Number: SLIP-0173
Title: Registered human-readable parts for BIP-0173
Type: Standard
Status: Active
Authors: Clark Moody <[email protected]>
Created: 2017-05-17
BIP-0173 defines a new format for segregated witness output addresses that contains a human-readable part that identifies the coin type.
The BIP repository does not want to deal with assigning the values for various coin types different than Bitcoin so we propose this SLIP to become such body.
These are the registered human-readable parts for usage in Bech32 encoding of witness programs.
Coin | Mainnet | Testnet | Regtest |
8ball | 8ball |
Acrechain | acre |
Agoric | agoric |
AIOZ Network | aioz |
Akash | akash |
Andromeda | andr |
Alaya | atp |
atx |
Althea | althea |
Archway | archway |
const |
Apc | apc |
Arkhadian | arkh |
AssetMantle | mantle |
Aura Network | aura |
Axelar | axelar |
Babylon | bbn |
BARE | bare |
tbare |
bart |
Band Protocol | band |
BeeZee | bze |
tbz |
Bellcoin | bm |
bt |
br |
BeOne Chain | boc |
tboc |
Binance Chain | bnb |
BitCanna | bcna |
Bitcoin | bc |
tb |
bcrt |
Bitcoin Atom | bca |
tbca |
bcart |
Bitcoin Gold | btg |
tbtg |
Bitcoin Platinum | btp |
tbtp |
Bitcoin Post-Quantum | pq |
tq |
pqrt |
Bitcoin Private | btcp |
tbtcp |
regbtcp |
Bitcore | btx |
tbtx |
BitSong | bitsong |
BitZeny | bz |
tz |
rz |
Blacknet | blacknet |
rblacknet |
Bluzelle | bluzelle |
bostrom | bostrom |
Canto | canto |
Carbon | swth |
Celestia | celestia |
Cerberus | cerberus |
Chain4Energy | c4e |
cheqd | cheqd |
Chia | xch |
txch |
Chihuahua | chihuahua |
Chimba | chimba |
Chronic Chain | chronic |
Cifer | cife |
cift |
City Coin | city |
tcity |
Comdex | comdex |
Commercio | did:com: |
Composable | centauri |
ConsciousDAO | cvn |
Coreum | core |
testcore |
Cosmos Hub | cosmos |
Coss Chain | coss |
tcoss |
CPUchain | cpu |
tcpu |
rcpu |
Craft Economy | craft |
CranePay | cp |
cpt |
cpr |
Crescent | cre |
Cronos | crc |
Crypto Chain | cro |
tcro |
Cudos | cudos |
Cyber | cyber |
Cyberyen | cy |
tcy |
rcy |
Decentr | decentr |
Desmos | desmos |
dHealth | dh |
Dig Chain | dig |
DigiByte | dgb |
dgbt |
dgbrt |
Dora Vota | dora |
dYdX Protocol | dydx |
Dymension | dym |
Dyson Protocol | dys |
Echelon | echelon |
e-Money | emoney |
Elys Network | elys |
EmpowerChain | empower |
Ethos | ethos |
Evmos | evmos |
Fetch | fetch |
Finschia | link |
tlink |
FirmaChain | firma |
FujiCoin | fc |
tf |
fcrt |
Furya | furya |
f(x)Core | fx |
Galaxy | galaxy |
GovGen | govgen |
Wormhole Gateway | wormhole |
GenesisL1 | genesis |
Gitopia | gitopia |
GlobalBoost-Y | gb |
gbt |
gbrt |
Golden Gate | ggx |
ggxt |
Gravity Bridge | gravity |
Groestlcoin | grs |
tgrs |
grsrt |
Handshake | hs |
ts |
rs |
Haqq Network | haqq |
Hash | pb |
tp |
HashKey Chain | hsk |
hst |
Hedge | hedge |
Highbury | fury |
HoneyWood | bears |
Humans | human |
Hypersign | hid |
IDEP | idep |
Imversed | imv |
Initia | init |
Injective | inj |
IOTA | iota |
atoi |
IoTeX | io |
it |
IRISnet | iaa |
Impact Hub | ixo |
Jackal | jkl |
Juno | juno |
Kava | kava |
Ki | ki |
Kira Network | kira |
Konstellation | darc |
Kujira | kujira |
KYVE | kyve |
Lambda | lamb |
LatticeX | pla |
plt |
Lava | lava@ |
lava@ |
LikeCoin | like |
Litecoin | ltc |
tltc |
rltc |
Logos | logos |
Loyal | loyal |
Lum Network | lum |
LumenX | lumen |
Mars Protocol | mars |
Maya Protocol | maya |
smaya |
Medas Digital | medas |
Medibloc | panacea |
MEME | meme |
Microtick | micro |
Migaloo | migaloo |
Mises | mises |
Monacoin | mona |
tmona |
rmona |
Moneta Coin | moneta |
MUN Blockchain | mun |
Myriad | my |
tm |
Mythos | mythos |
Namecoin | nc |
tn |
ncrt |
Neutaro | neutaro |
Neutron | neutron |
Nexa | nexa |
nexatest |
nexareg |
Nibiru | nibi |
Noble | noble |
Nois | nois |
Nomic | nomic |
Nyx | n |
Oasis Network | oasis |
oasis |
Octa | octa |
Odin Protocol | odin |
OKExChain | ex |
OKP4 | okp4 |
Omni | o |
to |
ocrt |
OmniFlix | omniflix |
Onomy | onomy |
Oraichain | orai |
Osmosis | osmo |
Passage | pasg |
Peercoin | xpc |
tpc |
Persistence | persistence |
PKT | pkt |
tpk |
Planq | plq |
PlatON | lat |
lax |
Point Network | point |
xpoint |
Provenance | pb |
tp |
Pundi X Chain | px |
Pylons | pylo |
Quantum Resistant Ledger | qrl |
tqrl |
qrlrt |
Quasar | quasar |
Quicksilver | quick |
Qwoyn Blockchain | qwoyn |
Ravencoin | rc |
tr |
rcrt |
Realio Network | realio |
Rebus | rebus |
Regen | regen |
Riecoin | ric |
tric |
rric |
Rizon | rizon |
Saga | saga |
tsaga |
Scorum Network | scorum |
Secret Network | secret |
Sei | sei |
Sentinel | sent |
SGE Network | sge |
ShareLedger | shareledger |
Shentu | shentu |
Shido | shido |
Shimmer | smr |
rms |
Sifchain | sif |
SIX Protocol | 6x |
Sommelier | somm |
Source | source |
Spacemesh | sm |
stest |
StaFiHub | stafi |
Stargaze | stars |
Starname | star |
Straightedge | str |
Stratos | st |
Stride | stride |
Sugarchain | sugar |
tugar |
rugar |
Susucoin | susu |
tutu |
ruru |
Syscoin | sys |
tsys |
scrt |
Tenet | tenet |
Teritori | tori |
Terp | terp |
Terra | terra |
Tgrade | tgrade |
Thorchain | thor |
Titan | titan |
Ulas | ulas |
Umee | umee |
Unification | und |
UnUniFi | ununifi |
Unit-e | ue |
tue |
uert |
Uptick | uptick |
Vertcoin | vtc |
tvtc |
Viacoin | via |
tvia |
Vidulum | vdl |
tvdl |
VinceChain | vce |
tvips |
Wpc | wpc |
Xion | xion |
txion |
XPLA | xpla |
YeeCo | yee |
tyee |
Zen Protocol | zen |
tzn |
ZetaChain | zeta |
Zilliqa | zil |
tzil |
The following human-readable parts are registered for formats using Bech32 or Bech32m
that are not compatible with Segwit. Entries annotated with "(m)" use Bech32m [BIP-0350];
other entries use Bech32. [text]
indicates variable content in the human-readable part.
Project | Mainnet / Production | Testnet | Regtest |
age | age |
age-secret-key- |
age1[name] |
age-plugin-[name]- |
Lightning Network | ln[currency prefix + amount] |
Zcash | zs |
ztestsapling |
zregtestsapling |
zivks |
zivktestsapling |
zivkregtestsapling |
zxviews |
zxviewtestsapling |
zxviewregtestsapling |
zxsprout |
zxtestsprout |
zxregtestsprout |
secret-spending-key-main |
secret-spending-key-test |
secret-spending-key-regtest |
secret-extended-key-main |
secret-extended-key-test |
secret-extended-key-regtest |
u (m) |
utest (m) |
uregtest (m) |
uivk (m) |
uivktest (m) |
uivkregtest (m) |
uview (m) |
uviewtest (m) |
uviewregtest (m) |
The codex32 format is used to store master secret data. It features an extended checksum versus the one used in Bech32 in order to support enhanced error correction. Codex32 uses the same notion of a human-readable part and the same set of 32 characters as other Bech32 formats.
Application | Human-readable part |
CLN's HSM secret | cl |
BIP-0032 master seed | ms |