Releases: NanoVNA-Saver/nanovna-saver
Sunday Night NanoVNA
Offers new display settings, including a setting to show lines between data points, and a dark mode for night time VNA work.
Includes a beta version of calibration using imperfect calibration standards. If you requested this, and know how to test it - please do!
Supports loading of Touchstone files in kHz, MHz and GHz (still only real/imag, though - not magnitude/angle)
Mouse control of "mouse marker" is now in the Smith/Polar charts as well.
New options for displaying charts, and quality of life upgrades
This version supports selecting which charts to display where, and displaying as little as one, or as many as 6 simultaneous charts. It adds phase charts and VSWR charts. The application window title now displays the source of sweep and reference, as well as the number of points. The markers now display a reactive equivalent in nF or nH, as applicable.
- Added 32-bit build
Latest and greatest! New UI! New markers! 2-port calibration!
Today's release (Yes, it really is daily at this point) has a bunch of new features, a new layout, and a better internal structure to support "pip" for installing.
A mouse-controlled marker is now available, and all markers have a Better graphic to show them more clearly.
2-port 1-path calibration is now available in the application, and calibrations can be saved and loaded.
The UI has been changed in an attempt to further adapt for small screen users.
I thank Ohan and Olgierd, who have both contributed code to this release.
For smaller screens, and with more features
- Main window is now scrollable for small monitors
- File-handling is in a separate pop-out window
- A basic mouse-adjustable cursor has been added to log-mag charts
- In-app 1-port calibration is now available
- Automatically finds relevant serial ports
- Touchstone files can now be imported as sweeps as well as reference
Reference sweeps
This release adds the ability to store the result of a sweep as a reference, or to load a Touchstone 1-port or 2-port file as a reference sweep, to be displayed along with live data from the NanoVNA.
TDR and 2-port Touchstone files
This release adds the popular feature of time-domain reflectometry, allowing for measurement of cable lengths. It also adds support for 2-port Touchstone files.
First public release
This is a very early first public release version of the NanoVNASaver. Use at your own risk.
Exporting function fixed in update a.