diff --git a/booking-app/app/api/syncCalendars/route.ts b/booking-app/app/api/syncCalendars/route.ts
index 04c9b709..1c13b530 100644
--- a/booking-app/app/api/syncCalendars/route.ts
+++ b/booking-app/app/api/syncCalendars/route.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import { Booking, MediaServices } from "@/components/src/types";
-import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
+import { toFirebaseTimestampFromString } from "@/components/src/client/utils/serverDate";
import { TableNames } from "@/components/src/policy";
-import { Timestamp } from "@firebase/firestore";
import admin from "@/lib/firebase/server/firebaseAdmin";
import { getCalendarClient } from "@/lib/googleClient";
-import { toFirebaseTimestampFromString } from "@/components/src/client/utils/serverDate";
+import { Timestamp } from "@firebase/firestore";
+import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
const db = admin.firestore();
const areRoomIdsSame = (roomIds1: string, roomIds2: string): boolean => {
diff --git a/booking-app/app/api/syncSemesterPregameBookings/route.ts b/booking-app/app/api/syncSemesterPregameBookings/route.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0719fa73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/booking-app/app/api/syncSemesterPregameBookings/route.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+import { toFirebaseTimestampFromString } from "@/components/src/client/utils/serverDate";
+import {
+ Booking,
+ BookingStatusLabel,
+ MediaServices,
+} from "@/components/src/types";
+import { serverGetNextSequentialId } from "@/lib/firebase/server/adminDb";
+import admin from "@/lib/firebase/server/firebaseAdmin";
+import { getCalendarClient } from "@/lib/googleClient";
+import { Timestamp } from "@firebase/firestore";
+import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
+const db = admin.firestore();
+const parseEmails = (emailString: string): string[] => {
+ // Match all email addresses that end with @nyu.edu
+ const emailRegex = /[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@nyu\.edu/g;
+ const emails = emailString.match(emailRegex) || [];
+ return Array.from(new Set(emails)); // Remove duplicates
+const findRoomIds = (title: string): string => {
+ const match = title.match(/^\d+(,\s*\d+)*/);
+ return match ? match[0] : ""; // マッチした場合は数値リスト、なければ空文字を返す
+const getRequesterEmails = (description: string): string[] => {
+ // Find content between Requester Details h2 tag and Reservation Details h2 tag
+ const regex =
+ /
]*>Requester Details[^>]*>([^<]*)]*>Reservation Details/;
+ const match = description.match(regex);
+ if (!match) return [];
+ return parseEmails(match[1]);
+const parseDescription = (
+ description: string,
+): Partial & { additionalEmails: string[] } => {
+ const bookingDetails: Partial & { additionalEmails: string[] } = {
+ additionalEmails: [],
+ };
+ // Extract emails from Requester Details
+ const emails = getRequesterEmails(description);
+ if (emails.length > 0) {
+ bookingDetails.email = emails[0];
+ bookingDetails.additionalEmails = emails.slice(1);
+ }
+ // Rest of the parsing logic remains the same
+ const descriptionMatch = description.match(
+ /Brief Event Description\s*:\s*([^•]+)]*>Cancellation Policy/,
+ );
+ if (descriptionMatch) {
+ bookingDetails.description = descriptionMatch[1].trim();
+ }
+ const mediaServicesArray: MediaServices[] = [];
+ let mediaServicesDetails = "";
+ // Parse Audio Lab Staffing Needs
+ const audioLabMatch = description.match(
+ /Audio Lab Staffing Needs:\s*([^•]+)/,
+ );
+ if (audioLabMatch) {
+ const audioLabNeeds = audioLabMatch[1].trim();
+ if (audioLabNeeds !== "false" && !audioLabNeeds.startsWith("N/A")) {
+ mediaServicesArray.push(MediaServices.AUDIO_TECH_230);
+ if (audioLabNeeds !== "true") {
+ mediaServicesDetails += `Audio Lab: ${audioLabNeeds}\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse Garage Lighting Staffing Needs
+ const garageLightingMatch = description.match(
+ /Garage Lighting Staffing Needs\s*:\s*([^•]+)/,
+ );
+ if (garageLightingMatch) {
+ const value = garageLightingMatch[1].trim();
+ if (value !== "false" && !value.startsWith("N/A")) {
+ mediaServicesArray.push(MediaServices.LIGHTING_TECH_103);
+ if (value !== "true") {
+ mediaServicesDetails += `Garage Lighting: ${value}\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse Garage Audio Staffing Needs
+ const garageAudioMatch = description.match(
+ /Garage Audio Staffing Needs\s*:\s*([^•]+)/,
+ );
+ if (garageAudioMatch) {
+ const value = garageAudioMatch[1].trim();
+ if (value !== "false" && !value.startsWith("N/A")) {
+ mediaServicesArray.push(MediaServices.AUDIO_TECH_103);
+ if (value !== "true") {
+ mediaServicesDetails += `Garage Audio: ${value}\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse Equipment Rental
+ const equipmentRentalMatch = description.match(
+ /Equipment Rental\s*:\s*([^•]+)/,
+ );
+ if (equipmentRentalMatch) {
+ const value = equipmentRentalMatch[1].trim().toLowerCase();
+ if (value === "true") {
+ mediaServicesArray.push(MediaServices.CHECKOUT_EQUIPMENT);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set mediaServices and mediaServicesDetails if any services were requested
+ if (mediaServicesArray.length > 0) {
+ bookingDetails.mediaServices = mediaServicesArray.join(",");
+ if (mediaServicesDetails.trim()) {
+ bookingDetails.mediaServicesDetails = mediaServicesDetails.trim();
+ }
+ }
+ const parseField = (fieldName: string): string => {
+ const regex = new RegExp(`${fieldName}\\s*:\\s*([^•]+)`);
+ const match = description.match(regex);
+ if (!match) return "No";
+ const value = match[1].trim().toLowerCase();
+ return value === "true" ? "Yes" : "No";
+ };
+ bookingDetails.catering = parseField("Catering");
+ bookingDetails.roomSetup = parseField("Room Setup");
+ bookingDetails.hireSecurity = parseField("Campus Safety");
+ return bookingDetails;
+const hasRequesterDetails = (description: string): boolean => {
+ return description.includes("Requester Details");
+const findGuestEmails = (event: any, description: string): string[] => {
+ const guestEmails = new Set();
+ const parsedDetails = parseDescription(description);
+ // Add primary email if exists
+ if (parsedDetails.email) {
+ guestEmails.add(parsedDetails.email);
+ }
+ // Add additional emails if any
+ if (parsedDetails.additionalEmails?.length > 0) {
+ parsedDetails.additionalEmails.forEach(email => guestEmails.add(email));
+ }
+ // Add existing attendees that are not calendar resources
+ if (event.attendees?.length > 0) {
+ event.attendees.forEach((attendee: any) => {
+ if (
+ attendee.email &&
+ !attendee.email.endsWith("@group.calendar.google.com")
+ ) {
+ guestEmails.add(attendee.email);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return Array.from(guestEmails);
+const createBookingWithDefaults = (
+ partialBooking: Partial,
+): Booking => {
+ //@ts-ignore
+ return {
+ title: "",
+ description: "",
+ email: "",
+ firstName: "",
+ lastName: "",
+ secondaryName: "",
+ nNumber: "",
+ netId: "",
+ phoneNumber: "",
+ department: "",
+ otherDepartment: "",
+ role: "",
+ sponsorFirstName: "",
+ sponsorLastName: "",
+ sponsorEmail: "",
+ bookingType: "",
+ attendeeAffiliation: "",
+ roomSetup: "",
+ setupDetails: "",
+ mediaServices: "",
+ mediaServicesDetails: "",
+ catering: "",
+ hireSecurity: "",
+ expectedAttendance: "",
+ cateringService: "",
+ chartFieldForCatering: "",
+ chartFieldForSecurity: "",
+ chartFieldForRoomSetup: "",
+ calendarEventId: "",
+ roomId: "",
+ requestNumber: 0,
+ equipmentCheckedOut: false,
+ startDate: null,
+ endDate: null,
+ requestedAt: undefined,
+ ...partialBooking,
+ };
+export async function POST(request: Request) {
+ try {
+ const calendar = await getCalendarClient();
+ const resourcesSnapshot = await db.collection("resources").get();
+ const resources = resourcesSnapshot.docs.map(doc => ({
+ id: doc.id,
+ calendarId: doc.data().calendarId,
+ roomId: doc.data().roomId,
+ }));
+ let totalNewBookings = 0;
+ let totalUpdatedBookings = 0;
+ let targetBookings = 0;
+ const now = new Date();
+ const oneMonthsAgo = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), 1);
+ const fifthMonthsLater = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 6, 0);
+ const timeMin = oneMonthsAgo.toISOString();
+ const timeMax = fifthMonthsLater.toISOString();
+ for (const resource of resources) {
+ console.log("calendarId", resource.calendarId);
+ try {
+ let pageToken: string | undefined;
+ const calendarId = resource.calendarId;
+ do {
+ const events = await calendar.events.list({
+ calendarId: calendarId,
+ timeMin: timeMin,
+ timeMax: timeMax,
+ maxResults: 500,
+ singleEvents: true,
+ orderBy: "startTime",
+ pageToken: pageToken,
+ });
+ for (const event of events.data.items || []) {
+ //Skip not pregame events
+ console.log(event.summary);
+ console.log(
+ "Is it pregame event?",
+ hasRequesterDetails(event.description),
+ );
+ if (hasRequesterDetails(event.description)) {
+ const bookingRef = db
+ .collection("bookings")
+ .where("calendarEventId", "==", event.id);
+ const bookingSnapshot = await bookingRef.get();
+ const description = event.description || "";
+ const parsedDetails = parseDescription(description);
+ const guestEmails = findGuestEmails(event, description);
+ const roomIds = findRoomIds(event.summary);
+ const startDate = toFirebaseTimestampFromString(
+ event.start?.dateTime,
+ ) as Timestamp;
+ const title = event.summary;
+ const sanitizedTitle = title.replace(/^\[.*?\]\s*/, ""); // `[PENDING]` を削除
+ console.log("sanitizedTitle", sanitizedTitle);
+ const existingBookingSnapshot = await db
+ .collection("bookings")
+ .where("title", "==", sanitizedTitle)
+ .where("startDate", "==", startDate)
+ .get();
+ if (!existingBookingSnapshot.empty) {
+ console.log(
+ `Skipping event with title "${title}", startDate "${event.start?.dateTime}" as it already exists.`,
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (bookingSnapshot.empty && guestEmails) {
+ targetBookings++;
+ console.log("calendarEventId", event.id);
+ console.log("title", event.summary);
+ console.log("guestEmails[0]", guestEmails[0]);
+ const calendarEventId = event.id;
+ const newBooking = createBookingWithDefaults({
+ ...parsedDetails,
+ title: sanitizedTitle,
+ email: guestEmails[0],
+ startDate: toFirebaseTimestampFromString(
+ event.start?.dateTime,
+ ) as Timestamp,
+ endDate: toFirebaseTimestampFromString(
+ event.end?.dateTime,
+ ) as Timestamp,
+ calendarEventId: calendarEventId || "",
+ roomId: roomIds,
+ requestNumber: await serverGetNextSequentialId("bookings"),
+ netId: guestEmails[0] ? guestEmails[0].split("@")[0] : "",
+ });
+ console.log("newBooking", newBooking);
+ const newTitle = `[${BookingStatusLabel.PENDING}] ${event.summary}`;
+ //const bookingDocRef = await db
+ // .collection(TableNames.BOOKING)
+ // .add({
+ // ...newBooking,
+ // requestedAt: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
+ // firstApprovedAt:
+ // admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
+ // });
+ ////Add all requesters as guests to the calendar event
+ //if (event.id) {
+ // await calendar.events.patch({
+ // calendarId: resource.calendarId,
+ // eventId: event.id,
+ // requestBody: {
+ // summary: newTitle,
+ // },
+ // });
+ //}
+ //console.log(`New Booking created with ID: ${bookingDocRef.id}`);
+ //totalNewBookings++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pageToken = events.data.nextPageToken;
+ } while (pageToken);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(
+ `Error processing calendar ${resource.calendarId}:`,
+ error,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ console.log("targetBookings", targetBookings);
+ console.log("totalNewBookings", totalNewBookings);
+ console.log("totalUpdatedBookings", totalUpdatedBookings);
+ return NextResponse.json(
+ {
+ message: `${totalNewBookings} new bookings have been synchronized. ${totalUpdatedBookings} existing bookings have been updated with multiple rooms.`,
+ },
+ { status: 200 },
+ );
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("Error syncing calendars:", error);
+ return NextResponse.json(
+ { error: "An error occurred while syncing calendars." },
+ { status: 500 },
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/booking-app/components/src/client/routes/admin/components/SyncCalendars.tsx b/booking-app/components/src/client/routes/admin/components/SyncCalendars.tsx
index 05cbde05..7b31d601 100644
--- a/booking-app/components/src/client/routes/admin/components/SyncCalendars.tsx
+++ b/booking-app/components/src/client/routes/admin/components/SyncCalendars.tsx
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import { Box, Button, Typography } from "@mui/material";
-import React, { useState } from "react";
+import { useState } from "react";
import AlertToast from "../../components/AlertToast";
-import { TableNames } from "@/components/src/policy";
const SyncCalendars = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
@@ -33,6 +32,29 @@ const SyncCalendars = () => {
+ const handlePregameSync = async () => {
+ setLoading(true);
+ setShowAlert(false);
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch("/api/syncSemesterPregameBookings", {
+ method: "POST",
+ });
+ const data = await response.json();
+ if (response.ok) {
+ setMessage(`Sync successful: ${data.message}`);
+ setAlertSeverity("success");
+ } else {
+ setMessage(`Error: ${data.error}`);
+ setAlertSeverity("error");
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ setMessage("An error occurred while syncing calendars.");
+ setAlertSeverity("error");
+ } finally {
+ setLoading(false);
+ setShowAlert(true);
+ }
+ };
return (
@@ -55,6 +77,31 @@ const SyncCalendars = () => {
handleClose={() => setShowAlert(false)}
+ {" "}
+ Sync Pregame Calendar Events to Database
+ This function saves existing pregame events from the calendar to the
+ database.
+ setShowAlert(false)}
+ />