description |
This page aims to point to all the sources of information regarding C4. |
- Current and scheduled audits (C4 website)
- Audit reports (C4 website)
- Past findings and audit code (GitHub)
- Award calculation tool (GitHub)
- Public documentation (GitBook)
- Community chat (Discord)
- Proposals and requests for comment (forum)
- Meeting notes, early ideas (The Greenhouse)
- Operations manual (Notion)
- C4 Team, Warden, Sponsors, and Judges channels (Discord)
- How I can get involved in C4 beyond participating in an audit?
- What’s the status of current judging / awarding / reporting?
- Criteria for scoping and how we’ve scoped past audits
If there’s some piece of information you’re looking for, it may be that it’s not public, but you can likely get access to it. Feel free to reach out in the #questions channel in Discord.