Releases: NG-ZORRO/ng-zorro-antd
It has been three months since we released the last stable version 1.8.1, and now here comes ng-zorro-antd 7.0.0! (From 7.0.0, the package’s major version number would be aligned to Angular’s)
According to the road map we published last year, we add 105 commits on the top of the last three release candidate versions. Now we have reached Milestone I.
- All components now work with OnPush change detection strategy. You can anticipate a tremendous improvement of performance.
- Animations are updated to meet Ant Design’s specifications. And you can configure animation globally or specifically to each component.
- New components: Empty, Statistic, Countdown and Comment.
- New features of Angular CDK is introduced to some components. For example, Table component now supports virtual scrolling.
- Lots of new features. Lots of bug fixes.
- You can use ISO date format in components like Calendar & Date Picker.
- Global scrolling strategy is changed. Modal and Drawer components will no longer shake under some circumstances.
- More strict TypeScript compiler options.
- Brand new logo and documentation site.
We will move on to Milestone II right after this release. Server side rendering (SSR), secondary entries, global configurations and dynamic validation would be supported in future versions to come.
Update Guidance
Update Angular and other packages to newest versions.
Update ng-zorro-antd to 7.0.
Pay attention to these changes to ensure that your code works as expected:
- All components now work with OnPush strategy. Components with this strategy would not respond to mutations on object properties or array child items, even decorated with @input(). So you should make all your @input properties immutable objects. Not only this would ensure your code works correctly but also improve performance if you use immutable objects right. Please checkout our example below.
- We correct the meaning of nzDropdownMatchSelectWidth of Select component. Now it means exactly opposite of the old one.
- If you want to add a button to an input-group in search mode, you should use nzAddOnAfter instead of nzSuffix.
Bug Fixes
- affix: fix should reset placeholder size when trigger resize event (#2835) (7068a5e), closes #2818
- anchor: fix called detectChanges when component destroy (#2864) (0e5c937), closes #2860
- animation: move hostbinding to constructor to fix angular transition bug (#2895) (e39f6bf)
- build: fix ES6 build target error (#2921) (ab62b40), closes #2893
- carousel: fix carousel does not display in modal or card (#2699) (e092bf0), closes #2387 ,#2226
- carousel: fix carousel does not render when window resizes (#2699) (e092bf0), closes #2158
- carousel: fix carousel item cannot be clicked (#2699) (e092bf0), closes #2631
- cascader: fix searching error when nzOptions is empty (#2846) (e33cc50), closes #2784
- cascader: fix children state not changed (#2986) (b87e8bb)
- core: fix the style of CDK conflicts (#2917) (37cf6f3), closes #2874
- date-picker, calendar, time-picker: provide a option to resolve the week number that is not according to ISO standard algorithm (#2819) (e1bce41), closes #2819 ,#2406
- drawer: fix body overflow problem (#2867) (1e081f0), closes #2227 #2615
- grid: fix grid responsive (#2915) (ab05619), closes #2908
- i18n: Danish locale is exported and mentioned in i18n docs (#2599) (6554cf5)
- i18n: update missing fields in fr_FR (#2586) (#2737) (c821d56)
- icon: fix falsy render (#2912) (6dd3cbf), closes #2911
- input: fix *fix icon new API capability (#2841) (3c954cb)
- menu, dropdown: fix dropdown in firefox (#2816) (09f21d0), closes #2834
- modal, drawer: IE/Edge SVG doesn't support
method (#2869) (7487a7e), closes #2388 - modal: fix body overflow problem (#2869) (7487a7e), closes #2612
- modal: unable to close the mask if the container is OnPush (#2869) (7487a7e), closes #2643
- radio: children unable to focus in radio label (#2850) (58743b8), closes #2774
- select: can not location to the selected value (#2741)
- select: fix multiple value not grow error (#2741)
- select: fix nzScrollToBottom bug when browser zoom (#2741)
- switch: fix switch error when loading or disabled (#2896) (a67984c), closes #2787
- table: fix border style error in Firefox (#2862) (074083e)
- table: fix th sort in ngIf (#2862) (074083e)
- table: multiple columns style nzRight (#2862) (074083e)
- time-picker: place the clear button adjustment to the outer input box (#2948) (ffb6665)
- tooltip: fix setTitle proxy to nzTitle (#2698) (f6dfbd9), closes #2695
- tree-select: fix tree-select overlay's index problem (#2764) ([599ae1a](
7.0.0-rc.2 [deprecated]
Bug Fixes
- input: fix input autoresize (#2662) (0621ce8), closes #2646
- layout: fix sider nzBreakPoint (#2665) (4fbfccb), closes #2603
- radio: fix radio ContentChildren error (#2660) (36b2099), closes #2206 #2611
- tabs: fix tabs style error (#2673) (458c062)
- autocomplete,dropdown: add class & style properties in overlay panel (#2639) (b7f41f8), closes #2634
- i18n: add Slovenian support, ICU locale sl_SI, #2545 (#2652) (d0b9a2a)
- make the doc website a pwa (#2661) (4f48ecd)
Bug Fixes
- input: 修复 autoresize (#2662) (0621ce8), closes #2646
- layout: 修复关于 nzBreakPoint 的错误(#2665) (4fbfccb), closes #2603
- radio: 修复 ContentChildren 的错误 (#2660) (36b2099), closes #2206 #2611
- tabs: 修复 tabs 样式的错误 (#2673) (458c062)
Bug Fixes
- drawer, modal: fix focus bug of IE (#2589) (0458604), closes #2388
- collapse: fix collapse (#2597) (5bb1a99), closes #2567
- icon: add missing icons used by ng-zorro-ant itself (ef10595)
- select: add title property for select component (#2575) (3444634), closes #1974
- table: should prevent tr click trigger when clicking expand (#2618) (88be1c3), closes #2419
- schematics: compatible with old version options (#2622) (bb1489b)
- tabs: support forceRender in tabs (#2619) (fa9160c)
- upload: support
(#2590) (c664c6f), closes #2389
Bug Fixes
- drawer, modal: 修复 IE 的 BUG (#2589) (0458604), closes #2388
- collapse: 修复无法改变状态的问题 (#2597) (5bb1a99), closes #2567
- icon: 修复缺少的图标的静态引入 (ef10595)
- select: 修复 title 属性(#2575) (3444634), closes #1974
- table: 修复单击事件冒泡的问题 (#2618) (88be1c3), closes #2419
- schematics: 兼容旧版选项 (#2622) (bb1489b)
will track the major version of @angular/core
from 7.0.0-rc.0
like other angular libraries.
- Support Angular 7.0
- Work with latest
- Support OnPush in some components
- Support SSR in some components
- Fix some bugs
We are still working on it now, you can track this issue to get more information.
将和其他 Angular 第三方库一样,保持与 Angular 的主版本号一致。当前版本已经完成了
- 支持 Angular 7.0
- 使用了 Angular CDK 7.0 的最新特性
- 部分组件支持 OnPush
- 部分组件支持了 SSR 的功能
- 修复了部分 Bug
整体的工作仍然还在推进之中,用户可以通过追踪相关 ISSUE 来获得最新的进度更新。
Bug Fixes
- collapse: can't fold up active panel with accordion (#2440) (a17ea49), closes #2437
- list: fix invalid render empty style when unspecified data source (#2415) (7ae325f), closes #2385
- menu: fix dropdown menu item selected className (#2434) (e6e2369), closes #2433
- menu: fix fold menu (#2454) (e41640a), closes #2449
Bug Fixes
- collapse: 修复手风琴面板无法完全折叠的问题 (#2440) (a17ea49), closes #2437
- list: 修复未指定 data source 时空样式的错误 (#2415) (7ae325f), closes #2385
- menu: 修复类名问题 (#2434) (e6e2369), closes #2433
- menu: 修复菜单折叠问题 (#2454) (e41640a), closes #2449
Bug Fixes
- calendar: fix calendar year picker (#2355) (a4a948c), closes #2351
- esm5: fix esm5 package (#2357) (e06b9a7), closes #2339
- layout: fix layout init breakpoint nzCollapsed value (#2350) (8f58fae), closes #2343
- menu: fix menu level 4 padding error (#2356) (7906066), closes #2327
- spin: fix spin hang error with submenu (#2352) (65fc10a), closes #2346
- tree: fix icon to svg & draggable event listener (#2338) (8bc488e), closes #2332 #2205 #2336
- tree-select: can't work default values in OnPush mode (#2364) (04cf7aa), closes #2318 #2085
- icon: add injectiontoken config and default twotone color (#2353) (bea1d05)
- list: list empty style (#2365) (e2d09a0), closes #2362
Performance Improvements
Bug Fixes
- calendar: 修复年份选择器的问题 (#2355) (a4a948c), closes #2351
- esm5: 修复 esm5 格式发布包的使用问题 (#2357) (e06b9a7), closes #2339
- layout: 修复初始化时的 breakpoint 触发 nzCollapsed 问题 (#2350) (8f58fae), closes #2343
- menu: 修复深层级菜单问题 (#2356) (7906066), closes #2327
- spin: 修复 submenu 在 spin 下的问题 (#2352) (65fc10a), closes #2346
- tree: 修复 icon 问题及拖拽性能问题 (#2338) (8bc488e), closes #2332 #2205 #2336
- tree-select: 修复在 OnPush 下的问题(#2364) (04cf7aa), closes #2318 #2085
Performance Improvements
Note for SVG icon
After 1.7.0
version,we synced to Ant Design 3.9.x
and replaced font icons with svg icons which bring benefits below:
- Complete offline usage of icon, no dependency of alipay cdn font icon file and no more empty square during downloading than no need to deploy icon font files locally either.
- Much more display accuracy in lower-level screens.
- Support multiple colors for icon.
- No need to change built-in icons with overriding styles by providing more props in component.
We make the old API compatible to this new component. You don't need to change your code but some configuration is required perhaps. You can find more about Icon API in section "SVG icon" and "Static loading and dynamic loading".
Bug Fixes
- tabs: hide next and prev buttons when nzTabPosition is left or right (#2239) (3bb8be5)
- breadcrumb: navigate within angular (#2283) (0c41306), closes #2254
- button: fix button loading bug (#2251) (cb71e9b), closes #2191
- cascader: fix error when nzOptions change and in search mode (#2241) (c3c2d26), closes #2105
- cascader: fix support to nzLabelProperty (#2231) (37523c8), closes #2103
- date-picker: fix the calendar not shown up when click on the icon (#2235) (8ffcfac), closes #2221
- date-picker: use fixed width when "nzShowTime" settled for picker (#2236) (463a14c)
- icon: fix broken icons (#2248) (e0d9987)
- icon: fix icon classname writeback (#2259) (c6337c2)
- list: fix does not trigger change detection correctly when from empty array to data array (#2199) (92c1a85)
- select: fix space closing select panel (#2240) (3d7fe39), closes #2201
- select,tree-select: prevent pop the dropdown when click remove (#2290) (4fa9367), closes #2276
- spin: fix cdk change detection (#2255) (25671b6), closes #1819
- table: fix filter table header in ant design 3.10 (#2260) (ebf151a)
- upload: fix only allow type is picture or picture-card generate thumbnail (#2219) (8306111), closes #2216
- icon: switch to SVG icons (#2171) (7bdb79b)
- modal: auto focus when open and restore focus when close (#2188) (7c0ced4), closes #2124
- schematics: add fix icon schematic (#2238) (8861beb)
SVG icon 升级指南
在 1.7.0 版本后,我们与 Ant Design 3.9.x 同步,使用了 svg 图标替换了原先的 font 图标,从而带来了以下优势:
- 可以离线化使用,不需要从支付宝 cdn 下载字体文件,图标不会因为网络问题呈现方块,也无需字体文件本地部署。
- 在低端设备上 svg 有更好的清晰度。
- 支持多色图标。
- 对于内建图标的更换可以提供更多 API,而不需要进行样式覆盖。
我们尽可能地在不增加包体积的前提下对旧的 API 进行了兼容,你无需修改代码,但可能需要进行一些配置。关于 icon 的更多信息,请阅读 Icon API 的“SVG 图标”和“静态加载与动态加载”两节。
Bug Fixes
- tabs: 修复 pre next 按钮 (#2239) (3bb8be5)
- breadcrumb: 修复 routerLink (#2283) (0c41306), closes #2254
- button: 修复 loading 问题 (#2251) (cb71e9b), closes #2191
- cascader: 修复 nzOption 变化时的问题 (#2241) (c3c2d26), closes #2105
- cascader: 支持 nzLabelProperty (#2231) (37523c8), closes #2103
- date-picker: 修复点击 icon 不展开的问题 (#2235) (8ffcfac), closes #2221
- date-picker: 修复 nzShowTime 时样式问题 (#2236) (463a14c)
- icon: 修复 ICON 问题 (#2248) (e0d9987)
- icon: 修复 ICON class 问题 (#2259) (c6337c2)
- list: 修复 List 脏值检测问题 (#2199) (92c1a85)
- select: 修复 Select 组件在空格按键下的问题 (#2240) (3d7fe39), closes #2201
- select,tree-select: 修复点击删除时的展开问题 (#2290) (4fa9367), closes #2276
- spin: 修复 CDK 下的脏值检测问题 (#2255) (25671b6), closes #1819
- table: 修复 3.10 样式下的问题 (#2260) (ebf151a)
- upload: 修复 上传文件过大导致的崩溃问题 (#2219) (8306111), closes #2216
Bug Fixes
- date-picker: fix year-picker and month-picker style error within compacted input group (#2136) (049212f)
- calendar: fix calendar year list (#2140) (e485d02), closes #2091
- cascader: search correctly when a root node is a leaf node (#2108) (28556e4), closes #2104
- drawer: drawer content cannot scroll (#2120) (e8dad8f), closes #2119
- steps: fix dynamic steps error (#2149) (ee3fa7e), closes #2148
- publish: add version number validation and rename script (#2117) (bc1f6fa)
- schematics: compatibility with Angular CLI 6.2.0 (#2131) (ac428db)
- test: fix test coverage dependency (#2146) (310771f)
- upload: fix typo (#2173) (69c5210)
- drawer: support service to create drawer (#1981) (a232d59), closes #1937
- upload: add directory support (#2164) (3ef8bcf), closes #2167 #2154
- tree: support more functions & property (#2121)
- skeleton: add skeleton component (#1829)
- build: use ng-packagr to generate library (#2126)
Performance Improvements
Bug Fixes
- date-picker: 修复在 input group 中的样式问题 (#2136) (049212f)
- calendar: 修复年份列表选择器的问题 (#2140) (e485d02), closes #2091
- cascader: 修复搜索问题 (#2108) (28556e4), closes #2104
- drawer: 修复不能滚动问题 (#2120) (e8dad8f), closes #2119
- steps: 修复动态生成问题 (#2149) (ee3fa7e), closes #2148
- publish: 增加版本校验 (#2117) (bc1f6fa)
- schematics: 修复与 Angular CLI 6.2.0 的兼容问题 (#2131) (ac428db)
- test: 修复覆盖率问题 (#2146) (310771f)
- upload: 修复提示错误 (#2173) (69c5210)
- drawer: 支持使用 service 创建 drawer (#1981) (a232d59), closes #1937
- upload: 支持文件夹上传 (#2164) (3ef8bcf), closes #2167 #2154
- tree: 支持更多常用属性,简化用法 (#2121)
- skeleton: 增加 skeleton 组件 (#1829)
- build: 打包器切换至 ng-packagr (#2126)