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Satlas Marine Infrastructure

The Satlas marine infrastructure model uses Sentinel-2 L1C scenes to predict the locations of off-shore wind turbines and off-shore platforms. Note that off-shore platforms is a catch-all category for human-made objects in the ocean that are not wind turbines.

It inputs four mosaics of Sentinel-2 images, where each mosaic should be constructed using Sentinel-2 scenes from a distinct 30-day period.

The model consists of a SatlasPretrain backbone to extract features from the image time series, paired with a Faster R-CNN decoder to predict bounding boxes. Note that the actual labels are points but the model is trained to predict bounding boxes.

It is trained on a dataset consisting of 7,197 image patches (ranging from 300x300 to 1000x1000) with 8,791 turbine labels and 4,459 platform labels.


First, download the model checkpoint to the RSLP_PREFIX directory.

cd rslearn_projects
mkdir -p project_data/projects/satlas_marine_infra/data_20241210_run_20241210_00/checkpoints/
wget -O project_data/projects/satlas_marine_infra/data_20241210_run_20241210_00/checkpoints/last.ckpt

The Satlas prediction pipeline applies the model on a bounding box in a UTM projection at 10 m/pixel. Given a longitude and latitude where you want to apply the model, you can use the code below to identify a suitable bounding box:

longitude = 120.148
latitude = 24.007
window_size = 4096

import json
import shapely
from rslearn.const import WGS84_PROJECTION
from rslearn.utils.geometry import STGeometry
from rslearn.utils.get_utm_ups_crs import get_utm_ups_projection

src_geom = STGeometry(WGS84_PROJECTION, shapely.Point(longitude, latitude), None)
dst_projection = get_utm_ups_projection(longitude, latitude, 10, -10)
dst_geom = src_geom.to_projection(dst_projection)
center_point = (
    int(dst_geom.shp.x) // 2048 * 2048,
    int(dst_geom.shp.y) // 2048 * 2048,
bounds = (
    center_point[0] - window_size // 2,
    center_point[1] - window_size // 2,
    center_point[0] + window_size // 2,
    center_point[1] + window_size // 2,

Run the prediction pipeline. The argument after the projection and bounds specifies the time range, it should be a seven month range to give enough options to pick the four 30-day mosaics, note that the timestamps are ISO 8601 formatted.

mkdir out_dir
python -m rslp.main satlas predict MARINE_INFRA '{"crs": "EPSG:32651", "x_resolution": 10, "y_resolution": -10}' '[18432, -268288, 22528, -264192]' '["2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", "2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00"]' out_dir/ scratch_dir/ --use_rtree_index false

You may need to delete the "scratch_dir" directory if it exists already. This is used to store a temporary rslearn dataset for ingesting the Sentinel-2 input images.

This generates a GeoJSON in out_dir but it is in pixel coordinates. Convert to longitude/latitude coordinates using this script (which can also be used to merge multiple GeoJSONs produced by the prediction pipeline):

mkdir merged_dir
python -m rslp.main satlas merge_points MARINE_INFRA 2024-01 out_dir/ merged_dir/

Now you can open the GeoJSON to view predicted positions of marine infrastructure, e.g. in qgis:

qgis merged_dir/2024-01.geojson


First, download the training dataset:

cd rslearn_projects
mkdir -p project_data/datasets/satlas_marine_infra/
wget -O project_data/datasets/satlas_marine_infra.tar
tar xvf project_data/datasets/satlas_marine_infra.tar --directory project_data/datasets/satlas_marine_infra/

It is an rslearn dataset consisting of window folders like windows/label/2102272_1262592/. Inside each window folder:

  • layers/sentinel2{.1,.2,.3}/ contains the four input Sentinel-2 mosaics.
  • layers/label/data.geojson contains the positions of marine infrastructure. These are offset from the bounds of the window which are in metadata.json, so subtract the window's bounds to get pixel coordinates relative to the image.
  • layers/mask/mask/image.png contains a mask specifying the valid portion of the window. The labels were originally annotated in WebMercator projection, but have been re-projected to UTM in this dataset; the transformation results in a non-rectangular extent, so the window corresponds to the rectangular bounds of that extent while the mask specifies the extent within those bounds. This is used in the mask step in the model configuration file data/satlas_marine_infra/config.yaml to black out the other parts of the input image.

Use the command below to train the model. Note that Weights & Biases is needed. You can disable W&B with --no_log true but then it may be difficult to track the metrics.

python -m rslp.rslearn_main model fit --config data/satlas_marine_infra/config.yaml --data.init_args.path project_data/datasets/satlas_marine_infra/

To visualize outputs on the validation set:

mkdir vis
python -m rslp.rslearn_main model test --config data/satlas_marine_infra/config.yaml --data.init_args.path project_data/datasets/satlas_marine_infra/ --model.init_args.visualize_dir=vis/ --load_best true