diff --git a/CHANGELOG.org b/CHANGELOG.org
index d4c8bebf..b99379da 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.org
+++ b/CHANGELOG.org
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
#+STARTUP: content
* Changelog
+** 0.9
+ - Added support for DAP Specification ~Reverse Requests~.
+ - Added ~vscode-js-debug~ latest Node.js, Chrome, Edge debuggers
+ - Updates for extension installations
** 0.8
- [Breaking Change] Change debug provider names to match VS Code's naming: ~lldb~ to ~lldb-mi~ and ~codelldb~ to ~lldb~
- Added ~dap-gdscript~
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 74be3aa4..ee1fb63b 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -93,3 +93,4 @@
support, (with some groundwork by yyoncho) runInTerminal support, various
bug fixes.
- [[https://github.com/factyy][Andrei Mochalov]] - Docker (debugging in containers) integration.
+ - [[https://github.com/jeff-phil][Jeffrey Phillips]] - [[https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-js-debug][vscode-js-debug]] installation and integration.
diff --git a/dap-js-debug.el b/dap-js-debug.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..255ea8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dap-js-debug.el
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+;;; dap-js-debug.el --- Debug Adapter Protocol mode for vscode-js-debug -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2023 Jeffrey Phillips
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see .
+;; Author: Jeffrey Phillips
+;; Keywords: languages, debug, javascript
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Adapter for microsoft/vscode-js-debug,
+;; see: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-js-debug
+;; Package-Requires: ((dap-mode "0.8"))
+;; Also requires vscode-js-debug v1.77.2+ which can be installed here
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'ht)
+(require 'json)
+(require 'dap-mode)
+(require 'dap-utils)
+(defcustom dap-js-debug-path (expand-file-name "vscode/ms-vscode.js-debug"
+ dap-utils-extension-path)
+ "The path to ms-vscode js-debugger extension."
+ :group 'dap-js-debug
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom dap-js-debug-program `("node"
+ ,(f-join dap-js-debug-path
+ "extension/dist/src/dapDebugServer.js"))
+ "The path and program for the ms-vscode js-debugger."
+ :group 'dap-js-debug
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom dap-js-debug-output-telemetry t
+ "Output telemetry data from js-debug server if non-nil."
+ :group 'dap-js-debug
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom dap-js-debug-extension-version "latest"
+ "The version of the github release found at
+ :group 'dap-js-debug
+ :type 'string)
+(dap-utils-github-extension-setup-function "dap-js-debug" "microsoft" "vscode-js-debug"
+ dap-js-debug-extension-version
+ dap-js-debug-path
+ #'dap-js-debug-extension-build)
+(defun dap-js-debug-extension-build ()
+ "Callback from setup function in order to install extension node deps and compile."
+ (message "Building ms-vscode.js-debug in %s directory." dap-js-debug-path)
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*dap-js-debug extension build*"))
+ (default-directory (concat dap-js-debug-path "/extension")))
+ (async-shell-command
+ "npm install --sav-dev --force; npm run compile -- dapDebugServer" buf buf)))
+(cl-defun dap-js-debug-extension-update (&optional (ask-upgrade t))
+ "Check for update, and if `ask-upgrade' arg is non-nil will prompt user to upgrade."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((url (format dap-utils-github-extension-releases-info-url "microsoft"
+ "vscode-js-debug" "latest"))
+ (cur-version
+ (let ((file (f-join dap-js-debug-path "extension/package.json")))
+ (when (file-exists-p file)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents file)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cdr (assoc 'version (json-read)))))))
+ (latest-version
+ (let ((inhibit-message dap-inhibit-io))
+ (with-current-buffer
+ (if-let ((buf (url-retrieve-synchronously url t t 10)))
+ buf ;returned
+ (progn
+ ;; Probably timeout
+ (message "Problem getting latest version from: %s" url)
+ (generate-new-buffer "*dap-js-debug-temp*")))
+ (if (/= (point-max) 1)
+ (progn
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward "^$")
+ (substring (cdr (assoc 'tag_name (json-read))) 1))
+ (progn
+ (kill-buffer)
+ cur-version))))))
+ (if (string= cur-version latest-version)
+ (when ask-upgrade
+ (message "ms-vscode.js-debug extension is up to date at version: %s"
+ latest-version))
+ (let ((msg (format "Newer version (%s) of vscode/ms-vscode.js-debug exists than \
+currently installed version (%s)." latest-version cur-version)))
+ (if ask-upgrade
+ (when (y-or-n-p (concat msg " Do you want to upgrade now?"))
+ (dap-js-debug-setup t))
+ (message "%s Upgrade with `M-x dap-js-debug-extension-update'" msg))))))
+;; Check extension version when loading, and give a message about upgrading.
+(dap-js-debug-extension-update nil)
+(defun dap-js-debug--populate-start-file-args (conf)
+ "Load up the start config CONF for the debug adapter from launch.json, and default
+ required attributes if missing. See full options:
+ `https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-js-debug/blob/main/OPTIONS.md'"
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :type "pwa-chrome")
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :cwd (lsp-workspace-root))
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :request "launch")
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :console "internalConsole")
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :name (concat (plist-get conf :type) "-js-debug"))
+ (let ((host "localhost")
+ (debug-port (dap--find-available-port)))
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :host "localhost")
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :debugServer debug-port)
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :debugPort debug-port)
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :program-to-start
+ (if (not (file-exists-p dap-js-debug-path))
+ (error "DAP program path: %s does not exist! \
+Install it with M-x dap-js-debug-setup." dap-js-debug-path)
+ (format "%s %s %s"
+ (mapconcat 'identity dap-js-debug-program " ")
+ (plist-get conf :debugPort)
+ (plist-get conf :host)))))
+ (if (plist-member conf :url)
+ (progn
+ ;;(plist-put conf :mode "url")
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :url (read-string
+ "Browse url: "
+ "http://localhost:3000" t))
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :webRoot (lsp-workspace-root))))
+ (if (plist-member conf :file)
+ (if (plist-get conf :url)
+ (error "Both \"file\" and \"url\" properties are set in launch.json. \
+Choose one.")
+ (progn
+ (plist-put conf :mode "file")
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :file
+ (read-file-name "Select the file to open in the browser:"
+ nil (buffer-file-name) t)))))
+ (if (plist-member conf :program)
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf :program (read-file-name
+ "Select the Node.js program to run: "
+ nil (buffer-file-name) t)))
+ (when (string= "node-terminal" (plist-get conf :type))
+ (error "In launch.json \"node-terminal\" debug type is currently not supported."))
+ (when (string= "integratedTerminal" (plist-get conf :console))
+ (error "In launch.json \"console\":\"integratedTerminal\" not supported at this \
+time, use \"console\":\"internalConsole\" instead"))
+ (dap--put-if-absent conf
+ :output-filter-function #'dap-js-debug--output-filter-function)
+ (unless dap-inhibit-io
+ (message "dap-js-debug--populate-start-file-args: %s" conf))
+ conf)
+;; Note, vscode-js-debug prefers now not using `pwa-' prefix, but still takes.
+;; Need to deprecate and replace: dap-chrome.el, dap-edge.el, dap-node.el before can
+;; remove `pwa-' here.
+(dap-register-debug-provider "pwa-node" #'dap-js-debug--populate-start-file-args)
+(dap-register-debug-provider "pwa-chrome" #'dap-js-debug--populate-start-file-args)
+(dap-register-debug-provider "pwa-msedge" #'dap-js-debug--populate-start-file-args)
+(dap-register-debug-provider "node-terminal" #'dap-js-debug--populate-start-file-args)
+;;If writing a vscode extension, probably wouldn't come to emacs. Don't register this.
+;;(dap-register-debug-provider "pwa-extensionHost" #'dap-js-debug--populate-start-file-args)
+(dap-register-debug-template "Node.js Launch Program"
+ (list :type "pwa-node"
+ :cwd nil
+ :request "launch"
+ :program nil
+ :name "Node.js Launch Program"))
+(dap-register-debug-template "Chrome Launch File"
+ (list :type "pwa-chrome"
+ :cwd nil
+ :request "launch"
+ :file nil
+ :name "Chrome Launch File"))
+(dap-register-debug-template "Chrome Launch URL"
+ (list :type "pwa-chrome"
+ :cwd nil
+ :request "launch"
+ :webRoot nil
+ :url nil
+ :name "Chrome Launch URL"))
+(add-hook 'dap-session-created-hook #'dap-js-debug--session-created)
+(defun dap-js-debug--session-created (debug-session)
+ "Set up so that processes won't ask about closing."
+ (when-let (proc (dap--debug-session-program-proc debug-session))
+ (set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)))
+(defun dap-js-debug--output-filter-function (debug-session event)
+ "Output event data, including for vscode-js-debug, some useful telemetry data.
+ Future can do something more with the telemetry data than just printing."
+ (-let [(&hash "seq" "event" event-type "body") event]
+ (if (hash-table-p body)
+ (progn
+ (if (and (bound-and-true-p dap-js-debug-output-telemetry)
+ (string= (gethash "category" body) "telemetry"))
+ (dap--print-to-output-buffer
+ debug-session (concat (dap--json-encode body) "\n"))
+ (dap--print-to-output-buffer
+ debug-session (concat (dap--output-buffer-format body) "\n")))))))
+(add-hook 'dap-terminated-hook #'dap-js-debug--term-parent)
+(defun dap-js-debug--term-parent (debug-session)
+ "Kill off parent process when child is disconnected."
+ (if (eq debug-session (if (boundp 'parent-debug-session) parent-debug-session nil))
+ (progn
+ (when-let (proc (dap--debug-session-program-proc debug-session))
+ (when (process-live-p proc)
+ (makunbound 'parent-debug-session)
+ (set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)
+ (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
+ ;; Switching mode, prevents triggering to open err file after killing proc
+ (shell-script-mode)
+ (kill-buffer))
+ (dap-delete-session debug-session)))))
+ (kill-buffer (dap--debug-session-output-buffer debug-session)))
+(add-hook 'dap-executed-hook #'dap-js-debug--reverse-request-handler)
+(defun dap-js-debug--reverse-request-handler (debug-session command)
+ "Callback hook to get messages from dap-mode reverse requests."
+ ;;This is set with `add-hook' above.
+ (unless dap-inhibit-io
+ (message "dap-js-debug--reverse-request-handler -> command: %s" command))
+ (pcase command
+ ((guard (string= command "startDebugging"))
+ ;; Assume current session now parent requesting start debugging in child session
+ (setq parent-debug-session debug-session)
+ (-let [(&hash "seq" "command" "arguments"
+ (&hash "request" "configuration"
+ (&hash? "type" "__pendingTargetId")))
+ (dap--debug-session-metadata debug-session)]
+ (-let (((&plist :mode :url :file :webroot :program :outputCapture
+ :skipFiles :timeout :host :name :debugPort)
+ (dap--debug-session-launch-args debug-session))
+ (conf `(:request ,request)))
+ ;; DAP Spec says not to include client variables to start child, including type
+ ;;(plist-put conf :type type)
+ (plist-put conf :name (concat type "-" command))
+ (plist-put conf :__pendingTargetId __pendingTargetId)
+ (plist-put conf :outputCapture outputCapture)
+ (plist-put conf :skipFiles skipFiles)
+ (plist-put conf :timeout timeout)
+ (plist-put conf :host host)
+ (plist-put conf :debugServer debugPort)
+ (plist-put conf :debugPort debugPort)
+ (if (or (string= "pwa-node" type) (string= "node" type))
+ (plist-put conf :program program)
+ (progn
+ (if (string= mode "file")
+ (plist-put conf :file file)
+ (progn
+ (plist-put conf :url url)
+ (plist-put conf :webroot webroot)))))
+ (unless dap-inhibit-io
+ (message "dap-js-debug startDebugging conf: %s" conf))
+ (dap-start-debugging-noexpand conf)
+ ;; Remove child session if stored in list of recent/last configurations to
+ ;; allow `dap-debug-last' to work by getting parent not child.
+ (when-let ((last-conf (cdr (cl-first dap--debug-configuration)))
+ (_ptid-equal (string= __pendingTargetId
+ (plist-get last-conf :__pendingTargetId))))
+ (pop dap--debug-configuration))
+ ;; success
+ (dap--send-message (dap--make-success-response seq command)
+ (dap--resp-handler) debug-session))))
+ ;; This is really just confirmation response, but good place to ensure session
+ ;; selected
+ ("launch" (dap--switch-to-session debug-session))
+ (_
+ (unless dap-inhibit-io
+ (message "command: %s wasn't handled by dap-js-debug." command)))))
+(provide 'dap-js-debug)
+;;; dap-js-debug.el ends here
diff --git a/dap-mode.el b/dap-mode.el
index a2af6721..c01e10e0 100644
--- a/dap-mode.el
+++ b/dap-mode.el
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ also `dap--make-terminal-buffer'."
(const :tag "asnyc-shell" :value dap-internal-terminal-shell)
(function :tag "Custom function")))
-(defcustom dap-output-buffer-filter '("stdout" "stderr")
+(defcustom dap-output-buffer-filter '("stdout" "stderr" "console")
"If non-nil, a list of output types to display in the debug output buffer."
:group 'dap-mode
:type 'list)
@@ -942,7 +942,11 @@ PARAMS are the event params.")
(formatted-output (if-let ((output-filter-fn (-> debug-session
(plist-get :output-filter-function))))
- (funcall output-filter-fn formatted-output)
+ (progn
+ ;; Test # of params. Consider deprecating 1 param function.
+ (if (= 1 (cdr (func-arity output-filter-fn)))
+ (funcall output-filter-fn formatted-output)
+ (funcall output-filter-fn debug-session event)))
(when (or (not dap-output-buffer-filter) (member (gethash "category" body)
@@ -1096,7 +1100,17 @@ terminal configured (probably xterm)."
(gethash "command" parsed-msg)))
(message "Unable to find handler for %s." (pp parsed-msg))))
- ("request" (dap--start-process debug-session parsed-msg)))
+ ("request"
+ ;; These are "Reverse Requests", or requests from DAP server to client
+ (pcase (gethash "command" parsed-msg)
+ ("runInTerminal"
+ (dap--start-process debug-session parsed-msg))
+ (_
+ (setf (dap--debug-session-metadata debug-session) parsed-msg)
+ ;; Consider moving this hook out to also include runInTerminal reverse requests
+ (run-hook-with-args 'dap-executed-hook
+ debug-session
+ (gethash "command" parsed-msg))))))
(dap--parser-read parser msg)))))
@@ -1140,8 +1154,8 @@ etc...."
"Create initialize message.
ADAPTER-ID the id of the adapter."
(list :command "initialize"
- :arguments (list :clientID "vscode"
- :clientName "Visual Studio Code"
+ :arguments (list :clientID "emacs"
+ :clientName "emacs DAP client"
:adapterID adapter-id
:pathFormat "path"
:linesStartAt1 t
@@ -1149,6 +1163,8 @@ ADAPTER-ID the id of the adapter."
:supportsVariableType t
:supportsVariablePaging t
:supportsRunInTerminalRequest t
+ :supportsStartDebuggingRequest t
+ :supportTerminateDebuggee t
:locale "en-us")
:type "request"))
@@ -1201,9 +1217,9 @@ ADAPTER-ID the id of the adapter."
(message "Failed to connect to %s:%s with error message %s"
- (error-message-string err))
- (sit-for dap-connect-retry-interval)
- (setq retries (1+ retries))))))
+ (error-message-string err)))
+ (sleep-for dap-connect-retry-interval)
+ (setq retries (1+ retries)))))
(or result (error "Failed to connect to port %s" port))))
(defun dap--create-session (launch-args)
diff --git a/dap-utils.el b/dap-utils.el
index fe5c23c1..d71b2505 100644
--- a/dap-utils.el
+++ b/dap-utils.el
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
(require 'dom)
(require 'json)
(defconst dap-utils--ext-unzip-script "bash -c 'mkdir -p %2$s && unzip -qq %1$s -d %2$s'"
"Unzip script to unzip vscode extension package file.")
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@
(shell-command (format dap-utils-unzip-script temp-file dest))))
(defcustom dap-utils-vscode-ext-url
- "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery/publishers/%s/vsextensions/%s/%s/vspackage"
+ "https://marketplace.gallery.vsassets.io/_apis/public/gallery/publisher/%s/extension/%s/%s/assetbyname/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage"
"Vscode extension template url."
:group 'dap-utils
:type 'string)
@@ -72,6 +71,12 @@
:group 'dap-utils
:type 'string)
+(defcustom dap-utils-github-extension-releases-info-url
+ "https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/releases/%s"
+ "Github extension's latest version information template url."
+ :group 'dap-utils
+ :type 'string)
(defcustom dap-utils-extension-path (expand-file-name ".extension" user-emacs-directory)
"Directory to store vscode extension."
:group 'dap-utils
@@ -113,8 +118,6 @@ PATH is the download destination path."
(defun dap-utils-vscode-get-installed-extension-version (path)
"Check the version of the vscode extension installed in PATH.
Returns nil if the extension is not installed."
- (require 'xml)
- (require 'dom)
(let* ((extension-manifest (f-join path "extension.vsixmanifest")))
(when (f-exists? extension-manifest)
(let ((pkg-identity (dom-by-tag (xml-parse-file extension-manifest) 'Identity)))
@@ -170,11 +173,11 @@ With prefix, FORCED to redownload the extension." extension-name)))
(message "%s: %s debug extension are not set. You can download it with M-x %s-setup"
,dapfile ,extension-name ,dapfile)))))
-(defmacro dap-utils-github-extension-setup-function (dapfile owner repo version &optional path callback)
+(defmacro dap-utils-github-extension-setup-function (dapfile owner repo &optional version path callback)
"Helper to create DAPFILE setup function for debug extension from github.
OWNER is the github owner.
REPO is the github repository.
-VERSION is the github extension version.
+VERSION is the github extension version, if not set or set to `latest' then grab latest version.
PATH is the download destination dir.
CALLBACK is the fn to be called after the download."
(let* ((extension-name (concat owner "." repo))
@@ -186,13 +189,33 @@ With prefix, FORCED to redownload the extension." extension-name)))
(defun ,(intern (format "%s-setup" dapfile)) (&optional forced)
(interactive "P")
- (unless (and (not forced) (file-exists-p ,dest))
- (dap-utils-get-github-extension ,owner ,repo ,version ,dest)
- (rename-file (concat ,dest "/" (concat ,repo "-" ,version))
- (concat ,dest "/extension"))
- (message "%s: Downloading done!" ,dapfile)
- (when ,callback
- (funcall ,callback))))
+ (if (or (not ,version)
+ (string= "latest" ,version))
+ (progn ; Get the latest actual version
+ (let* ((url (format dap-utils-github-extension-releases-info-url ,owner ,repo ,version)))
+ (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward "^$")
+ (set ',version (substring (cdr (assoc 'tag_name (json-read))) 1)))))
+ (progn ; Check that version requested exists.
+ (let* ((url (format dap-utils-github-extension-releases-info-url
+ ,owner ,repo (concat "tags/v" ,version)))
+ (status (url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer 'url-http-response-status
+ (url-retrieve-synchronously url))))
+ (unless (eql 200 status)
+ (error "Error! Extension: %s.%s version: %s returned status: %s for: %s"
+ ,owner ,repo ,version status url)))))
+ (if (or forced (not (file-exists-p ,dest)))
+ (progn
+ (message "Installing %s.%s version: %s to %s" ,owner ,repo ,version ,dest)
+ (dap-utils-get-github-extension ,owner ,repo ,version ,dest)
+ (rename-file (concat ,dest "/" (concat ,repo "-" ,version))
+ (concat ,dest "/extension"))
+ (message "%s: Downloading done!" ,dapfile)
+ (when ,callback
+ (funcall ,callback)))
+ (message "Extension %s.%s exists already in %s. Remove extension, or pass the `forced' \
+argument." ,owner ,repo ,dest)))
(unless (file-exists-p ,dest)
(message "%s: %s debug extension are not set. You can download it with M-x %s-setup"
,dapfile ,extension-name ,dapfile)))))