Alex The Entreprenerd performed a 3 weeks review of Apollon
Commit Hash: 9f2b059df304c543fcd46b02d8d2a0b3fab0b228
He additionally performed a complimentary mitigation review of the fixes
This review uses Code4rena Severity Classification
The Review is done as a best effort service, while a lot of time and attention was dedicated to the security review, it cannot guarantee that no bug is left
As a general rule we always recommend doing one additional security review until no bugs are found, this in conjunction with a Guarded Launch and a Bug Bounty can help further reduce the likelihood that any specific bug was missed
Recon offers boutique security reviews, invariant testing development and is pioneering Cloud Fuzzing as a best practice by offering Recon Pro, the most complete tool to run tools such as Echidna, Medusa, Foundry, Kontrol and Halmos in the cloud with just a few clicks
Alex is a well known Security Researcher that has collaborated with multiple contest firms such as:
- Code4rena - One of the most prolific and respected judges, won the Tapioca contest, at the time the 3rd highest contest pot ever
- Spearbit - Have done reviews for Tapioca, Threshold USD, Velodrome and more
- Recon - Centrifuge Invariant Testing Suite, Corn and Badger invariants as well as live monitoring
- High Risk
- H-01
lacks access control - H-02
is increasing debt but not checking for it in_finaliseTrove
, opening up for self-liquidations - H-03
Inconsistent IMCR logic could allow risky collaterals to have a higher CollerateralRatio during Recovery Mode - H-04 Lack of min borrow + min fee allows Spam Opening troves to trigger Recovery Mode
- H-05
Token Transfer is updating the total supply before accruing rewards to users causing loss of rewards - H-06
doesn't update reward debt, allowing multiple claims - H-07 Pull Based Oracle opens up to triggering Recovery Mode and liquidating other Troves as a risk free arbitrage
- H-01
- Med Risk
- M-01
Redemptions should be disabled during Recovery Mode - M-02
value validation looks incorrect - M-03
allows redemption against stale prices - M-04
redistributes bad debt and collateral after all operations, meaning it will allow skipping bad debt redistribution during liquidations - M-05 Decay Coefficient could round down and have an effective slower decay
- M-06
always returnsborrowingFeeFloor
- M-07 Ticking Interest Rate opens up to multi-block MEV - Directly Triggering Recovery Mode on the next block due to interest ticking
- M-08
alters user debt but enforces prices are not stale only for debts that are being actively altered - M-09 Users could opt to never use Pyth and always rely on the fallback feed due to lack of validation on certain functions
- M-10
is non deterministic and can cause people to lose funds - M-11
is performing some swaps without updating the price, resulting in incorrect fees being charged - M-12 Pull Based Oracle may allow for profitable self-liquidations
- M-13 Operative Risks tied to changing Risk Based Parameter
- M-01
- QA
- Q-01
Comment around_emitLiquidationSummaryEvent
is incorrect - Q-02
loop shouldbreak
on last Trove - Q-03
needs to be capped due to OOG reverts - Q-04
will drip rewards to no-one if rewards are queued before any deposit - Q-05
Hardcoded DOMAIN_SEPARATOR will cause issues and replay on a chain split - Q-06 Riskiest Trove can be made to pay compound interest cheaply
- Q-07 Redemptions that redeem close to 100% of the Trove Debt may revert when the hint is inaccurate
- Q-08 Liquidation Logic will not work on all troves when the system is underwater
- Q-09 Up to (1e18 - 1) loss in interest paid due to rounding down
- Q-10 Bad Debt Redistribution can be avoided by removing collaterals
- Q-11 Stablecoin interest being lower than jTokens seems inconsistent + Tokens with different volatilities pay the same fee
- Q-12
First LP pays no fee and can set the price to an incorrect value, causing losses to traders, and higher fees - Q-13
Swap Fees may add up to more than 100% - Q-14
may result in a slight difference between debt and coll percentages being claimed due to rounding errors - Q-15
can be more than 1e18 - Q-16 Basic Style Guide advice
- Q-17
can benefit by having more validation - Q-18 WIP - Invariants
- Q-19
check should use>=
- Q-20
pauses liquidations which can be problematic - Q-21
charges for crossing the middle price - Q-22 Incompatibility with tokens that charge a fee on transfer
- Q-23 Analysis - Some thoughts, consideration and advice for next steps
- Q-24
is not validating desired and min amounts - Q-25
computes the swap fees without accounting for how fees will alter reserves - Q-26
can be front-runned and should be try/catched - Q-27
events usemsg.sender
but they should use the user taking on debt - Q-28
may revert on 0 transfer tokens - Q-29
is intended to overflow, but is not usingunchecked
- Q-30 Donation on Pairs, in conjunction with lax slippage could be used to take on unintended ratios of debt
- Q-31 Incorrect encoding for Permit
- Q-01
The function updateSystemSnapshots_excludeCollRemainder
doesn't have access control meaning that stakes can be manipulated
I found this by running invariant tests, with the simple check that no call should ever succeed
=> [call] CryticTester.troveManager_updateSystemSnapshots_excludeCollRemainder((address,uint256)[])([]) (addr=0xA647ff3c36cFab592509E13860ab8c4F28781a66, value=0, sender=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000030000)
=> [call] TroveManager.updateSystemSnapshots_excludeCollRemainder((address,uint256)[])([]) (addr=0x48E4F3f3daE11341ff2eDF60Af6857Ae08C871C5, value=0, sender=0xA647ff3c36cFab592509E13860ab8c4F28781a66)
=> [event] SystemSnapshotsUpdated([], [])
=> [return ()]
=> [event] Log("should never be possible")
=> [panic: assertion failed]
Add a check to ensure that the caller is LiquidationOperations
H-02 claimUnassignedAssets
is increasing debt but not checking for it in _finaliseTrove
, opening up for self-liquidations
will increase the amount of debt and collateral to a trove by a certain amount
Resulting in a Coll Increase and a Debt Increase
function claimUnassignedAssets(
uint _percentage,
address _upperHint,
address _lowerHint,
bytes[] memory _priceUpdateData
) external payable override {
if (_percentage == 0) revert ZeroDebtChange();
/// @audit Self Liquidation Risk?
address borrower = msg.sender;
(ContractsCache memory contractsCache, LocalVariables_adjustTrove memory vars) = _prepareTroveAdjustment(
// handle debts
DebtTokenAmount[] memory debtsToAdd = new DebtTokenAmount[](vars.priceCache.debtPrices.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < vars.priceCache.debtPrices.length; i++) {
address debtToken = vars.priceCache.debtPrices[i].tokenAddress;
uint unassignedDebt = contractsCache.storagePool.getValue(debtToken, false, PoolType.Unassigned);
if (unassignedDebt == 0) continue;
uint toClaim = (unassignedDebt * _percentage) / DECIMAL_PRECISION;
if (unassignedDebt == 0) continue;
contractsCache.storagePool.transferBetweenTypes(debtToken, false, PoolType.Unassigned, PoolType.Active, toClaim);
debtsToAdd[i] = DebtTokenAmount(IDebtToken(debtToken), toClaim, 0);
vars.newCompositeDebtInUSD += _getCompositeDebt(contractsCache.priceFeed, vars.priceCache, debtsToAdd);
contractsCache.troveManager.increaseTroveDebt(borrower, debtsToAdd);
// handle colls
TokenAmount[] memory collsToAdd = new TokenAmount[](vars.priceCache.collPrices.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < vars.priceCache.collPrices.length; i++) {
address collToken = vars.priceCache.collPrices[i].tokenAddress;
uint unassignedColl = contractsCache.storagePool.getValue(collToken, true, PoolType.Unassigned);
if (unassignedColl == 0) continue;
uint toClaim = (unassignedColl * _percentage) / DECIMAL_PRECISION;
if (unassignedColl == 0) continue;
contractsCache.storagePool.transferBetweenTypes(collToken, true, PoolType.Unassigned, PoolType.Active, toClaim);
collsToAdd[i] = TokenAmount(collToken, toClaim);
vars.newCompositeCollInUSD += _getCompositeColl(contractsCache.priceFeed, vars.priceCache, collsToAdd);
vars.newIMCR = _calculateIMCR(vars, collsToAdd, true);
contractsCache.troveManager.increaseTroveColl(borrower, collsToAdd);
_finaliseTrove(false, false, contractsCache, vars, borrower, _upperHint, _lowerHint);
but it's calling _finaliseTrove(false, false,
which means that these checks applied when _isDebtIncrease == true
are going to be skipped
if (_vars.isInRecoveryMode) {
// BorrowerOps: Collateral withdrawal not permitted Recovery Mode
if (_isCollWithdrawal) revert CollWithdrawPermittedInRM();
if (_isDebtIncrease) _requireICRisAboveCCR(_vars.newICR);
} else {
// if Normal Mode
// check if the individual minimum collateral ratio is met (based on the used coll types)
if (_isCollWithdrawal || _isDebtIncrease) _requireICRisAboveIMCR(_vars.newICR, _vars.newIMCR);
Change the code to
_finaliseTrove(false, true, contractsCache, vars, borrower, _upperHint, _lowerHint);
H-03 BorrowerOperations
Inconsistent IMCR logic could allow risky collaterals to have a higher CollerateralRatio during Recovery Mode
is a key part of the security checks for adjusting and opening Troves
From discussing with the team, I was made aware that some Collaterals may have a IMCR that would be above CCR (e.g. 175% CR)
Given this fact, we can check that the logic in _requireValidAdjustmentInCurrentMode
will relax it's IMCR requirements during recovery mode:
if (_vars.isInRecoveryMode) {
// BorrowerOps: Collateral withdrawal not permitted Recovery Mode
if (_isCollWithdrawal) revert CollWithdrawPermittedInRM();
if (_isDebtIncrease) _requireICRisAboveCCR(_vars.newICR);
} else {
// if Normal Mode
// check if the individual minimum collateral ratio is met (based on the used coll types)
if (_isCollWithdrawal || _isDebtIncrease) _requireICRisAboveIMCR(_vars.newICR, _vars.newIMCR);
In Normal Mode:
_requireICRisAboveIMCR(_vars.newICR, _vars.newIMCR);
X > 175%
In Recovery Mode
X > 150%
Meaning that due to not additionally checking for IMCR, some borrowers will have more borrowing power in Recovery Mode
You can quickly mitigate this by:
- Enforcing that all CollateralRatios are below CCR
- Adding an additional check for IMCR in all modes, at all times
It's worth exploring whether certain collaterals could not be added during Recovery Mode as to further reduce risks, I think this would require simulating various prices for specific collaterals
This finding chains multiple other observations to borrow for free
Because a Trove can be opened with 0 net debt, such trove won't pay a borrow fee
By opening a myriad of Troves, with a ICR < TCR we can drag the TCR down
By choosing an oracle price that is a valid negative update (for collateral, or positive update for debt denomination), we can hurt the ICR of these position slightly
When the system is in Recovery Mode, no borrowing fee is paid on opening a position, this can help borrow more stablecoin as a means to raise the ownership percentage of attacker in the Stability Pool, making the liquidations directly profitable to them
This allows to trigger Recovery Mode at will, and liquidate any victim with ICR < TCR
- Setup by opening a myriad of Troves at ICR < TCR
- Update the price to trigger Recovery Mode
- Open the "real" trove a user wanted to open
- Borrow and bypass fees
- Liquidate Victims
- Close all other Troves that were opened for the setup
This can be fully automated with a smart contract that creates new proxies that open a Trove each
This could be used for 3 key reasons:
- Trigger Recovery Mode and Liquidate other people
- Borrow for free
- Raise the total amount of debt in the system to reduce the net fee on redemptions
I believe that Oracle price being non-deterministic on each block is a key issue
Additionally the fact that no minimum borrow size is enforced, means that these 0-net-debt are effectively free to open, whereas if some fee was charged that wouldn't be the case
Alternatively, you could always enforce a borrow fee at all times, this would have the downside of making liquidations less profitable and should be further researched
H-05 StakingOperations
Token Transfer is updating the total supply before accruing rewards to users causing loss of rewards
function updatePool(ISwapPair _pid) public {
PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid];
// check
if (block.timestamp <= pool.lastRewardTime) return;
// update
uint tokenSupply = _pid.balanceOf(address(this));
if (tokenSupply == 0 || totalAllocPoint == 0) {
pool.lastRewardTime = block.timestamp;
uint multiplier = block.timestamp - pool.lastRewardTime;
uint reward = (multiplier * rewardsPerSecond * pool.allocPoint) / totalAllocPoint;
pool.accRewardPerShare += (reward * REWARD_DECIMALS) / tokenSupply;
pool.lastRewardTime = block.timestamp;
-> Transfer -> New Balance -> Check points (user uses old balance, but total supply is the new one) -> User lost rewards -> New total Supply and correct total debt
In fixing this be careful not to cause a division by zero (as the initial deposit would)
This can only happen on deposits (which dilute rewards), if the same mistake was done on withdrawals, then value could be stolen
Because the code is tightly coupled, I think accruing and then transferring the tokens could be sufficient
Alternatively the scalable fix is to track the previous balance in storage as you suggested
I think tracking in storage is the best fix long term (allows to re-use the contract separately without bugs)
function claim(ISwapPair _pid) external override {
_claim(_pid, msg.sender);
function batchClaim(ISwapPair[] memory _pids) external override {
uint length = _pids.length;
for (uint n = 0; n < length; n++) {
_claim(_pids[n], msg.sender);
User rewards are computed as ((user.amount * accRewardPerShare) / REWARD_DECIMALS) - user.rewardDebt;
user.rewardDebt = (user.amount * pool.accRewardPerShare) / REWARD_DECIMALS;
is set in deposit and withdraw
but it is not update on claim
and batchClaim
Due to this, an exploiter can simply call claim
and batchClaim
repeatedly and steal all rewards
Change _claim
- Calculate user rewards and cache that value
- Set user debt to the new value, so their
are now zero - Then transfer the tokens
Also consider implementing the following invariants:
are set to zero after a call toclaim
H-07 Pull Based Oracle opens up to triggering Recovery Mode and liquidating other Troves as a risk free arbitrage
Pull Based oracle can be viewed as offering an attacker the ability to chose a combination of price that are not stale
This, combined with the possibility of lowering the TCR down via ones own positions opens up to a risk free arbitrage in which an attacker drags the TCR down to trigger Recovery Mode, and then they liquidate other people troves
Pyth Pull Oracles can be viewed as a sequence of prices, p0
to pn
where any ordered sequence p0 -> px -> pn
can be picked as long as all prices are within the staleness threshold
Recovery Mode allows healthy Troves to be liquidated when the TCR falls below a certain threshold
Liquidations can be performed arbitrarily and out of order, as long as a Trove meets the requirements for Liquidations
Due to this, an attacker can push the TCR down very close to Recovery Mode and then update prices to a more negative price to trigger Recovery Mode, and perform liquidations.
This is a risk free opportunity that could be abused any time the threshold for profit is met:
Profit = Gain from Liquidation * Ownership % - Opening Fees - Gas Costs
- Wait for a price sequence that will result in a decrease of TCR
- Use the older price (healthier price)
- Flashloan funds, borrow to bring the TCR very close to Recovery Mode
- Deposit into the Stability Pool, ideally a very high amount to maximize profits
- Update Prices, Recovery Mode is triggered
- Liquidate other Troves (ideally out of order, to liquidate a higher amount of collateral)
- Attacker closes their position
A few ideas for mitigation:
Offer a Grace Period in which Recovery Mode liquidations cannot happen, this can be a short delay (e.g. 15 minutes), which should allow victims to react (as long as they have setup monitoring and automations) - This is the safer option with the clear downside of a risk of desynching the state (as Recovery Mode may be engaged, but the timer would require an external call to be triggered)
You could enforce a different ratio at which opening Troves can be performed, but this would limit opening CRs always above the CCR, a buffer could be gamed by setting up Troves that over time have their CR below the CCR, or by setting up a very heathy Trove and then closing it
You may explore whether it's possible to always use the latest Pyth Price and enforce that only the latest price is used, this main risk would be the inability to perform operations anytime a transaction was in the mempool for too long
Also note that because you have a mixture of Collaterals and Debt Tokens, the opportunity to trigger Recovery Mode is higher than if you only used a single Collateral and Debt Pair
checks the TCR < MCR
, but should most likely check for TCR < CCR
(, uint TCR, , ) = storagePool.checkRecoveryMode(vars.priceCache); /// @audit High? not checking RM -> Mint for free, Inflate total supply (pay no redemption), redeem at small fee
if (TCR < MCR) revert LessThanMCR(); /// @audit-ok force to liquidate if all system is insolvent
This is because during Recovery Mode, minting fees are voided, meaning that the system may open up to additional arbitrages via Redemptions
Redemptions are generally disabled during RM in favour of liquidations
Investigate if additional arbitrages could be detrimental to your protocol due to reduced minting fees
From checking liquity they use a check similar to yours:
By definition a value for _exchangeRate
should be within the bounds of STOCK_SPLIT_PRECISION
if (_exchangeRate >= -STOCK_SPLIT_PRECISION && _exchangeRate < STOCK_SPLIT_PRECISION) revert InvalidExchangeRate();
It's unclear if this is incorrect
Either way I highly recommend simplifying the logic for stock splits to allow the owner to set a scalar multiplier and a divisor, this makes the logic a lot simpler with no additional risks
The code for _calculateTroveRedemption
doesn't validate that collaterals nor debts prices are not stale
function _calculateTroveRedemption(
PriceCache memory _priceCache,
address _borrower,
uint _redeemMaxAmount,
bool _includePendingRewards
) internal view returns (SingleRedemptionVariables memory vars) {
address stableCoinAddress = address(tokenManager.getStableCoin());
// stable coin debt should always exists because of the gas comp
TokenAmount[] memory troveDebt = _includePendingRewards
? troveManager.getTroveRepayableDebts(_priceCache, _borrower, true) // with pending rewards
: troveManager.getTroveDebt(_borrower); // without pending rewards
if (troveDebt.length == 0) revert InvalidRedemptionHint();
for (uint i = 0; i < troveDebt.length; i++) {
TokenAmount memory debtEntry = troveDebt[i];
if (debtEntry.tokenAddress == stableCoinAddress) vars.stableCoinEntry = debtEntry;
vars.troveDebtInUSD += priceFeed.getUSDValue(_priceCache, debtEntry.tokenAddress, debtEntry.amount);
vars.collLots = _includePendingRewards
? troveManager.getTroveWithdrawableColls(_borrower)
: troveManager.getTroveColl(_borrower);
for (uint i = 0; i < vars.collLots.length; i++) {
uint p = priceFeed.getUSDValue(_priceCache, vars.collLots[i].tokenAddress, vars.collLots[i].amount);
vars.troveCollInUSD += p;
if (!tokenManager.isDebtToken(vars.collLots[i].tokenAddress)) vars.redeemableTroveCollInUSD += p;
} /// @audit can change the ratio of a trove to have mostly `isDebtToken` debt | How does this relate to collateral?
This opens up to arbitrage opportunities where the pyth price may be higher for a certain collateral, while the fallback oracle price is lower, allowing the caller to receive more collateral than what would be the fair market price
Rethink oracle price staleness checks to prevent arbitrages
M-04 LiquidationOperations.batchLiquidateTroves
redistributes bad debt and collateral after all operations, meaning it will allow skipping bad debt redistribution during liquidations
The code for batchLiquidateTroves
is as follows:
function batchLiquidateTroves(address[] memory _troveArray, bytes[] memory _priceUpdateData) public payable override {
if (!troveManager.enableLiquidationAndRedeeming()) revert LiquidationDisabled(); /// @audit MUST be separate
if (_troveArray.length == 0) revert EmptyArray();
LocalVariables_OuterLiquidationFunction memory vars;
// update prices and build price cache
priceFeed.updatePythPrices{ value: msg.value }(_priceUpdateData); /// @audit custom update on oracle prices, doesn't guarantee everything will be valid
vars.priceCache = priceFeed.buildPriceCache();
(vars.isRecoveryMode, vars.TCR, vars.entireSystemCollInUSD, vars.entireSystemDebtInUSD) = storagePool
vars.remainingStabilities = stabilityPoolManager.getRemainingStability(vars.priceCache);
_initializeEmptyTokensToRedistribute(vars); // all set to 0 (nothing to redistribute)
bool atLeastOneTroveLiquidated = false;
for (uint i = 0; i < _troveArray.length; i++) {
address trove = _troveArray[i];
if (!troveManager.isTroveActive(trove)) continue; // Skip non-active troves | // @audit TODO: Are these ones with 0 debt?
if (troveManager.getTroveOwnersCount() <= 1) continue; // don't liquidate if last trove /// @audit Break?
bool liquidated = _executeTroveLiquidation(vars, trove); /// @audit Out of order Sorting based on Risk, to maximize profit
if (liquidated && !atLeastOneTroveLiquidated) atLeastOneTroveLiquidated = true;
if (!atLeastOneTroveLiquidated) revert NoLiquidatableTrove();
// move tokens into the stability pools
stabilityPoolManager.offset(vars.priceCache, vars.remainingStabilities); /// @audit Redistribute, but pay from reserve?
// and redistribute the rest (which could not be handled by the stability pool)
troveManager.redistributeDebtAndColl(vars.priceCache, vars.tokensToRedistribute); /// @audit But computed here ??
Where in the loop, liquidations are done on Troves for which their Debt and Coll is computed on pre-liquidation storage values:
) = troveManager.getEntireDebtAndColl(outerVars.priceCache, trove);
Meaning that redistributions of Debt and Coll are skipped while doing the batch liquidation
This will result in a higher premium to liquidators than intended, and a higher loss to CollStakers when the redistribution happens
This is an issue with how the math for liquidation is computed, because it applies only to very specific edge cases, it may be best to let end users know as the fix would require having in-memory accounting of debt redistribution, which will increase complexity
calls _minutesPassedSinceLastFeeOp
which rounds down by up to 1 minute - 1
function calcDecayedStableCoinBaseRate() public view override returns (uint) {
uint minutesPassed = _minutesPassedSinceLastFeeOp();
uint decayFactor = LiquityMath._decPow(MINUTE_DECAY_FACTOR, minutesPassed);
return (stableCoinBaseRate * decayFactor) / DECIMAL_PRECISION;
function _minutesPassedSinceLastFeeOp() internal view returns (uint) {
return (block.timestamp - lastFeeOperationTime) / 1 minutes;
This, in conjunction with the logic _updateLastFeeOpTime
uint timePassed = block.timestamp - lastFeeOperationTime;
if (timePassed >= 1 minutes) { /// @audit Can we abuse this in some way? | See ETHOS and eBTC findings
lastFeeOperationTime = block.timestamp;
emit LastFeeOpTimeUpdated(block.timestamp);
Will make the decay factor decay slower than intended
This finding was found in the ETHOS contest by Chaduke: code-423n4/2023-02-ethos-findings#33
is using min(X + Y, X)
meaning it will always return X
in this case borrowingFeeFloor
function _calcBorrowingRate(uint _stableCoinBaseRate) internal view returns (uint) {
return LiquityMath._min(borrowingFeeFloor + _stableCoinBaseRate, borrowingFeeFloor);
function _calcBorrowingRate(uint _stableCoinBaseRate) internal view returns (uint) {
return LiquityMath._min(borrowingFeeFloor + _stableCoinBaseRate, 1e18);
M-07 Ticking Interest Rate opens up to multi-block MEV - Directly Triggering Recovery Mode on the next block due to interest ticking
Because Apollon charges an interest on borrowing, an attack can guarantee triggering Recovery Mode on the next block by simply borrowing up to the threshold
Triggering Recovery mode would then allow liquidating Troves that are below the TCR
This puts the attacker at risk as well, however with some setup the attack can be +EV, posing a close to unmitigatable risk to other Trove owners
Recovery Mode liquidations being too easily accessible is a big risk for users leveraging up
In order to avoid this you could opt-into:
- Enforcing a Buffer for Opening Positions
- This unfortunately has the downside of allowing the triggering of Recovery Mode via multiple positions
- Changing the mechanisms around how Recovery Mode works
- This requires extensive work, possible solutions can be: Increasing the fee as you open a Trove that brings the sytem towards recovery mode (Make the attack economically expensive)
- Remove or Alter the logic for Recovery Mode by enforcing higher Liquidations
- This requires economic modelling
- Introduce a Delay for Recovery Mode Liquidations like we did in eBTC
- This doesn't remove the risk but reduces it and makes the attack more expensive
M-08 BorrowerOperations
alters user debt but enforces prices are not stale only for debts that are being actively altered
A common pattern used in Apollon for price validation looks as follows:
function addColl(
TokenAmount[] memory _colls,
address _upperHint,
address _lowerHint,
bytes[] memory _priceUpdateData
) public payable override {
address borrower = msg.sender;
(ContractsCache memory contractsCache, LocalVariables_adjustTrove memory vars) = _prepareTroveAdjustment(
// revert debt token deposit if prices are untrusted
for (uint i = 0; i < _colls.length; i++) {
if (!contractsCache.tokenManager.isDebtToken(_colls[i].tokenAddress)) continue;
TokenPrice memory tokenPriceEntry = contractsCache.priceFeed.getTokenPrice(
if (!tokenPriceEntry.isPriceTrusted) revert UntrustedOraclesDebtTokenDeposit(); /// @audit verifying Colls
} /// But this is user param not all colls the user has
Where _cols
is a user provided parameter
Similarly to increase debt:
function _increaseDebt(
address _borrower,
address _to,
TokenAmount[] memory _debts,
MintMeta memory _meta,
bytes[] memory _priceUpdateData
) internal {
(ContractsCache memory contractsCache, LocalVariables_adjustTrove memory vars) = _prepareTroveAdjustment(
true //will be called by swap operations, that handled the price update
_requireValidMaxFeePercentage(contractsCache.troveManager, _meta.maxFeePercentage, vars.isInRecoveryMode);
for (uint i = 0; i < _debts.length; i++) {
// revert minting if the oracle is untrusted
TokenPrice memory tokenPriceEntry = contractsCache.priceFeed.getTokenPrice(
if (!tokenPriceEntry.isPriceTrusted) revert UntrustedOraclesMintingIsFrozen();
Where debts
is passed by SwapOperations
if (vars.fromMintA != 0 || vars.fromMintB != 0) {
TokenAmount[] memory debtsToMint;
if (vars.fromMintA != 0 && vars.fromMintB != 0) {
// mint both
debtsToMint = new TokenAmount[](2);
debtsToMint[0] = TokenAmount(tokenA, vars.fromMintA);
debtsToMint[1] = TokenAmount(tokenB, vars.fromMintB);
} else {
// mint only 1 token
debtsToMint = new TokenAmount[](1);
debtsToMint[0] = (
vars.fromMintA != 0
? TokenAmount(tokenA, vars.fromMintA) // mint A
: TokenAmount(tokenB, vars.fromMintB) // mint B
borrowerOperations.increaseDebt{ value: msg.value }(
msg.sender, // OK
vars.pair, // OK
debtsToMint, // OK - See above
_priceAndMintMeta.meta, /// @audit this looks griefable | TODO
_priceAndMintMeta.priceUpdateData // TODO
This risks missing:
- Multiple other debts -> When a user takes on more than one stock debt token
- Multiple other collaterals -> When a user has already used other collaterals for it's Collateralization Ratio
Due to this, multiple possible oracle related exploits are possible such as:
- Over borrowing
- Self-liquidation by borrowing and then updating a price
- Bypassing the restrictions on triggering Recovery mode
I believe all prices must be validated for staleness, offering the ability of chosing between the Pyth and the Alternative Feed should be viewed as a risky opening for arbitrage, self-liquidations and recovery mode liquidations
M-09 Users could opt to never use Pyth and always rely on the fallback feed due to lack of validation on certain functions
The rationale for using Pyth and the Fallback oracle is logical: Sometimes Pyth is unavailable
However, once Pyth becomes unavailable, people will have the option to constantly chose between Pyth and the fallback oracle
The fallback oracle is a push type oracle, meaning that it won't always be updated
This may create opportunity for arbitrage for:
- Redemptions
- Increasing Debts (as other account debts will not have their prices checked for staleness)
Overall you should rethink the FSM around how stale vs trusted prices could be used as the current implementation opens up for a lot of arbitrage and edge cases
You should consider changing fees based on the oracle you're using
An oracle deviation threshold + time to update are inherently +EV to arbitrageurs You should consider changing fees based on which oracle is being used, where Pyth could have a lower fee and the fallback would most likely have to charge a higher fee
SwapOperations charges a fee that is computed by SwapPair
as follows:
function getSwapFee(uint postReserve0, uint postReserve1) public view override returns (uint feePercentage) {
address nonStableCoin = token1; // find stable coin
if (tokenManager.isDebtToken(nonStableCoin) && totalSupply > 0) {
// query prices
(uint oraclePrice, ) = priceFeed.getPrice(nonStableCoin); /// @audit not validated for staleness
uint preDexPrice = _getDexPrice(reserve0, reserve1); /// @audit this is spot and can be altered in some way
uint postDexPrice = _getDexPrice(postReserve0, postReserve1);
// only apply the dynamic fee if the swap trades against the oracle peg
if ( /// @audit ??? | No deviation threshold | Spot vs Oracle (Donate to reserves?)
(postDexPrice > oraclePrice && postDexPrice > preDexPrice) ||
(postDexPrice < oraclePrice && preDexPrice > postDexPrice)
) {
uint avgDexPrice = (preDexPrice + postDexPrice) / 2;
uint priceRatio = (oraclePrice * DECIMAL_PRECISION) / avgDexPrice; // 1e18
_calcFee(priceRatio > DECIMAL_PRECISION ? priceRatio - DECIMAL_PRECISION : DECIMAL_PRECISION - priceRatio) +
return swapOperations.getSwapBaseFee();
The fee uses the previous "spot ratio" and compares it against the new pre-fee "spot ratio"
This means that any transaction that alters the reserves between when a user signs their transaction and when it get's included in a block may alter the fee that a user pays
This creates scenario where, if a minority of users owns the majority of the LP tokens, they can perform donations to front-run swaps, which will cause benign users to pay an additional fee that they didn't intend to pay
Add an explicit check for the fees that will be paid on a swap as to ensure that's intended or within an acceptable range
M-11 SwapOperations
is performing some swaps without updating the price, resulting in incorrect fees being charged
Operations such as: swapExactTokensForTokens
, swapTokensForExactTokens
receive _priceUpdateData
but update the price only at the _swap
uses getAmountsOut
and getAmountsIn
to determine the price at which to charge fees at
function swapExactTokensForTokens(
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint deadline,
bytes[] memory _priceUpdateData
) public payable virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (SwapAmount[] memory amounts) {
amounts = getAmountsOut(amountIn, path); /// @audit Used old prices
if (amounts[amounts.length - 1].amount < amountOutMin) revert InsufficientOutputAmount();
safeTransferFrom(path[0], msg.sender, getPair[path[0]][path[1]], amounts[0].amount);
_swap(amounts, path, to, _priceUpdateData, false); /// @audit Updates prices after having used old prices
This means that fees on swaps are computed on the stale price rather then the latest
Because oracle prices can be updated via other operations, this also allows swappers to pick the most optimal price at which to pay the lowest fee
You can ensure the price is updated by:
- Forcing the update in all external functions
- Performing the staleness check in
Pull based oracle allow using more than one price within the last 5 minutes, this opens up to a myriad of combinations that may allow for self-liquidations
The likelihood that a price moves by 10% is fairly low
However, when you start adding more collaterals and debt types, the likelihood that the combination of any two Collateral and Debt asset to have high volatility between each other raises
Meaning that when considering risk parameters, you shouldn't simply look at a debt or collateral price against USD, but also the ratio and correlation between those assets, as the correlation may open up to higher swings that may cause the protocol to lock-in bad debt
A sample scenario would look as follows:
- Find coll and asset that have 11% difference in price from current price to new price
- Open up a trove
- Borrow as much as possible
- Deposit into the stability pool
- Update the prices
- Get liquidated, with bad debt
The likelihood of the profitability is reduced the more deposits are done in the stability pool and the higher opening fees are
Unfortunately this is a statistical risk, and to mitigate it you'd need to:
- Research all historical Pyth Prices
- Check for realized volatility of assets
- Add a buffer to account for errors or additional realized volatility
- Move the MICR to a value that is consistent with this risk
This is a collection of operative risks that come from maintaining and updating Apollon
I highly recommend you go through this list, create your own list, and ensure that at all times these risks are considered
function setCollTokenSupportedCollateralRatio(
address _collTokenAddress,
uint _supportedCollateralRatio
) external override onlyOwner {
if (_supportedCollateralRatio < MCR) revert SupportedRatioUnderMCR();
collTokenSupportedCollateralRatio[_collTokenAddress] = _supportedCollateralRatio;
emit CollTokenSupportedCollateralRatioSet(_collTokenAddress, _supportedCollateralRatio);
Updating this ratio can:
- Cause Recovery Mode
- Be sandwhiched to trigger Recovery Mode
- Cause Liquidations
- Be sandwhiched to cause self-liquidations
The setter itself is not a vulnerability, however, the mechanisms around changing these risk-based values are very commonly a pre-condition to Critical Severity Exploits
The most important consideration is tied to how exactly a change in Collateral Ratio would be enacted
- Can you pause minting and borrowing?
- Can you verify that all users are solvent and will remain solvent after the change?
- Can you have a buffer that will prevent actors from having a step-wise change in their Collateralization Ratio?
- Will the governance proposal be executable by anyone?
- Will you liquidate any unhealthy position as part of the proposal?
Due to the complexity, I'm flagging this as a delicate Operational Security area, however, I will not be able to provide specific advice at this time
This change could also cause positions to go from healthy to undercollateralized
The change may also be sandwiched
More importantly, if governance changes can be broadcasted by anyone, the sandwiched will not be mitigable and would be a perfect opportunity for an economic exploit
Since gov token is used as part of reserve pool, then it must be configured to have some validity as collateral
Recognize the risks tied to changing these settings and plan accordingly, do consult Security Researchers at that time
has the following comment
function _emitLiquidationSummaryEvent(LocalVariables_OuterLiquidationFunction memory vars) internal {
TokenAmount[] memory liquidatedColl = new TokenAmount[](vars.priceCache.collPrices.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < vars.priceCache.collPrices.length; i++) {
liquidatedColl[i] = TokenAmount(
vars.tokensToRedistribute[i].amount // works because of the initialisation of the array (first debts, then colls) /// @audit Wrong comment
The comment looks wrong since the array fills in collaterals first and then debts
Check the comments and fix them
Apollon will not liquidate the last trove in batchLiquidateTroves
However, the code is using a continue
which means that the code will loop multiple times while performing no-ops
if (troveManager.getTroveOwnersCount() <= 1) continue; // don't liquidate if last trove
Change the code to
if (troveManager.getTroveOwnersCount() <= 1) break; // no more troves to liquidate
## Impact
looks as follows:
function massUpdatePools() public {
uint length = pools.length;
for (uint n = 0; n < length; n++) {
Meaning it will iterate over all known pools
The gas limit on SEI is 10MLN gas per block
Assuming around 25k gas per update, that's 400 pools before the function reverts
I just did some quick napkin math on the amount of storage slots used, you should write a test to verify the limit as to avoid getting reverts in prod
That said, anything below 100 pools will have a high margin of safety
Ensure you do not surpass 100 pools as to avoid consuming too much gas which could cause reverts
I believe they will have modest losses until someone deposits
This is further corroborated by the fact that the first deposit will continue instead of going through the early return path
function updatePool(ISwapPair _pid) public {
PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid];
// check
if (block.timestamp <= pool.lastRewardTime) return;
// update
uint tokenSupply = _pid.balanceOf(address(this));
if (tokenSupply == 0 || totalAllocPoint == 0) {
pool.lastRewardTime = block.timestamp;
Simply delay the first emission by a few hours or days to ensure someone has staked
DOMAIN_SEPARATOR being hardcoded will either:
- Stop working if the chain hardforks with a new ID
- Will open up for replays if the chain forks
The code in DebtToken
already deals with these issues, you can re-use that
Apollon charges simple interest on Trove Accrual
In general Troves can only be accrued by their owners during state-changing operations
for (uint i = 0; i < _iterations.length; i++) {
RedeemIteration memory iteration = _iterations[i];
checkValidRedemptionHint(vars.priceCache, iteration.trove);
troveManager.applyPendingRewards(iteration.trove, vars.priceCache); /// @audit The Hint may be wrong NOW, the CR may be underwater now
SingleRedemptionVariables memory troveRedemption = _calculateTroveRedemption( /// TODO: KEY
_stableCoinAmount - vars.totalRedeemedStable,
false // without pending rewards, because they got applied above
// resulting CR differs from the expected CR, we bail in that case, because all following iterations will consume too much gas by searching for a updated hints
// allowing 1% deviation, because of time based borrowing interests
if (troveRedemption.resultingCR > iteration.expectedCR) {
if ((troveRedemption.resultingCR * DECIMAL_PRECISION) / iteration.expectedCR > 1.01e18) break; /// @audit Risk of overflow
} else {
if ((iteration.expectedCR * DECIMAL_PRECISION) / troveRedemption.resultingCR > 1.01e18) break;
However, the riskiest trove can be made to accrue by redeeming a very small amount of debt (e.g. 1 wei)
Either document this risk, or enforce a minimum redemption size
After a redemption, this comparison is performed:
// resulting CR differs from the expected CR, we bail in that case, because all following iterations will consume too much gas by searching for a updated hints
// allowing 1% deviation, because of time based borrowing interests
if (troveRedemption.resultingCR > iteration.expectedCR) {
if ((troveRedemption.resultingCR * DECIMAL_PRECISION) / iteration.expectedCR > 1.01e18) break; /// @audit Risk of overflow
} else {
if ((iteration.expectedCR * DECIMAL_PRECISION) / troveRedemption.resultingCR > 1.01e18) break;
Whenever expectedCR or resultingCR are greater than type(uint256).max / 1e18 the multiplication will overflow, causing a revert
This may be used to grief other people, or can happen naturally due to slight changes in prices, or other redemptions
It may be best to use a smaller factor such as 100
as to reduce the likelyhood of an overflow
allows for out of order liquidations
In the edge case of all troves being underwater, meaning all troves should be liquidated, the following check will allow liquidations only starting from the riskiest trove
if (vars.ICR > outerVars.TCR) return false; /// @audit Looks wrong in edge cases
This is more of a gotcha than a real risk as having all Troves underwater is a failure scenario
The check could be refactored to ensure that if all Troves are underwater, the vast majority of the debt can still be liquidated
in _calculatePendingBorrowingInterest
rounds down the amount to be paid due to division before multiplication
stableInterest += /// Can find cheaper price to pay less, ultimately subject to "downward spiral" and other risks
(((_priceFeed.getUSDValue(_priceCache, address(debtToken), debtTokenAmount) * borrowingInterestRate) /
DECIMAL_PRECISION) * timePassed) /
There is no particular risk of overflow and the loss is up to DECIMAL_PRECISION - 1
Change the formula to:
stableInterest +=
(((_priceFeed.getUSDValue(_priceCache, address(debtToken), debtTokenAmount) * borrowingInterestRate) * timePassed) / DECIMAL_PRECISION /
The logic for redistributeDebtAndColl
is as follows
function redistributeDebtAndColl(PriceCache memory _priceCache, CAmount[] memory toRedistribute) external override {
// sum up all coll usd values
uint totalRedistributedCollInUsd;
uint[] memory collCacheInUSD = new uint[](toRedistribute.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < toRedistribute.length; i++) {
CAmount memory collEntry = toRedistribute[i];
if (!collEntry.isColl || collEntry.amount == 0) continue; /// collCacheInUSD[i] = collInUSD || 0 when skipped
uint collInUSD = priceFeed.getUSDValue(_priceCache, collEntry.tokenAddress, collEntry.amount);
collCacheInUSD[i] = collInUSD;
totalRedistributedCollInUsd += collInUSD;
// iterate over the coll entries and process the debt relative to the coll percentage
uint[] memory debtsToDefaultPool = new uint[](toRedistribute.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < toRedistribute.length; i++) { /// @audit technically same loop as above, since it skips the same entries
CAmount memory collEntry = toRedistribute[i];
if (!collEntry.isColl || collEntry.amount == 0) continue;
// patch the liquidated coll tokens
uint collTotalStake = totalStakes[collEntry.tokenAddress]; /// @audit Can you have 0 stakes by having a Trove that didn't redistribute?
PoolType targetPool;
if (collTotalStake == 0) {
// the last trove with that coll type was liquidated/close, moving the assets into a claimable (unassigned) pool
targetPool = PoolType.Unassigned;
} else {
Specifically when collTotalStake
is zero a redistribution for that collateral is skipped, sending debt and collateral to the Unassigned
This means that some users will be able to skip the redistribution by re-organizing their collateral before performing liquidations
It's worth noting that liquidations present a race condition against this behaviour meaning this can theoretically happen, but in some scenarios, an attacker won't be able to pull it off unless they are performing the liquidations as well
Q-11 Stablecoin interest being lower than jTokens seems inconsistent + Tokens with different volatilities pay the same fee
Generally speaking jAssets will be more volatile and riskier than a stablecoin that denominates them
The logic for getBorrowingRate
charges more for stableCoins than for jAssets
function getBorrowingRate(bool isStableCoin) public view override returns (uint) {
if (!isStableCoin) return borrowingFeeFloor;
return _calcBorrowingRate(stableCoinBaseRate);
It's also worth noting that all assets pay the same interest rate which means that they don't pay based on risk
Consider whether you should charge different fees for different assets so that the system is compensated for the additional risk it's taking
Q-12 SwapOperation
First LP pays no fee and can set the price to an incorrect value, causing losses to traders, and higher fees
looks as follows
function addLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint amountADesired,
uint amountBDesired,
uint amountAMin,
uint amountBMin,
PriceUpdateAndMintMeta memory _priceAndMintMeta,
uint deadline
) public payable virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint amountA, uint amountB, uint liquidity) {
ProvidingVars memory vars;
vars.pair = getPair[tokenA][tokenB]; /// @audit QA not sorting tokens means this can revert | No fix is ok but it's a gotcha
if (vars.pair == address(0)) revert PairDoesNotExist();
/// @audit not checking that min < desired - S
(vars.reserveA, vars.reserveB) = getReserves(tokenA, tokenB);
if (vars.reserveA == 0 && vars.reserveB == 0) {
(amountA, amountB) = (amountADesired, amountBDesired); /// @audit First LP Can attack by massively imbalancing by performing a single sided swap or similar
} else {
When no liquidity was previously added, the ratio for the LP will be taken at face value
This could be used by the first depositor to purposefully imbalance the pool, as a means to take on debts that either allow them to be closer to delta neutral, or as a means to grief other users
Consider using a ratio that is taken from the oracles
is capped to 1e18, but it is added to Pair.getSwapFee
meaning that it may result in a value higher than 100%
Cap fees at a smaller value, such as at most 10%
Q-14 claimUnassigned
may result in a slight difference between debt and coll percentages being claimed due to rounding errors
Slight difference in debt and coll claimed due to rounding error
May be abused to get free coll due to coll rounding up to a unit or more and debts rounding down to 0
DebtTokenAmount[] memory debtsToAdd = new DebtTokenAmount[](vars.priceCache.debtPrices.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < vars.priceCache.debtPrices.length; i++) {
address debtToken = vars.priceCache.debtPrices[i].tokenAddress;
uint unassignedDebt = contractsCache.storagePool.getValue(debtToken, false, PoolType.Unassigned);
if (unassignedDebt == 0) continue;
uint toClaim = (unassignedDebt * _percentage) / DECIMAL_PRECISION;
You may want to at least require that if collateral is 1, then debt is at least 1 as well
You could also add explicit rounding up of debt, and rounding down of collateral
Please keep in mind that this could introduce more bugs so this is a delicate change
function claimUnassignedAssets(
uint _percentage,
address _upperHint,
address _lowerHint,
bytes[] memory _priceUpdateData
) external payable override {
if (_percentage == 0) revert ZeroDebtChange();
Maybe abused for exploit, I haven't spent a lot of time on this, it's best to cap it to 1e18 to avoid any additional risk
if (_percentage > DECIMAL_PRECISION) revert Above100Pct();
The impact from the current formatting is that manual review takes longer, and as such will be more expensive and error prone
- Not using curly braces for
if / else
- Using
in favour of mathematical notationn, l, m
i, j, k
,x, y, z
- Breaking
- Ping ponging of external calls
- Subtle changes against Liquity's version
shows an example of a seemingly innocuous way to break CEI
vars.arrayIndex = contractsCache.troveManager.addTroveOwnerToArray(borrower);
/// @audit move the transfer of coll to the bottom to avoid CEI issues
// Move the coll to the active pool
for (uint i = 0; i < vars.colls.length; i++) {
TokenAmount memory collTokenAmount = vars.colls[i]; /// @audit CEI / Reentrancy
/// @audit Where is the trove?
// Move the stable coin gas compensation to the Gas Pool
); /// @audit Not minting principal on open, stableCoinAmount.netDebt);
emit TroveCreated(borrower, _colls);
With _poolAddColl
looking as follows
function _poolAddColl(
address _borrower,
IStoragePool _pool,
address _collAddress,
uint _amount,
PoolType _poolType
) internal {
_pool.addValue(_collAddress, true, _poolType, _amount);
IERC20(_collAddress).transferFrom(_borrower, address(_pool), _amount); /// @audit FOT / SafeTransfer
This would make it so that the system is recording the increase in collateral, but not the increase in debt, which would allow to drag the TCR below the Recovery Mode threshold, and liquidate all Troves that have a ICR < CCR
Liquity like systems tend to blur the idea of an external call as they effectively rely on external calls for accounting, but those can be viewed as trusted external calls
Whereas moving tokens should be viewed as an untrusted external call under the vast majority of circumnstances
You should refactor not to break CEI as it will:
- Ensure you cannot introduce exploits tied to ordering of external calls
- Make future review cheaper as CEI concerns will not take a considerable amount of time for review
Pyth works as follows:
- It returns an integer
- It returns an exponent by which to scale the integer for the price
- it returns the publishTime
- and a confidence interval
The reason why Pyth includes a confidence interval is due to the impossibility of chosing a single price that is the "correct" price
Consider implementing additional checks, you could take inspiration from Euler's multi-audited feeds:
Troves should never break the check _debtTokenUsedAsCollRatio(contractsCache, vars) > MAX_DEBTS_AS_COLLATERAL
Liquidations should raise the TCR of the system, unless the liquidation is done on a Trove with Bad Debt
if (collToLiquidate > rAmount.toLiquidate) collToLiquidate = rAmount.toLiquidate; // in case of IMCR > ICR, but the trove still gets liquidated because ICR < TCR in recovery mode
The check in checkValidRedemptionHint
for the current hint is as follows:
if (hintCR < hintIMCR) revert HintBelowMCR(); // should be liquidated, not redeemed from
Which asserts that the hint is not liquidatable outside of recovery mode (which is checked in redeemCollateral
The check below is to ensure that the trove being redeemed is the riskiest trove that is not underwater
if (nextTrove != address(0) && nextTroveCR > nextTroveMCR) revert InvalidHintLowerCRExists(); /// @audit TO CHECK
The check is the opposite of the above, therefore the comparison: nextTroveCR > nextTroveMCR
should be nextTroveCR >= nextTroveMCR
Change nextTroveCR > nextTroveMCR
to nextTroveCR >= nextTroveMCR
is pausing both redemptions and liquidations
Those 2 operations have a very different purpose, with redemptions helping with the peg and acting as a pre-liquidation and liquidations being a necessary tool to make the system work
Due to this, liquidations should never be disabled unless a major bug was discovered
Separate enableLiquidationAndRedeeming
to disable redemptions and liquidations separately
computes the fee to be paid as follows:
if ( /// @audit No deviation threshold | Spot vs Oracle
(postDexPrice > oraclePrice && postDexPrice > preDexPrice) || /// @audit Logical mechanism of swapping?
(postDexPrice < oraclePrice && preDexPrice > postDexPrice)
) {
We can chart out the logic as follows:
Post > Oracle
Post > Prev > Oracle
Post > Oracle > Prev
Post < Oracle
Post < Prev < Oracle
Post < Oracle < Prev
Meaning this is charging a fee whenever the absolute postDexPrice surpasses the absolute oracle price
So when crossing the impact is "halved"
When not crossing the middle price, the average between the two dex prices will be very distant from the oracle price, causing the fee to be higher, whereas when crossing the fee would effectively be halved
I don't believe there's any need for a specific mitigation
The system stores balances in storage and then updates them
Some tokens will charge a fee on transfer
Meaning that _amount
stored in the StoragePool
will be higher than the actual balance received
function _poolAddColl(
address _borrower,
IStoragePool _pool,
address _collAddress,
uint _amount,
PoolType _poolType
) internal {
_pool.addValue(_collAddress, true, _poolType, _amount);
IERC20(_collAddress).transferFrom(_borrower, address(_pool), _amount); /// @audit FOT / SafeTransfer
These types of tokens are pretty rare, but this is a very common finding that you should think about
Imo acknowledge this and make sure not to use these tokens
Logically you can chunk the code into 3 components
- Feeds
- Swap and Stake Operations
- Core
It may be best to write fuzz and invariant tests on these separately and then you can consider adding a new
The codebase relies on caching storage values into memory to reduce SLOADs
You could also deterministically deploy each contract (since contract addresses are derived from address + nonce) and set those up as immutable variables
- AlternativePriceFeed
- BorrowerOperations
- CollSurplusPool
- DebtToken*
- HintHelpers*
- LiquidationOperations
- PriceFeed
- RedemptionOperations
- ReservePool
- SortedTroves
- StabilityPool
- StabilityPoolManager
- StakingOperations
- StoragePool
- SwapERC20
- SwapOperations
- SwapPair
- TokenManager
- TroveManager
CEI stands for Check Effects Interactions
which ensures that no state changing operations are done after external calls that the system may rely on
Transferring collateral before updating internals should be considered as highly risky, not just in lack of nonReentrant
guards but in general due to the system reliance on cross contract operations
In my opinion all CEI concerns should be addressed, unless you can ensure that no token will ever have hooks
But in general, solving CEI even in those cases is a better choice as it will save time from auditors looking into those concerns and will ensure that the system is safe even if a token with hooks were to be introduced
Relative staleness is imo not a valid idea, all prices must be validated and trove status must be checked against the latest available prices
In lack of that, a Trove could end up generating bad debt due to having it's CR computed with stale prices
Fundamentally it hardcodes prices, offers a guarantee for staleness
No guarantee for deviation threshold (how accurate, and how fast it will react to sudden price changes)
An hardcoded price should be viewed as a massive liability and risk, it's a fundamental issue for developers as well as for end users
It may be best to have 2 prices:
- A borrow price
- A liquidation price
Fundamentally making the assets:
- Less valuable for borrowing (So you can borrow less)
- Overpriced for liquidations (so liquidations happen faster)
This contract is effectively a Masterchef and can be reviewed fairly independently
Race conditions around interactions with the pool are pretty delicate
Beside that, the code is separated so this contract can be re-reviewed independently
Fundamentally there are ways to sidestep the intended _requireCallerIsOperations
via direct transfer + sync
The added fee is the most delicate aspect and I believe tighter checks to ensure that only an intended amount is paid should be added
The x * y = k formula is highly capital inefficient in this case but that's not something easily fixable
I think the way _getDexPrice
is calculate is a bit naive as this is not a price but rather the ratio of reserves any purchase will incur an additional price impact that is not accounted there, additionally taking the average of the before and after makes it so that some swaps that push the price out of the oracle price do not pay a sufficiently high fee
### SwapOperations
- Donation to force a ratio
- Fee math / Path Math
Fundamentally some small risks tied to token config
The biggest risk is tied to changing risk config params
The observations around CollSurplusPool
- Double loop vs mapping, this is generally a pattern you should avoid
- Breaking CEI - you should consider CEI a key part of your security posture, breaking CEI should not be underestimated as a "basic mistake"
The main risks around storagePool
are tied to a desynchronization between the value that it tracks, and the values being tracked in other contracts, such as TroveManager
I believe invariant testing should be added to ensure that these values are synchronized at all times
Fundamentally just tracks the debt and is also used as a scaling factor for oracle
I believe that the logic for Stock Splits can be massively simplified by hardcoding the divisor and the dividend, with no particular change in risk profile
The main risk I see is how the SortedTroves uses cached values, but HH is using live values
The discrepancy may be used to trigger Recovery Mode via Redemptions
The main changes are tied to how data is stored as well as the removal of insert / remove, in favour of an update function
The sorting is done via cached CR, but that's not a distinctive change as ultimately even Liquidity is just sorting based on a CR value that is accepted at face value
This seems to be a good candidate for differential fuzzing to compare the two implementations
To be honest I'm not sure why the implementation was changed as this ultimately behaves very similarly
The main risks are tied to manipulating the debt being taken by users, as well as possible race conditions For these operations, oracle staleness is also an important factor
I believe these contracts can be mostly reviewed separately in the future as they feel pretty separated
If you can end up separating the debts math from swaps, I think these contracts can be fully separated long term
CEI concerns, code is fairly complex but is pretty much the same logic as in Liquity
Fundamentally tracks accounting, for liquidation, which looks fine
The main aspect that I'm not fully convinced by is the usage of the Reserve Pool, which seems not be taken into account by the LiquidationOperations
Round downs seem to be in favour of the protocol which doesn't seem to create a risk
Due to the fact that Troves are sorted by cached CRs, some Troves "in the middle" may be underwater, meaning that redeeming them will revert, this will cause reverts but it shouldn't cause major issues as you could simply perform a redemption, then another one, etc..
I recommend spending quite some time into the economic and technical implications that come with:
- Oracle staleness
- Redemptions, Liquidations and Swap Fees
I also recommend adding a few invariant tests for system wide invariants that would guarantee:
- Intended execution
- Inability to attack the system (self-liquidations, triggering RM)
- Ability to execute operations when they are necessary (e.g. liquidations)
Some suggested invariants are listed here: GalloDaSballo/Apollon-Review#44
bases it's logic on the implicit invariant that amountDesired
are greater than minAmounts
(vars.reserveA, vars.reserveB) = getReserves(tokenA, tokenB);
if (vars.reserveA == 0 && vars.reserveB == 0) {
(amountA, amountB) = (amountADesired, amountBDesired); /// @audit First LP Can attack by massively imbalancing by performing a single sided swap or similar
} else {
uint amountBOptimal = quote(amountADesired, vars.reserveA, vars.reserveB);
if (amountBOptimal <= amountBDesired) {
if (amountBOptimal < amountBMin) revert InsufficientBAmount();
(amountA, amountB) = (amountADesired, amountBOptimal);
} else {
uint amountAOptimal = quote(amountBDesired, vars.reserveB, vars.reserveA);
assert(amountAOptimal <= amountADesired); /// @audit Looks wrong
if (amountAOptimal < amountAMin) revert InsufficientAAmount();
(amountA, amountB) = (amountAOptimal, amountBDesired);
However this check is missing from addLiquidity
Add the following checks
if (amountADesired < amountAMin) revert InsufficientAmountADesired();
if (amountBDesired < amountBMin) revert InsufficientAmountBDesired();
Also see: Velodrome Router
At a broadstroke The formula to compute the post-swap reserves used by getAmountsOut
and getAmountsIn
is as follows:
uint(reserveA) * reserveB) / (reserveB + amtB),
However, the math is not accounting for fees that will be taken on each swap, meaning that the post-swap reserves will not match this amount
You should technically also account for the updated price post taking fees, as that will be the price that the next person will pay
I don't have sufficient time to fully explore this issue and I highly recommend you simulate swaps to determine if this can cause significant losses
Permit can be broadcasted by anyone and will revert if using the incorrect nonce
Due to this you should use try/catch it
function openTroveWithPermit(
TokenAmount[] memory _colls,
bytes[] memory _priceUpdateData,
uint deadline,
uint8[] memory v,
bytes32[] memory r,
bytes32[] memory s
) external payable {
for (uint i = 0; i < _colls.length; i++)
IERC20Permit(_colls[i].tokenAddress).permit( /// @audit Should use Permit
openTrove(_colls, _priceUpdateData);
IERC20Permit(tokenA).permit(msg.sender, address(this), amountADesired, deadline, v[0], r[0], s[0]);
IERC20Permit(tokenB).permit(msg.sender, address(this), amountBDesired, deadline, v[1], r[1], s[1]);
IERC20Permit(path[0]).permit(msg.sender, address(this), amountIn, deadline, v, r, s);
See this article for more info:
Events in SwapPair are logging msg.sender
which will always be swapOperations
emit Mint(msg.sender, amount0, amount1); /// @audit QA: Mint should change to `to`
emit Burn(msg.sender, amount0, amount1, to); /// @audit QA: Mint should change to `to` or to the cdp Owner
Either change the log to to
(the recipient), or add a initiator
parameter and log that one
Alternatively, move the events in the SwapOperations
Certain tokens revert on a 0 amount transfer
The code also performs the check to prevent zero transfers in many parts, but in these 2 instances the check was missed
Note that for OZ tokens, the check is not necessary
if (amount0InFee > 0) {
uint amount0GovFee = (amount0InFee * swapOperations.getGovSwapFee()) / DECIMAL_PRECISION;
_safeTransfer(token0, tokenManager.govPayoutAddress(), amount0GovFee); /// @audit 0 revert
balance0 -= amount0GovFee;
// payout whats left
_safeTransfer(token0, to, amount0 - burned0);
_safeTransfer(token1, to, amount1 - burned1);
Check that each transfer is done only on non-zero amounts
function _update(uint balance0, uint balance1, uint112 _reserve0, uint112 _reserve1) private {
if (balance0 > type(uint112).max || balance1 > type(uint112).max) revert Overflow();
uint32 blockTimestamp = uint32(block.timestamp % 2 ** 32);
uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // overflow is desired
if (timeElapsed > 0 && _reserve0 != 0 && _reserve1 != 0) {
// * never overflows, and + overflow is desired | /// @audit Overflow is wrong, this is solidity 0.8!!
price0CumulativeLast += uint(UQ112x112.encode(_reserve1).uqdiv(_reserve0)) * timeElapsed;
price1CumulativeLast += uint(UQ112x112.encode(_reserve0).uqdiv(_reserve1)) * timeElapsed;
The code asserts that += overflow is desired
but this cannot happen on the current solidity version
This means that after (I think) more than a billion of volume, the pair can stop working
I can crunch the math, but the overflow is extremely unlikely
See: Velodrome (Which also ignores the overflow):
The maximum amount possible is 2^122 - 1
Which is basically 5.1922969e+15 * 1e18
This should be sufficient, but it's worth keeping it in mind as you do not want to cross this value as it will break all pool operations for a pair
uint32 blockTimestamp = uint32(block.timestamp % 2 ** 32);
This line being unchecked means the code will stop working at the timestamp 2^32
Which should be around Sun Feb 07 2106 06:28:16 GMT+0000
// forge test --match-test test_theOverflow -vv
function test_theOverflow() public {
vm.warp(type(uint32).max + 1);
uint32 blockTimestamp = uint32(block.timestamp % 2 ** 32);
Q-30 Donation on Pairs, in conjunction with lax slippage could be used to take on unintended ratios of debt
Pair.synch allows synching without a swap being performed
This is a donation to the Pair reserves, which changes it's price
When providing liquidity the ratio of the two tokens is taken into account
Via donation attacks we can force people to take on incorrect ratios of debt
function addLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint amountADesired,
uint amountBDesired,
uint amountAMin,
uint amountBMin,
PriceUpdateAndMintMeta memory _priceAndMintMeta,
uint deadline
) public payable virtual override ensure(deadline) returns (uint amountA, uint amountB, uint liquidity) {
ProvidingVars memory vars;
vars.pair = getPair[tokenA][tokenB]; /// @audit QA not sorting tokens means this can revert | No fix is ok but it's a gotcha
if (vars.pair == address(0)) revert PairDoesNotExist();
/// @audit not checking that min < desired - S
(vars.reserveA, vars.reserveB) = getReserves(tokenA, tokenB);
if (vars.reserveA == 0 && vars.reserveB == 0) {
(amountA, amountB) = (amountADesired, amountBDesired); /// @audit First LP Can attack by massively imbalancing by performing a single sided swap or similar
} else {
uint amountBOptimal = quote(amountADesired, vars.reserveA, vars.reserveB);
if (amountBOptimal <= amountBDesired) {
if (amountBOptimal < amountBMin) revert InsufficientBAmount();
(amountA, amountB) = (amountADesired, amountBOptimal);
} else {
uint amountAOptimal = quote(amountBDesired, vars.reserveB, vars.reserveA);
assert(amountAOptimal <= amountADesired); /// @audit Looks wrong
if (amountAOptimal < amountAMin) revert InsufficientAAmount();
(amountA, amountB) = (amountAOptimal, amountBDesired);
// AmountA and B = Amts after optimal math
vars.senderBalanceA = IERC20(tokenA).balanceOf(msg.sender);
vars.senderBalanceB = IERC20(tokenB).balanceOf(msg.sender);
// Pick Min between available and optimal
vars.fromBalanceA = LiquityMath._min(vars.senderBalanceA, amountA); /// @audit WHY?
vars.fromBalanceB = LiquityMath._min(vars.senderBalanceB, amountB);
// Optimal - From Balance
vars.fromMintA = amountA - vars.fromBalanceA;
vars.fromMintB = amountB - vars.fromBalanceB;
// mint new tokens if the sender did not have enough
if (vars.fromMintA != 0 || vars.fromMintB != 0) {
TokenAmount[] memory debtsToMint;
if (vars.fromMintA != 0 && vars.fromMintB != 0) {
// mint both
debtsToMint = new TokenAmount[](2);
debtsToMint[0] = TokenAmount(tokenA, vars.fromMintA);
debtsToMint[1] = TokenAmount(tokenB, vars.fromMintB);
} else {
// mint only 1 token
debtsToMint = new TokenAmount[](1);
debtsToMint[0] = (
vars.fromMintA != 0
? TokenAmount(tokenA, vars.fromMintA) // mint A
: TokenAmount(tokenB, vars.fromMintB) // mint B
borrowerOperations.increaseDebt{ value: msg.value }(
msg.sender, // OK
vars.pair, // OK
debtsToMint, // OK - See above
_priceAndMintMeta.meta, /// @audit this looks griefable | TODO
_priceAndMintMeta.priceUpdateData // TODO
// transfer tokens sourced from senders balance
if (vars.fromBalanceA != 0) safeTransferFrom(tokenA, msg.sender, vars.pair, vars.fromBalanceA);
if (vars.fromBalanceB != 0) safeTransferFrom(tokenB, msg.sender, vars.pair, vars.fromBalanceB);
// deposit into staking
liquidity = ISwapPair(vars.pair).mint(msg.sender); /// @audit-ok this doesn't send tokens, it credits the stakingPool Deposit to msg.sender
This can be abused to cause losses whenever the slippage checks are not set tight enough
Setting highly accurate slippage settings will prevent this
function permit(
address owner,
address spender,
uint amount,
uint deadline,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external override {
if (deadline < block.timestamp) revert ExpiredDeadline();
bytes32 digest = keccak256(
keccak256(abi.encode(_PERMIT_TYPEHASH, owner, spender, amount, _nonces[owner]++, deadline))
bytes32 signedMsg = MessageHashUtils.toEthSignedMessageHash(digest); /// @audit this is not necessary / incorrect, it's a double encoding
address recoveredAddress = ECDSA.recover(signedMsg, v, r, s); /// @audit QA: This is not Permit EIP!
if (recoveredAddress != owner) revert InvalidSignature();
_approve(owner, spender, amount);
The additional MessageHashUtils.toEthSignedMessageHash(digest);
is not necessary and is re-encoding the user signature
Per the EIP, you're supposed to simply sign on the digest
Also check this implementation of a JS signature library:
As you can see the signature is done on the digest, the additional encoding you're doing would require re-encoding with ethSignedMessage on the encoded digest
Even when relying on RPC the method is eth_signTypedData_v4
Change the code to compare the signature against the digest
function permit(
address owner,
address spender,
uint amount,
uint deadline,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external override {
if (deadline < block.timestamp) revert ExpiredDeadline();
bytes32 digest = keccak256(
keccak256(abi.encode(_PERMIT_TYPEHASH, owner, spender, amount, _nonces[owner]++, deadline))
address recoveredAddress = ECDSA.recover(digest, v, r, s);
if (recoveredAddress != owner) revert InvalidSignature();
_approve(owner, spender, amount);
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