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208 lines (184 loc) · 6.93 KB


Example DQL statements for the Gigamon demo environment where JSON logs are generated from their network simulator. These DQL queries are also behind the examples in this Gigamon blog



Application Overview

fetch logs| filter isNotNull(app_name)
| summarize count = count(), by:{app_name}
| sort count desc
| limit 10

BGP Neighbors

fetch logs
| filter isNotNull(bgp_as)
| summarize count=count(), by: {bgp_status=bgp_message_type, bgp_neighbors=bgp_as}
| fields bgp_neighbors, bgp_status, count 
| sort count desc

Application Performance at a glance

400 Errors

fetch logs
| filter vendor=="Gigamon" AND in(app_name,"http","https") and isNotNull(http_code) 
| parse http_code, "int:http_code_int"
| filter http_code_int >= 400
| summarize count=count(), by: {http_host,http_code}
| sort count desc

Slow applications

fetch logs
| filter vendor=="Gigamon" and in(app_name,"google-api","amazon-aws","ms-teams","salesforce","slack") 
| filter isNotNull( src_ip) and isNotNull( dst_ip) and isNotNull( tcp_rtt)
| parse tcp_rtt_app, "double:tcp_rtt_app_double"
| filter tcp_rtt_app_double > 2
| summarize tcp_rtt_max=max(tcp_rtt), tcp_rtt_app_max=max(tcp_rtt_app_double), by: {app_name, src_ip , dst_ip}
| fields app_name, src_ip , dst_ip, tcp_rtt_max
| sort app_name, src_ip

Web Access and performance info

fetch logs
| filter vendor=="Gigamon" and in(app_name,"http","https")
| filter isNotNull( src_ip) and isNotNull( dst_ip)
| parse http_rtt, "double:http_rtt_double"
| filter http_rtt_double > 5
| fields src_ip, http_rtt_double, dst_ip, http_server, http_uri
| sort src_ip

Application Performance - DNS

Top DNS Queries

fetch logs
| filter vendor=="Gigamon" and app_name=="dns" 
| filter isNotNull( dns_query) and isNotNull( dns_name) and isNotNull( dns_host_addr) and isNotNull( dns_response_time) and isNotNull( dns_ttl)
| summarize count = count(), by:{dns_query}
| sort count desc
| limit 10

DNS Traffic Info

fetch logs
| filter vendor=="Gigamon" and app_name=="dns" 
| filter isNotNull( dns_query) and isNotNull( dns_name) and isNotNull( dns_host_addr) and isNotNull( dns_response_time) and isNotNull( dns_ttl)
| summarize count = count(), by:{app_name,src_ip,dst_ip,dns_query,dns_name,dns_host_addr,dns_response_time,dns_ttl}
| sort count desc
| fields app_name,src_ip,dst_ip,dns_query,dns_name,dns_host_addr,dns_response_time,dns_ttl, count

Russian DNS Queries

fetch logs
| filter vendor=="Gigamon" and app_name=="dns" and isNotNull( dns_query) and isNotNull( dns_name) and isNotNull( dns_host_addr) and isNotNull( dns_response_time) and isNotNull( dns_ttl)
| filter matchesPhrase(dns_query, ".ru",caseSensitive:FALSE)
| summarize count = count(), by:{app_name,src_ip,dst_ip,dns_query,dns_name,dns_host_addr,dns_response_time,dns_ttl}
| fields app_name,src_ip,dst_ip,dns_query,dns_name,dns_host_addr,dns_response_time,dns_ttl, count
| sort count desc

Application Performance - Packet Transmission

Degraded Performance

fetch logs
|filter vendor=="Gigamon"
|filter app_name != "Classification-unknown" and app_name != "Unknown ssl" and app_name != "Unknown tcp"
|filter isNotNull(tcp_loss_count) and isNotNull(src_ip) and isNotNull(dst_ip)
|fields timestamp, src_ip, dst_ip, app_name, tcp_loss_count, tcp_flag_reset, tcp_flags
|sort src_ip

Due to wrong tcp CRC checksum

fetch logs
|filter vendor=="Gigamon"
|filter app_name != "Classification-unknown" and app_name != "Unknown ssl" and app_name != "Unknown tcp" and app_name != "Unknown udp"
|filter isNotNull(tcp_wrong_crc) and isNotNull(src_ip) and isNotNull(dst_ip)
| fields src_ip, dst_ip, app_name, tcp_wrong_crc
| sort src_ip

Due to IP checksum failures

fetch logs
|filter vendor=="Gigamon"
|filter app_name != "Classification-unknown" and app_name != "Unknown ssl" and app_name != "Unknown tcp"
|filter isNotNull(src_ip) and isNotNull(dst_ip) and isNotNull(ip_wrong_crc)
|fields src_ip, dst_ip, app_name, ip_wrong_crc
|sort src_ip

Application Security - Compliance

SSL Versions

fetch logs
|filter vendor=="Gigamon"
|filter isNotNull(ssl_protocol_version)
|filterOut matchesValue(ssl_protocol_version,"32535")
| fieldsAdd protocol=if(ssl_protocol_version=="2","SSLv2",else:if(ssl_protocol_version=="772","TLS 1.3",else:if(ssl_protocol_version=="768","SSLv3",else:if(ssl_protocol_version=="769","TLS 1.0",else:if(ssl_protocol_version=="770","TLS 1.1",else:if(ssl_protocol_version=="771","TLS 1.2"))))))
| summarize count=count(), by:{ protocol }
| fields protocol, count
| sort protocol

Deprecated Cipher

fetch logs
| filter vendor=="Gigamon" and isNotNull(src_ip) and in(ssl_cipher_suite_id,"47","49310")
| filter isNotNull(ssl_protocol_version)
| summarize count(), by:{ssl_cipher_suite_id,src_ip, dst_ip}
| fieldsAdd ssl_cipher_suite_name=if(ssl_cipher_suite_id=="47","RC4",else:if(ssl_cipher_suite_id=="49310","TLS 1.0"))
| summarize count=count(), by:{ ssl_cipher_suite_name}
| sort count desc
| limit 10
| fields ssl_cipher_suite_name, count

Vulnerable Protocols - SMB

fetch logs
|filter vendor=="Gigamon" and isNotNull(smb_version) and isNotNull(app_name)
|summarize count=count(), by: {app_name,smb_version}
| sort smb_version, count desc, app_name
| fields smb_version, app_name, count

Application Security - Risks

Peer to Peer Application traffic

fetch logs
|filter vendor=="Gigamon" and app_name=="edonkey" or app_name=="bittorrent" or app_name == "gnutella"
|filter isNotNull(src_ip) and isNotNull(dst_ip) and isNotNull(tcp_rtt_app)
|summarize count=count(), by: {app_name, src_ip, dst_ip}
|sort app_name desc, count desc

Non standard DNS Port Usage

fetch logs
| filter vendor=="Gigamon" and app_name=="dns" and isNotNull( dns_query) and isNotNull( dns_name) and isNotNull( dns_host_addr) and isNotNull( dns_response_time) and isNotNull( dns_ttl) and isNotNull(dst_port)
| filterOut dst_port=="53"
| filterOut dst_port=="5353"
| summarize count=count(), by:{dst_port,dns_name, dns_query}
| sort count desc

Crypto mining sessions

fetch logs
|filter vendor=="Gigamon" and (app_name=="minexmr-com" or app_name=="bitcoin" or app_name=="monero" )
|summarize count=count(), by:{app_name, src_ip}
| fields app_name, src_ip, count
| sort app_name, count desc

Top DHCP clients

fetch logs
|filter vendor=="Gigamon" and isNotNull(dhcp_host_name) 
|summarize count=count(), by: {dhcp_host_name}
| sort count desc
| fields dhcp_host_name, count

Port Spoofing Activity

fetch logs
|filter vendor=="Gigamon" and app_name=="ssh" 
|filterOut matchesValue(dst_port, "5355")
|filter dst_port!="22" and dst_port!="23" and dst_port!="53"
|filter src_port!="22" and src_port!="23" and src_port!="53"
|filter isNotNull(src_ip) and isNotNull(dst_ip)
|summarize count=count(), by: {app_name,src_ip,dst_port}
|sort count desc, app_name
| fields app_name, src_ip, dst_port, count