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File metadata and controls

65 lines (41 loc) · 2.17 KB


Simple crosshair like yahoo charts or google for Chartist.js charting library. Just add

  • chartist-plugin-crosshair.css
  • chartist-plugin-crosshair.js

to your project, in option section add this:

var option={ your options ... , plugins:[Chartist.plugins.ctCrosshair()] } and see it


Note! For proper plugin work You need:

  • Your chart data JSON object must have seria name and meta, looks like var data = { labels: ['W1','W2' ], series: [{name:"test",data: [ {value: 1, meta: 'W1'},{value: 1, meta: 'W2'},]] };

Plugin has options

    1. Plugin can make main axis solid (dhashed):


implement you custom style in css selector it is

.ct-chart .ct-grid.ct-horizontal.axis{stroke:dimgray; stroke-dasharray: none;} .ct-chart .ct-grid.ct-vertical.axis{stroke:dimgray; stroke-dasharray: none;}

  • Plugin show (hide) a legend


in css selector

it is main legend container.ct-legend{... , seria name .ct-label-snm {.. , Y label .ct-label-lbl{... , X label .ct-label-val {....

  • Also you can implement you custom style for the crosshair lines in css .ct-cross-line { stroke: blue; stroke-width: 1px; stroke-dasharray: 2px; } and for the crosshair arrow boxes: Y axe .arrow_rbox {... and X .arrow_box{ . . .

So, in order to put all together you can see this sample on jsFiddle. Sample above has loading the data from Yahoo finance and build multi series chart. Also keep in mind that crosshair worked only on first line-seria, to change it place, on multy-line chart, You need implement some code reodering series array like in this sample.

Note! Plugin work only on Line-chart yet.. I'm planning add it in bar-chart also and I've idea to implement ability scroll the chart.