Overall focus is to reach a stable usable version of Dolo (aka known as 0.5) and an early version of Dolark with clean, working examples...
- test specification introduced so far
- extensions:
- conditional shocks for agent
- direct market clearing as in KSM (KS model)
- forward looking aggregate prices
- agregate stock variables
- clarify scopes and dependences
- document specs, somehow
- make examples work (add 2d example)
- feasibility matrix for various types of shocks/solution methods
- equilibrium computation
- performance & algo improvement
- perturbation:
- dim reduction a la BayerLuetticke
- performance improvements
- simulation tools
- perfect foresight simulation
- KSA-like dimension reduction
- special case 1d problems
- work on user interfaces (interactions with simulations)
- dolo:
- options system
- conditional shocks
- update decision rule object
- solution methods
- code cleanup
- doc, doc, doc
- dolang:
- support indexed expressions (cosmetically then for real)
- partial differentiation
- fix vectorization w.r.t. p
- interpolation
- custom extrapolation