Name | Type | Description | Notes |
payer | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsPayer | [optional] | |
items | [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsOrderItem] | All items of the order | [optional] |
payments | [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsOrderPayment] | All payments of the order | [optional] |
amount | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsOrderAmountModel | [optional] | |
id | Number | The ID of the Order | [optional] |
date | Date | Order creation date | [optional] |
formSlug | String | FormSlug (lowercase name of the form without special characters) | [optional] |
formType | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsFormType | [optional] | |
organizationName | String | The organization name. | [optional] |
organizationSlug | String | OrganizationSlug (lowercase name of the organization without special characters) | [optional] |
organizationType | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsOrganizationType | [optional] | |
organizationIsUnderColucheLaw | Boolean | Whether or not the organization is subject to the coluche law | [optional] |
checkoutIntentId | Number | Checkout intent Id if available | [optional] |
meta | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsCommonMetaModel | [optional] |