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What I've configured

My dotfile repo contains configuration files for

  • git
  • zsh
  • vim
  • powershell-core

Linux scripts

These are ordered in recommended calling order.

Downloads and installs tools I can't have a Unix shell without. Installs zsh + oh-my-zsh and changes the default shell to zsh. You might need to log out to have the default shell change take affect.

Creates symlinks for all linux dotfiles and tool configurations.

Powershell scripts

Step 1: Install scoop

You will first need to install scoop:

$ Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
$ iwr -useb | iex

These setup scripts were written for Powershell-Core, and so may not run successfully on standard Powershell.

Step 2: Install Powershell-Core and Git

$ scoop install pwsh git

You can now clone this repo:

$ git clone

Step 3: Run the install_tools.ps1 script

This downloads and installs tools I can't have a Powershell shell without, as well as Vim plugin managers.

$ .\install_tools.ps1

Once this completed, close the shell and open an Admin Powershell-Core shell.

Step 4: Run the install_modules.ps1

This must be done with admin permissions.

Installs the Powershell Modules referenced by my PowerShell profile.

$ cd powershell
$ .\install_modules.ps1

Note: This script has been written in such a way calling it outside of the /powershell directory will cause failures during installation.

For an unknown reason this fails to install the modules and must be run again after the both link.ps1 scripts

Step 5: Run the powershell/link.ps1 script

This must be done with admin permissions.

Create symlinks for Powershell-Core config and profile.

$ .\link.ps1

Step 6: Run the link.ps1 script

This must be done with admin permissions.

$ cd ..
$ .\link.ps1

Create symlinks for any Powershell dotfiles in the home directory.

Step 7: Restart your terminal

Due to a bug in my scripts, you will get a series of Import-Module errors:

The specified module '<module_name>' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.

The Powershell modules aren't found, and so you need to run the install_modules.ps1 script again.


Windows Terminal

For the Windows Terminal profiles.json, there are 2 options to run PowerShellCore

  • "source": "Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore"
  • "commandline": "%PWSH%" This is after you run export to your pwsh.exe path, e.g.
export PWSH %ProgramFiles%\PowerShell\6\pwsh.exe

For increased flexibility across multiple machines, I use the "commandline" argument.

Archived Files

Across my career I have used and I developed significant dotfiles for many tools and systems, only to switch off them later. These files are inside the archived directory and include files for:

  • unix
  • tmux
  • vimscript
  • zsh

These files may work, or they may need updates after being unmaintained for years. Consider them untested, as they've likely become outdated.