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File metadata and controls

executable file
208 lines (162 loc) · 9.26 KB


Unit tests for Scipion and its plugins.


Buildbot master is in charge of the configuration. It basically knows what to run and when to do it by reading master.cfg. However the code is actually run in a separate machine, the buildbot worker. The main implication of this, is that at the time we launch buildbot master, we DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO ACTUAL RUNTIME INFORMATION, like paths, environment variables, etc. But there are ways to work around this.

Restarting the master

  1. We ssh into the machine:
$ ssh -X buildbot@arquimedes

Testing changes

  1. Are we just getting started with some new changes we added to buildbot? Then we probably don't want to notify slack users of any failures. Set DONT_NOTIFY_SLACK before restarting buildbot:
buildbot@arquimedes:~$ export DONT_NOTIFY_SLACK=True

We probably need to bring any changes we made. This repository is in ~/master:

buildbot@arquimedes:~$ cd master
buildbot@arquimedes:~$ git pull
  1. Stop buildbot service.
buildbot@arquimedes:~$ sudo systemctl stop buildbot-master
  1. Restart without systemctl to test changes
buildbot@arquimedes:~$ buildbot restart ~/master
  1. Once you're confident with your changes, stop buildbot and start with systemctl.
buildbot@arquimedes:~$ buildbot stop ~/master
buildbot@arquimedes:~$ sudo systemctl start buildbot-master

Restarting buildbot service

If you don't want to test any changes and just want to restart buildbot, just do:

buildbot@arquimedes:~$ sudo systemctl restart buildbot-master

You can also check the status:

buildbot@arquimedes:~$ sudo systemctl status buildbot-master
● buildbot-master.service - BuildBot master service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/buildbot-master.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-04-10 16:38:46 CEST; 18h ago
 Main PID: 15398 (buildbot)
    Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/buildbot-master.service
           └─15398 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/buildbot start --nodaemon

Apr 10 16:38:46 systemd[1]: Started BuildBot master service.

In this file we can find all the constants that we need for the builders. Please note that the worker name and the worker pass are taken from the environment (i.e. they need to be set for example in .bash_profile).

One key part of is branchsDict. At the time of this writing, we have two orchestrator builders: devel and prod. In the variable branchsDict we can assign which branches we want to build in each orchestrator. As we can see, we can change the many of the branches we want to test in DEVEL: docs, xmipp, and scipion. In prod we only choose the scipion branch because we don't build docs, and because we install xmipp from pypi.

branchsDict = {DEVEL_GROUP_ID: {SCIPION_BUILD_ID: 'release-2.0.0-fixes',
                                XMIPP_BUILD_ID: 'release-19.03-fixes',
                                DOCS_BUILD_ID: 'release-2.0.0'},
               PROD_GROUP_ID: {
                   SCIPION_BUILD_ID: 'release-2.0.0-fixes'

Using properties

Since the master doesn't have access to the run environment, we have to use buildbot properties to use certain values. For example, in the master we don't know the exact path of our SCIPION_HOME. What we can achieve with properties is basically telling buildbot "hey, we'll use SCIPION_HOME here, but just wait until we're running on the worker to get the actual value".

Common properties: SCIPION_HOME

Let's take the example of SCIPION_HOME. This variable will be useful for us in different builders, like the one in charge of installing Xmipp in devel mode, but we don't know beforehand the whole path of SCIPION_HOME, so we need to set it at run time. Like you already know, there are two orchestrators: devel and prod. Let's use devel as an example. All of its steps are defined in the develBuildGroupFactory. One of these steps is setCommonProperties:

def setCommonProperties(groupId, factorySteps=None):
    factorySteps = factorySteps or util.BuildFactory()
    factorySteps.addStep(steps.SetPropertyFromCommand(command="echo $PWD",
                                                      name="Set SCIPION_HOME",
                                                      description="Set SCIPION_HOME",
                                                      descriptionDone="SCIPION_HOME set"))

                                           value="~/.config/scipion/scipion_%s.conf" % groupId,
                                           name="Set SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG",
                                           description="Set SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG",
                                           descriptionDone="SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG set"))

    factorySteps.addStep(steps.SetPropertyFromCommand(command='echo $(dirname "$(pwd)")',
                                                      name="Set BUILD_GROUP_HOME",
                                                      description="Set BUILD_GROUP_HOME",
                                                      descriptionDone="BUILD_GROUP_HOME set"
    return factorySteps

The orchestrators are set up so that their working directory will be the SCIPION_HOME. Therefore, we can know the path by executing the command echo $PWD. Once this is executed, the develBuilder has access to this property, and it can be accessed by using util.Property("SCIPION_HOME"):

In develBuildGroupFactory, it is used in the dict props so that we can pass it to other builders. See how we pass it to the XMIPP install builder:

props = {
        'SCIPION_HOME': util.Property("SCIPION_HOME"),
    steps.Trigger(schedulerNames=[XMIPP_INSTALL_PREFIX + groupId],

So now the Xmipp install builder has access to this property.

Properties as env variables:

However, having access to this property is limited to buildbot. For the Xmipp installation to know where SCIPION_HOME is, we need to set it as an environment variable. Check how we pass it as env=installEnv when we create the INSTALL_XMIPP_DEVEL in

    installEnv = {'SCIPION_HOME': util.Property('SCIPION_HOME')}
    bundleEnv = {}
    [ . . . . . . ]
            BuilderConfig(name=XMIPP_INSTALL_PREFIX + groupId,

Properties in strings

If we have to concatenate the value of a property with another string, we need to use the function Interpolate. Check how it's done in installXmippFactory:

      steps.SetPropertyFromCommand(command='echo $PWD', property='XMIPP_HOME'))

  linkToSitePkgs = ['ln', '-fs', util.Interpolate('%(prop:XMIPP_HOME)s/src/scipion-em-xmipp/xmipp3'),

Adding a plugin

The file getplugins.json contains the list of plugins that are tested. The order of the plugins is important because it takes dependencies into account. To test a new plugin you only need to add it to this list :)


Opening a failed test

We ssh into the machine:

We will show up by default at Scipion devel directory. Before we launch Scipion, we need to select the right config file:

buildbot@einstein:~/scipionBot/devel/scipion$ export   SCIPION_LOCAL_CONFIG=~/.config/scipion/scipion_devel.conf

Now we can check any test that failed, for example TestEmanRefine2D:

buildbot@einstein:~/scipionBot/devel/scipion$ ./scipion project TestEmanRefine2D

If we wanted to do this but with prod, we would have to navigate to ~/scipionBot/prod/scipion, use the config scipion_prod.conf.

Restarting the worker

If for whatever reason you need to restart the worker, navigate to ~/scipionBot and run:

buildbot@einstein:~/scipionBot/devel/scipion$ sudo systemctl restart buildbot-worker

We can also check the status, start and stop the worker by replacing restart with status, start or stop