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File metadata and controls

320 lines (268 loc) · 14.2 KB


In this section, a solution is proposed to a usability issue that is present in a lot of RESTful APIs today. This issue is that, without referring to external documentation, an API user does not know what data to provide to operations that take input. For example, the POST call is used to create a new resource in a collection, and an API user can find out with the OPTIONS call that a certain collection supports POST. However, he does not know what data is required to create the new resource. So far, most RESTful APIs require the user to refer to the API documentation to get that information. This violates an important RESTful principle that APIs should be self-descriptive.

As far as I can see, this usability issue impacts two important use cases:

  1. A person is browsing the API, trying to use and learn it as he goes. The person can either be using a web browser, or a command-line tool like "curl".
  2. The development of a command-line or graphical interface to a RESTful API. Without a proper description of required input types, knowledge about these has to be encoded explicitly in the client. This has the disadvantage that new features are not automatically exposed, and that there are strict requirements around not making backwards incompatible changes.

When we look at the web, this issue doesn't exist. Millions of users interact with all kinds of IT systems over the web at any given moment, and none of them has to resort to API documentation to understand how to do that. Interactions with IT systems on the web are all self-explanatory using hypertext, and input is guided by forms.

In fact, forms are what I see as the solution here. But before I go into that, let's look into two classes of solutions that have been proposed to address this issue, and why I think they actually do not solve it. The first is using a type definition language like XMLSchema to describe the input types, the second is using some kind of service description language like WADL.

Type Definition

As alluded to in :doc:`resources`, some RESTful APIs use a type definition language to provide information about how to construct request entities. In my view this is a bad approach, and has the following issues:

  1. It creates a tight coupling between servers and clients.
  2. It still does not allow a plain web browser as an HTTP client.
  3. It does not help in the automatic construction of CLIs.

Often, XMLSchema is used as the type definition language. This brings in a few more issues:

  1. XMLSchema is a horribly complicated specification on one side, but on the other side it can't properly solve the very common requirement of an unordered set of key:value pairs (Note that <xs:all> does not solve this. Its limitations make it almost useless.).
  2. Type definitions in XMLSchema are context-free. This means that you cannot just define one type, you need to define one type for PUT, one for POST, etc. And since one XML element can only have one type, this means you're PUTing a different element that you'd POST or GET. This breaks that "homogeneous collection" principle of REST.

Service Definition

WADL is an approach to define a service description language for RESTful APIs. It tries to solve the problem by meticulously defining entry points and parameters to those. The problem I have with WADL, is that it feels very non-RESTful. I can't see a lot of difference between a method on a WADL resource, and an RPC entry point.

It would be possible to construct a more RESTful service description language. It would focus on mapping the RESTful concepts of resource, collection, relationships, and links. It would probably need a type definition language as well to define the constraints on types for each method (again, PUT may have different constraints than POST). There have been discussions in the RHEV-M project on this.

In the end though, this approach also feels wrong. What I think is needed is something that works like the web, where everything is self descriptive, and guided only by the actual URL flow the user is going through, not by reference to some external description.

Using Forms to Guide Input

The right solution to guide client input in my view is to use forms. Note that I'm using the word "forms" here in a generic sense, as an entity that guides user input, and not necessarily equal to an HTML form.

In my view, forms need to specify three pieces of information:

  1. How to contact the target and format the input.
  2. A list of all available input fields.
  3. A list of constraints which which the input fields must comply.

HTML forms provide for #1 and #2, but not for #3 above. #3 is typically achieved using client-side Javascript. Because Javascript is not normally available to clients that use the API, we need to define another way to do validation. The approach I propose here is to define a form definition language that captures the information #1 through #3. A form expressed in this language can be sent over to the client as-is, in case the client understands the form language. It can also be translated into an HTML form with Javascript in case the client is a web browser.

Form Definition Language

Our forms are defined as a special RESTful resource with type "form". This means they use the JSON data model, can be represented in JSON, YAML and XML according to the rules in :doc:`resources`.

Forms have their own content type. This is listed in the table below:

Type Content-Type

Rather than providing a formal definition, I will introduce the form definition language by using an example. Below is an example of a form that guides the the creation of a virtual machine. In YAML format:

method: POST
action: {url}
type: vm
- name: name
  type: string
  regex: [a-zA-Z0-9]{5,32}
- name: description
  type: string
  maxlen: 128
- name: memory
  type: number
  min: 512
  max: 8192
- name: restart
  type: boolean
- name: priority
  type: number
  min: 0
  max: 100
- sense: mandatory
  field: name
- sense: optional
  field: description
- sense: optional
  field: cpu.cores
- sense: optional
  field: cpu.sockets
- sense: optional
  exclusive: true
  - sense: mandatory
    field: highlyavailable
  - sense: optional
    field: priority

As can be seen the form consists of 3 parts: form metadata, field definitions, and constraints.

Form Metadata

The form metadata is very simple. The following attributes are defined:

Attribute Description
method The HTTP method to use. Can be GET, POST, PUT or DELETE.
url The URL to submit this form to.
type The type of the resource to submit.


The list of available fields are specified using the "fields" attribute. This should be a list of field definitions. Each field definition has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
name The field name. Should be in dotted-name notation.
type One of "string", "number" or "boolean"
min Field value must be greater than or equal to this (numbers)
max Field value must be less than or equal to this (numbers)
minlen Minimum field length (strings)
maxlen Maximum field length (strings)
regex Field value needs to match this regular expression (strings)
multiple Boolean that indicates if multiple values are accepted (array).


First we need to answer the question of what kind of constraints we want to express in our form definition language. I will start by mentioning that in my view, it is impossible to express each and every constraint on the client side. Some constraints for example require access to other data (e.g. when creating relationships), are computationally intensive, or even unknown to the API designer because they are undocumented for the application the API is written for. So in my view we need to find a good subset that is useful, without making it too complicated and without worrying about the fact that some constraints possibly cannot not be expressed.

This leads me to define the following two kinds of constraints, which in my view are both useful, as well as sufficient for our purposes:

  1. Constraints on individual data values.
  2. Presence constraints on fields, i.e. whether a field is allowed or not allowed, and if allowed, whether it is mandatory.

The constraints on data values are useful because CLIs and GUIs could use this information to help a user input data. For example, depending on the type, a GUI could render a certain field a checkbox, a text box, or a dropdown list. For brevity, constraints on individual data values are defined as part of the field definition, and were discussed in the previous section.

Presence constraints are also useful, as they allow an API user to generate a concise synopsis on how to call a certain operation to be used e.g. in CLIs. Presence constraints specify which (combination of) input fields can and cannot exist. Each presence constraint has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
sense One of "mandatory" or "optional"
field This constraint refers to a field.
constraints This constraint is a group with nested contrainst.
exclusive This is an exclusive group (groups only).

Either "field" or "constraints" has to be specified, but not both. A constraint that has the field attribute set is called a simple constraint. A constraint that has the constraints attribute set, is called a group.

Checking Constraints

Value constraints should be checked first, and should be checked only on non-null values.

After value constraints, the presence constraints should to be checked. This is a bit more complicated because the constraints are not only used for making sure that all mandatory fields exist, but also that no non-optional fields are present. The following algorithm should be used:

  1. Start with an empty list called "referenced" that will collect all referenced fields.
  2. Walk over all constraints in order. If a constraint is a group, you need to recurse into it, depth first, passing it the "referenced" list.
  3. For every simple constraint that validates, add the field name to "referenced".
  4. In exclusive groups, matching stops at the first matching sub-constraint, in which case the group matches. In non-exclusive groups, matching stops at the first non-matching sub-constraint, in which case the group does not match.
  5. When matching a group, you need to backtrack to the previous value of "referenced" in case the group does not match.
  6. A constraint only fails if it is mandatory and it is a top-level constraint. If a constraint fails, processing may stop.
  7. When you've walked through all constraints, it is an error if there are fields that have a non-null value but are not in the referenced list.

Building the Request Entity

After all constraints have been satisfied, a client should build a request entity that it will pass in the body of the POST, PUT or DELETE method. In case the form was requested in JSON, YAML or XML format, it is assumed that the client is not a web browser, and the following applies:

First, a new resource is created of the type specified in the form metadata. Dotted field names should be interpreted as follows. Each dot creates a new object, and stores it under the name immediately left of the dot in its parent object. This means that the parent must be an object as well, which means it cannot correspond to a field definition with "multiple" set to "true" (which would make it a list). This resource is then represented in a format that the server supports, using the rules described in :doc:`resources`.

If a client requested a "text/html" representation of the form, it is assumed that the client is a web browser, and we assume the form will be processed as a regular HTML form. In this case:

  • An HTML <form> should be generated, with an appropriate <input> element for each field.
  • The HTML form's "method" attribute should be set to POST, unconditionally. In case the RESTful form's method is not POST, the server should include a hidden input element with the name "_method" to indicate to the server the original method. (HTML does not support PUT or DELETE in a form).
  • The form's "enctype" should be set to "multipart/form-data" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", as appropriate for the input elements.
  • A hidden field called "_type" is generated that contains the value of the "type" attribute in the form metadata.
  • The server may generate Javascript and include that in the HTML to check the value and presence constraints.

Linking to Forms

Forms are associated with resources and collections by link objects. The name of the link object defines the meaning of the form. The following standard forms names are defined:

Name Scope Description
form/search collection Form to search for resources
form/create collection Form to create a new resource
form/update resource Form to update a resource
form/delete resource Form to delete a resource