- X509 in SecurityTokenReference node (#17, @tiagocasanovapt)
- Allow to set up custom xmldsig namespace prefix for Signature node (#14, @Envek)
- Add posibility to disable noblanks method in Signer initialization (#16, @bpietraga)
- Minimum ruby version is now 2.1
- Fixed Issuer Name node (#8, @tiagocasanovapt)
- Fixed behaviour on XMLs that already contains nested signatures somewhere
- Changed method of getting GOST R 34.11-94 digest algorithm to more short and generic (and working in Ubuntu 14.04 and other OS)
- Support signing and digesting with inclusive namespaces (#5, @Envek)
- Fix namespace issue for SecurityTokenReference tag (#4, #@Envek)
- Allow to sign with other digest algorithms - SHA1, SHA256, and GOST R 34.11-94 (#3, @Envek)
- Fix canonicalization: should be without comments (#2, @Envek)
- Id and attribute namespace preserving when digesting the nodes (#1, @Envek)
- Allow to sign using enveloped-signature
- Allow to sign XML documents without SOAP
- Allow to sign SOAP documents