Name | Type | Description | Notes |
isAuthenticated | Boolean | The organization is authenticated. Property returned only when asked by an organization admin. | [optional] |
banner | String | The organization banner | [optional] |
fiscalReceiptEligibility | Boolean | The organism can issue fiscal receipts (type ok and has not deactivated it) Must configure it and be authenticated to become enabled | [optional] |
fiscalReceiptIssuanceEnabled | Boolean | The organism is eligible, has set up his options, and is authenticated. | [optional] |
type | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsOrganizationType | [optional] | |
category | String | Organization category label | [optional] |
address | String | Organization Address (for authorized applications or if authorized by the organization) | [optional] |
geolocation | HelloAssoModelsSharedGeoLocation | [optional] | |
rnaNumber | String | Unique identifier assigned when creating the association | [optional] |
logo | String | Logo of organization | [optional] |
name | String | Name of organization | [optional] |
role | HelloAssoModelsEnumsGlobalRole | [optional] | |
city | String | Organization city | [optional] |
zipCode | String | Organization zip code | [optional] |
description | String | Organization description | [optional] |
updateDate | Date | Last update date of the organization | [optional] |
categoryJoId | Number | [optional] | |
url | String | The organization url | [optional] |
organizationSlug | String | The organization slug | [optional] |