- Relatively minor bugfixes and library version updates
- Linking against Breeze 2.1.0 (better for Scala 3 projects)
- Other minor library updates
- Linking against the final release of Breeze 2.0.
- Cross-building for Scala 3 in addition to Scala 2.12 and 2.13.
- Linking against Breeze 2.0-RC1 and cross-building for Scala 3 in addition to 2.12 and 2.13.
- Code and documentation for flexible regression modelling, including orthogonal polynomials, cosine series, and B-splines.
- Updated library dependencies and cross-built for Scala 2.12 and 2.13
- First version supporting Scala 2.13
- Dropped Scala 2.11 from cross-build. Version 0.3 is final Scala 2.11 release
- First official sonatype release, cross-built for Scala 2.11 and 2.12
- PCA, including human-readable summaries and diagnostic plots
- Linear regression modelling, including human-readable diagnostic summaries and plots
- Generalised linear modelling (logistic regression and Poisson regression), inlcuding human-readable diagnostic summaries and plots
- Prediction methods for a new covariate matrix, including point predictions and standard errors
- Test code, including cross-testing against R
- ScalaDoc API documentation
- Example code
- Tutorial documentation
- Early test release
- Initial test release