-The JWT MUST conform to either the [JWS] or [JWE] specification. Note that whitespace is explicitly allowed in the representation and no canonicalization need be performed before encoding. [...] [A]pplication[s] may need to define a convention for the canonical case [...] if more than one party might need to produce the same value so that they can be compared.- Coze uses the generalized "Canonical Hash" (CH) to thumbprint any JSON object or binary blob, including keys and messages.
- Instead of "claims" inside of "payload" which is separate from head, Coze puts everything in pay.
- Coze provides replay protection using
while JOSE requires places the burden of defining unique message identifiers onto applications. This also means various systems are not out-of-the-box compatible. See https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7515#section-10.10
A Coze key is like a JOSE JWK, but it differs in a few significant ways.
- "iat" (issued at) is suggested for messages and keys.
- "tmb" may be included in the Coze key. "tmb" is deterministic digest from
the key's canonical form and uses the hashing algorithm specified by
- For JOSE, "Selection of Hash Function" isn't well defined. Coze explicitly defines how this is done.
- The Coze key thumbprint canon is {"alg","x"}.
- "alg" (algorithm) is required and must refer to a specific cryptographic algorithm. "alg" should be descriptive of any parameter information needed about the key's signing algorithm. For example, for an ecdsa key, "alg" should be descriptive of the type of signing algorithm (ECDSA), the curve (P-256), and the hash (SHA-256), which "ES256" is fully descriptive.
- Coze does not allow keys to interchange signing or key parameters by designed. For example, a key designed to be used with ES256 must only ever use the same ES256 parameters (such as the curve, hashing algo/design, ect...) and only ever be used with ES256 signatures.
- Note: "EC" or "ECDSA" is insufficient for the value of the "alg" parameter since they are not descriptive of a specific cryptographic algorithm.
- "kty" and "crv" are optional and redundant. "alg" takes the place of "kty" and "crv".
- In JOSE, instead of "EC" for the value of "kty" for ECDSA or ES256, the value of "kty" could have been "ECDSA" and then "ES256" for alg. JOSE could have even included "kta" for "key type algorithm" and set that to ES256 if saw conflict in reusing "alg". For Coze we saw no conflict in using "alg" for keys as well, and makes the standard simpler, more descriptive, more consistent, and easier to understand.
- "kid" ("Key ID") is an optional human readable label for the key. "kid" must not be used for anything programmatic.
- JOSE says that "kid" "is a hint indicating which key was used". What is the
key hint?
is better explicitly structured. This is why Coze specifiestmb
, which is explicitly structured and used to identify the key used for singing. Sincekid
isn't ideal for programmatic function, we use it as human readable key labeling.
- "use" and "key_ops" are redundant. "usages" (which is used by Javascript implementations) and "key_ops" are both absent in Coze.
- For Coze, "Ed25519" and "Ed448" is an algorithm ("alg"). An example of a
curve would be "Curve25519". In JOSE,
is "Ed25519" and is combined with a key type of OKP. (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8037#appendix-A.3) - For Coze, Ed25519 is instantiated with specific key parameters, for example, "Ed25519" has the hashing algorithm SHA-512. "Ed25519" is a sufficient identifier for both the key and the signing algorithm.
Note on Javascript's Subtle.Crypto
Example of JOSE: "use":"sig", "key_ops": "["sign", "verify"]"
Javascript includes "key_ops" but the RFC says "key_ops" should not be used with "use" (2021/05/27). "use" is far more clear. (See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7517#section-4.3 for where the RFC clearly says "key_ops" should not be used with "use".) Further, Javascript uses "usages" which is confusing with the RFC's "use". Eliminating "key_ops" and Javascript's "usages" makes the key's "usages" clear.
Javascript's cryptoKey.usages doesn't allow for verification.
A Crypto key with "usages" of
cannot be used to verify (2021/05/27). Chrome throws an error and there's no docs as to why. This is also counter to the JWK RFC about "use". What's the point of"use"
in the JWK if the browser doesn't even use it?
-Javascript's CryptoKey does not use "use"
, and does not have, JWK's "use"
as of 2021/05/13.
- As a further pain point, "use" is a single string, "key_ops", as required by javascript, is required to be an array. (Example: "[sign]")
"crv": "P-256",
"d": "bJnCQX7Ogd91FTIkmKtXeYFfjUfN4sQ3YXz2hLIbxJQ",
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
"x": "JxnHyqkG9J4gygj9jBhooRIOmGNcHTdplNt3ODhEtmo",
"y": "zueErjY0awFg9-7bt3NRnUFj1ZrL8MNc8kIYM1AQFwI"
The example string, "Potatoes," is 9 characters, and is encoded in UTF-8 as 9 bytes.
Encoded into base64, this string is UG90YXRvZXMs
which is 12 characters. All
strings are still encoded as UTF-8 in JOSE, including base64, which is 12 bytes.
Base64 is only 75% efficient in the byte space.
Normal english plus URL characters uses a about 98 characters out of the potential 256 for byte encoding.
98 common characters: (Allowing for space, tab, line feed, and carriage return at the end)
If Base98 was encoded efficiently, it should use 6.61 bits per character (2^x = 98 which is x ~= 6.61 bits per character.)
The string "Potatoes," would efficiently be encoded into ~60 bits. The base64 representation of this string is 96 bits. This means that the string is only about 63% efficient.
Please see the document "Efficient Barcode-URI Encoding for Arbitrary Payloads" for more notes on efficient encoding methods.
I'm not up-to-date with current PASETO (I dug originally into v1 but I understand that it has been deprecated), but it seems to look about the same. Coze has very different design ideals than PASETO. PASETO is a whole other rabbit hole.
Overall, Coze is more generalized than PASETO. PASETO was written as response to JWT while Coze is more like JOSE (minus the encryption).
There are a lot of differences between the two. Putting my salesman ballcap on:
- Is JSON.
- Prohibits signature malleability.
- Prohibits base 64 malleability.
- Prohibits JSON duplicate fields which alleviates a category of security concern.
- Does not suffer from re-encode ballooning.
- Permits several cipher suits ("algs") and easily supports new standards. (Currently ES244, ES256, ES384, ES512, Ed25519, Ed25519ph)
- Easy to use online tools. https://cyphr.me/coze
- PASETO is not JSON.
- PASETO does not prohibit signature malleability (See V3 Sign section)
- PASETO does not prohibit base 64 malleability. (See Base64 Malleability in Practice)
- PASETO does not prohibit duplicate JSON fields which is a security concern (See An Exploration of JSON Interoperability Vulnerabilities and control-f "duplicate")
- PASETO re-encode balloons which significantly increases the size of messages.
- PASERK keys are design while targeting PASETO footers, yet since keys identifiers are encoded in base64, and the footer re-encodes any given value, (as the spec says:
), these identifiers suffer from re-encode ballooning. - This also applies to payloads themselves. Since the signing step of PASETO is not JSON aware as it only encodes a given arbitrary message, any base64 encoded value in the message is re-encoded into base64. If PASETO was JSON, this re-encoding ballooning problem would not be an issue.
- PASERK keys are design while targeting PASETO footers, yet since keys identifiers are encoded in base64, and the footer re-encodes any given value, (as the spec says:
- PASETO supports only two cipher suites (which are used by v3 (ES384), and v4 (Ed25519))
- PASETO has no online tools.
I'd love to see an online signing tool for PASETO, but none appear to exist (2023/07/11). It would make playing around with it much easier. Googling "online paseto tool" returns no results.
Philosophically, both Coze and PASETO saw insufficiencies with JWT and JOSE or had different design goals with available specification. Each took much different approaches in solving those issues.
PASETO saw the problems with JWT and sought to define a minimal and rigid spec. Its philosophy is along the lines of "I just need to do this one thing and I don't care about other features" Consequently, any changes or differing features result in new specification needing to be written, for example a new algorithm would require a new "v5" spec to be written. Or those features are simply left undefined by PASETO and is left to applications to define. I think PASERK is a good example why PASETO isn't enough and is probably undersized, and PASETO should have broadened its considerations. (Note that "v1"/"v2" are deprecated)
Coze saw the problems with JOSE and sought to rigidly/strictly define semantics (base 64 encoding, signature malleability, defined references) but permits a general design that was easily extendable and anticipates future progress. Coze's philosophy is more "We want to do many things, so the spec must carefully define a few generic components that can be used for many different purposes".
Also note: -PASETO's signing step is not JSON aware. (Consequently, this leads to re-encode ballooning and the duplicate JSON field issue).
- Coze does not define encryption methods as Coze's focus is signing, not encryption (this may change in the future). PASETO has two modes, signing (called "public") and encryption (called "local").
- PASETO payloads are JSON, and the resulting token is base64. Any base64 encoded values in the JSON payload is re-encoded for the resulting token which results in re-encoding ballooning.
- PASERK is an extension to PASETO that provides key-wrapping and serialization, but importantly serving as a standardized means for identifying which key was used to sign messages.
- We see no reason for PASERK to have a
, let alone additionallylid
, All four of these fields are replaced by the Cozetmb
- We see no reason for PASERK to have a
- PASERK has four key identifier fields:
. All four of these fields are replaced in Coze by justtmb
Coze Uses digests heavily in the design. PASETO uses digests less and doesn't have a defined equivalent to cad
and czd
- PASETO doesn't always use digests as references and may use the public key directly as a reference.
- Coze focuses on signing JSON for any application. This includes session tokens. PASETO focuses on security tokens.
Both Coze and PASETO use base 64 for encoding binary values, but Coze uses a more strictly defined b64ut.
- https://github.com/paseto-standard/paseto-spec
- https://github.com/paseto-standard/paserk
- https://github.com/paseto-standard/paseto-spec/blob/master/docs/01-Protocol-Versions/Version2.md
- https://github.com/paseto-standard/paseto-spec/blob/master/docs/01-Protocol-Versions/Version3.md#sign
- https://github.com/paseto-standard/paseto-spec/blob/master/docs/01-Protocol-Versions/Version4.md
SQRL (Secure Quick Reliable Login) is an authentication library targeting user login. Coze is a cryptographic JSON messaging specification that authentication can be built on top of (See Cyphrpass).