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A Customizable, GTK-Based Hotkey Manager with Socket Integration


XCmd is a powerful, highly configurable hotkey manager that integrates with GTK and facilitates communication via sockets. It reads settings from a CSV file (~/.xcmd-settings.csv by default), allowing users to define custom key combinations, associated executables, flags, arguments, and socket messages. The application features a system tray icon, logging, and a reload mechanism for effortless configuration updates.

Key Features:

Customizable Hotkeys:
* Define key combinations (e.g., Super+R + [key]) and associate them with:
+ Executables with flags and arguments
+ Socket messages (sent to localhost:21002 by default)

GTK System Tray Integration:
* Displays a tray icon with customizable icons for running/non-running states
* Supports a "Next" action, triggering a socket message ("next" by default)

Configuration and Reloading:
* Reads settings from a CSV file (~/.xcmd-settings.csv by default)
* Reloads configuration on Super+R + R hotkey press
Logging and Error Handling:
* Logs events to /var/log/XCmd (configurable) and stderr
* Reports errors and invalid configurations


You'll need a C++ compiler (like g++) and the development headers for X11 and GTK+.

Compile the code with necessary flags:

CXXFLAGS=$(pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-3.0 libayatana-appindicator3-0.1) LIBS=$(pkg-config --libs gtkmm-3.0 libayatana-appindicator3-0.1) -lX11 -lXtst

g++ -Wall -fexceptions -std=c++17 -Weffc++ -pg -Og -g $CXXFLAGS -I./ -c main.cpp -o main.o g++ -Wall -fexceptions -std=c++17 -Weffc++ -pg -Og -g $CXXFLAGS -I./ -c MyTrayIcon.cpp -o MyTrayIcon.o g++ -o XCmd main.o MyTrayIcon.o $CXXFLAGS $LIBS


* Create/Edit ~/.xcmd-settings.csv with the format: KeySym,Executable,Flag,Arguments,SocketMessage (e.g., F1,myapp,-v,arg1,arg2,socket-msg)
* Set HOME environment variable to locate the config file

Run XCmd:
* Execute the application, which will:
+ Initialize GTK and the system tray icon
+ Establish a socket connection (if needed)
+ Begin listening for hotkey presses

Hotkey Usage:
* Press Super+R + [configured key] to trigger associated actions
* Press Super+R + R to reload the configuration
* Press Super+R + Q to quit XCmd

Ensure the configuration file exists and is properly formatted.
Execute the compiled binary: ./XCmd
A tray icon will appear. Use the configured hotkeys to trigger actions.

Configuration file format: ( Keyboard key,path/to/executable,command line parameter1,clp2, ) ( Keyboard key,,,,command [sends command to port 21002] ) Example: F7,/usr/bin/xed,settings.csv,--new-window,

Dependencies and Build Requirements:

GTK+ (for system tray integration)
X11 and XKB libraries (for hotkey detection and window management)
POSIX-compliant environment (for sockets, logging, and process management)
XCmd grabs the Super_R key globally.
The socket functionality is currently hardcoded to connect to
Ensure you have the necessary permissions to run applications and write to the log file.


Ensure the DISPLAY environment variable is set for proper X11 interaction.
Customize the socket connection and log file paths as needed.
This implementation provides a solid foundation for further enhancements, such as:
+ Additional socket message formatting options
+ Support for multiple socket connections or destinations
+ Improved error handling and diagnostics
+ Integration with other GUI frameworks or notification systems