layout | permalink | title | parent | audience | nav_order |
default |
/dev/punctuation/ |
Punctuation |
Developers |
dev |
5 |
{::comment} The following block generates a collapsible table of contents for the page, which is collapsible by default. You're welcome to change or omit this however you'd like. {:/comment}
{: .no_toc }
Table of contents
{: .text-delta } - TOC {:toc}{::comment}
The following assign
blocks are responsible for auto-generating all rules from the ruleset file. You'll need to change the first assign
block to match the correct ruleset file:
{% assign file =<NAME_OF_THE_FILE> %} - Assuming your rulesets are stored in /_data/stylerules/
... but they should be. Also, don't include the .yml
file extension here; it's not necessary.
Other than that, there's no additional changes to make or Liquid blocks to include. The include
statement does all the work for you! That's why we bother with the hassle of formatting rules according to the YAML templates. ;)
{% assign file = %} {% assign aud = page.audience %}
{% include filename=file audience=aud %}