- Once it is open in Gitpod, all the services required by the project will be up and running as a docker container.
- Open .env file.
- Update the OPENAI_API_KEY with your own OpenAI api key.
- Go to ports and make 8084 as public.
- Now perform following steps to install the required dependencies
- Go to ports and make the 5078 as public and copy the address.
- Open src/server/db/mock-data/init_mock_data.sh and replace the API_ENDPOINT with the address you copied in previous step. Remember to have /onboard in the url.
- If you want a smaller dataset then go to src/server/db/mock-data/Education_Data.py and change generateSchoolData(50) to the desired number of schools.
- Execute the following command to push dummy education data. This will take few minutes to complete
cd src/server/db/mock-data/
sudo sh ./init_mock_data.sh
- Open src/server/db/mock-data/schema_id.txt and copy the schema_id.
- Once a schema is onboarded you can test a prompt using the following
curl -X POST \
-u test:test \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Cookie: csrftoken=SWTHvaNeh4g3KImyRotjdDcMYuiW0dw4ctce3LXEkRWHJx71t7nKMLCk70wSdSSB" \
-d '{"prompt": "<Enter your prompt>", "schema_id": "<Paste your schema id>"}' \
https://<Paste the same url as of step 8>/prompt/v3