A requirement that sometimes comes up is that to have an offline description of the API that can be used to generate offline help for a command-line interface (CLI) for that API. When connected to an API, all this information is of course available because of the self-descriptive nature of a RESTful API. But the request is to have that information offline as well, so that CLI users can get help without have to connect first.
In my view it is a bad idea to offer this offline help. It introduces a tight coupling between a client and a server, which will break the RESTful model. A server cannot be independently upgraded anymore from a client, and clients become tied to a specific server version. Also I doubt the usefulness of this feature as having to connect first to get help does not seem like a big issue to me.
That said, it is relatively straightforward to define a way that such an offline description can be facilitated.
One server-side change is required for this. For each collection, the API should implement a placeholder resource with a special ID (let's say "_", but it doesn't matter as long as it cannot be a valid ID), and some fake data. When a special HTTP Expect header is set, only this placeholder resource is returned when querying a collection.
Having the placeholder resources in place for every collection, the following procedure can be used by the client to retrieve all relevant metadata:
- Retrieve the entry point of the API and store it in memory as a resource.
- For every hyperlink in the entry point, fetch the target, and store it under the "target" property under the link object, recursively. When collections are retrieved, the special Expect header must be set.
- For every hyperlink in the entry point, execute an OPTIONS call on the target, and store the resulting headers under the "options" property of the link object, recursively.
- Serialize the resulting object to a file.
The result of this is basically a recursive dump of the "GET"-able part of an API with one placeholder resource in every collection. It will contain all metadata including forms, options, available resource types and collections, in a format that is very similar to the real on-line data. It can be used as an off-line store to generate any help that you would be able to generate online as well.
An API can store a version number on its entry point, so that clients can see when there offline cached copy expired and can therefore generate a new one.