type blob = array
type tree = map<String,tree/blob>
type commit = struct{ parent: array, author:String, message:String, snapshot: tree }
type object = blob | tree | commit
``` objects = map<String,object> def Store(1): id = sha1(1) object[id]=1 def load(id): return object[id] ```
To intialise a directory as git repository:
mkdir new_repo cd new_repo git init .
Check status
git status
Adding the files to staging area.
git add hello.txt
Removing the files to staging area.
git reset
Commiting the staged code to git.
git commit -m "checkin-tag"
Checking the log beautifully
git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline
To get content or type and size information for repository objects.
git cat-file -p 4365fa2
Download the master branch
git checkout master
Check the diff.
git diff 4365fa2 master
Create branch.
git branch brn01 git branch -vv
To see available branches local.
git branch
To see available branches remote.
git branch -r
To merge the brn01 with header branch.
git merge brn01
Then solve the merge conflict using editor.
git merge --continue
.git directory content
ls .git
Configuring remote
git remote git remote add <name> <url> git remote set-url <remote_name> <remote_url> eg: git remote set-url origin https://git-repo/new-repository.git
Uploading to remote
git push <remote> <local branch>:<remote branch> git push -u origin master
Setting up the upload (remote) branch (deprecated in recent git version)
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<branch> master
Cloning to local
git clone <url>
To fetch the content from remote repository.
git fetch
pull = fetch + merge
git pull git pull origin master
To show the different objects. Here, we can see the last commit ka diff.
git show
To save the current working changes to staging and get back to HEAD as well.
git stash git stash pop
Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug.
git bisect
Adding gitignore file that list which files to not include in version control.
touch .gitignore
Difftool to check the difference.
git difftool
To beat the mismatch histories conflict while pulling/merging:
git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories
To work with git tags
git tag git tag -D sample_tag
Github is a host for git repositories.
Sourcetree is one of the best git merging tool.