diff --git a/lib/error_tracker.ex b/lib/error_tracker.ex
index 6511316..092f4a7 100644
--- a/lib/error_tracker.ex
+++ b/lib/error_tracker.ex
@@ -280,14 +280,18 @@ defmodule ErrorTracker do
defp normalize_exception({kind, ex}, stacktrace) do
case Exception.normalize(kind, ex, stacktrace) do
- %struct{} = ex ->
- {to_string(struct), Exception.message(ex)}
- other ->
- {to_string(kind), to_string(other)}
+ %struct{} = ex -> {to_string(struct), Exception.message(ex)}
+ payload -> {to_string(kind), safe_to_string(payload)}
+ defp safe_to_string(term) do
+ to_string(term)
+ rescue
+ Protocol.UndefinedError ->
+ inspect(term)
+ end
defp exception_breadcrumbs(exception) do
case exception do
{_kind, exception} -> exception_breadcrumbs(exception)
diff --git a/live.exs b/live.exs
index ce17e41..a5f10bd 100644
--- a/live.exs
+++ b/live.exs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
- {:phoenix_playground,
- github: "phoenix-playground/phoenix_playground",
- ref: "ee6da0fc3b141f78b9f967ce71a4fb015c6764a6"},
+ {:phoenix_playground, "~> 0.1.7"},
+ {:postgrex, "~> 0.19.3"},
{:error_tracker, path: "."}
@@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ end
Application.put_env(:error_tracker, :repo, ErrorTrackerDev.Repo)
Application.put_env(:error_tracker, :application, :error_tracker_dev)
Application.put_env(:error_tracker, :prefix, "private")
+Application.put_env(:error_tracker, :otp_app, :error_tracker_dev)
Application.put_env(:error_tracker, ErrorTrackerDev.Repo,
url: "ecto://postgres:postgres@"
@@ -26,6 +26,29 @@ defmodule Migration0 do
def down, do: ErrorTracker.Migration.down(prefix: "private")
+defmodule ErrorTrackerDev.TimeoutGenServer do
+ use GenServer
+ # Client
+ def start_link(_) do
+ GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{})
+ end
+ # Server (callbacks)
+ @impl true
+ def init(initial_state) do
+ {:ok, initial_state}
+ end
+ @impl true
+ def handle_call(:timeout, _from, state) do
+ :timer.sleep(5000)
+ {:reply, state, state}
+ end
defmodule DemoLive do
use Phoenix.LiveView
@@ -47,6 +70,7 @@ defmodule DemoLive do
<.link href="/?crash=mount">Crash on mount
<.link patch="/?crash=handle_params">Crash on handle_params
@@ -69,6 +93,11 @@ defmodule DemoLive do
raise "Crash on handle_event"
+ def handle_event("genserver-timeout", _params, socket) do
+ GenServer.call(TimeoutGenServer, :timeout, 2000)
+ {:noreply, socket}
+ end
def handle_params(params, _uri, socket) do
if params["crash"] == "handle_params" do
raise "Crash on handle_params"
@@ -78,7 +107,42 @@ defmodule DemoLive do
-PhoenixPlayground.start(live: DemoLive, child_specs: [ErrorTrackerDev.Repo])
+defmodule DemoRouter do
+ use Phoenix.Router
+ use ErrorTracker.Web, :router
+ import Phoenix.LiveView.Router
+ pipeline :browser do
+ plug :put_root_layout, html: {PhoenixPlayground.Layout, :root}
+ end
+ scope "/" do
+ pipe_through :browser
+ live "/", DemoLive
+ error_tracker_dashboard "/errors"
+ end
+defmodule DemoEndpoint do
+ use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :phoenix_playground
+ plug Plug.Logger
+ socket "/live", Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
+ plug Plug.Static, from: {:phoenix, "priv/static"}, at: "/assets/phoenix"
+ plug Plug.Static, from: {:phoenix_live_view, "priv/static"}, at: "/assets/phoenix_live_view"
+ socket "/phoenix/live_reload/socket", Phoenix.LiveReloader.Socket
+ plug Phoenix.LiveReloader
+ plug Phoenix.CodeReloader, reloader: &PhoenixPlayground.CodeReloader.reload/2
+ plug DemoRouter
+ endpoint: DemoEndpoint,
+ child_specs: [
+ {ErrorTrackerDev.Repo, []},
+ {ErrorTrackerDev.TimeoutGenServer, [name: TimeoutGenServer]}
+ ]
# Create the database if it does not exist and run migrations if needed
_ = Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.storage_up(ErrorTrackerDev.Repo.config())