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Releases: JuliaPluto/PlutoSliderServer.jl


05 Feb 09:56
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PlutoSliderServer v0.3.5

Diff since v0.3.4

Merged pull requests:

  • Don't allow requests to notebooks while they are updating (#53) (@fonsp)


05 Feb 09:39
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PlutoSliderServer v0.3.4

Diff since v0.3.3

Closed issues:

  • Request hash not found - Issue caused by escape character when running nginx reverse proxy (#46)

Merged pull requests:


10 Dec 21:39
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PlutoSliderServer v0.3.3

Diff since v0.3.2


24 Nov 11:37
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PlutoSliderServer v0.3.2

Diff since v0.3.1


23 Nov 23:31
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PlutoSliderServer v0.3.1

Export_watch_dir is now true by default. See 0.3.0 changelog for details

Diff since v0.3.0

Closed issues:

  • TagBot trigger issue (#33)


23 Nov 22:55
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PlutoSliderServer v0.3.0

Big new features

🌟 Documentation

Finally!! There is a lot of documentation now, including:

  • A much better README (which explains the next items).
  • Awesome docstrings for run_directory and friends, showing all possible options.
  • An automatically generated sample TOML file: run PlutoSliderServer.show_sample_config_toml_file() in your REPL.

🌟 Watch folder for changes

After scanning a directory for notebook files, you can ask Pluto to continue watching the directory for changes. When notebook files are added/removed, they are also added/removed from the server. When a notebook file changes, the notebook session is restarted.

This works especially well when this directory is a git-tracked directory. When running in a git directory, PlutoSliderServer can keep git pulling the directory, updating from the repository automatically.

See the SliderServer_watch_dir option and PlutoSliderServer.run_git_directory.

🌟 Continuous Deployment

The result is a Continuous Deployment setup: you can set up your PlutoSliderServer on a dedicated server running online, synced with your repository on github. You can then update the repository, and the PlutoSliderServer will update automatically.

The alternative is to redeploy the entire server every time a notebook changes. We found that this setup works fairly well, but causes long downtimes whenever a notebook changes, because all notebooks need to re-run. This can be a problem if your project consists of many notebooks, and they change frequently.

See PlutoSliderServer.run_git_directory.

Breaking changes:

  • A new setting, Export_watch_dir will be set to true by default (in 0.3.1, oops...), which will enable watching the directory for changes. Set this to false explicitly if you need to disable this behaviour.
  • The default behaviour of Export_output_dir changed: if you are also running a slider server, the default will be an empty temporary directory. See the docstring for run_directory for more info!
  • In the run_directory function, the keyword arguments run_server,static_export have been moved to our configurations: SliderServer_enable, Export_enable, resp. (But you probably didn't use this keyword argument.)

I am not aware of any other breaking changes, but there might be more (please let me know), since this is a big rewrite of the internals!

Enjoy! 🎈

Diff since v0.2.7

Merged pull requests:

  • Watch folder for notebook changes and update automagically (#31) (@fonsp)


22 Nov 19:05
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PlutoSliderServer v0.2.7

Diff since v0.2.6


28 Oct 20:06
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PlutoSliderServer v0.2.6

Diff since v0.2.5


14 Sep 14:05
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PlutoSliderServer v0.2.5

Diff since v0.2.4

Merged pull requests:


18 May 22:07
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PlutoSliderServer v0.2.4

Diff since v0.2.3