Adds one or more secrets to the given ServiceAccount files
jx-gitops sa secret
Adds one or more secrets to the given ServiceAccount files
jx-gitops sa secret -f config-root/namespaces/jx/mychart/my-sa.yaml --secret my-secret-name%!(EXTRA string=jx-gitops)
-f, --file string the ServiceAccount file to modify
-h, --help help for secret
--invert-selector inverts the effect of selector to exclude resources matched by selector
-k, --kind stringArray adds Kubernetes resource kinds to filter on. For kind expressions see:
--kind-ignore stringArray adds Kubernetes resource kinds to exclude. For kind expressions see:
-s, --secret stringArray the Secret names to add to the ServiceAccount
--selector stringToString adds Kubernetes label selector to filter on, e.g. -s app=pusher-wave,heritage=Helm (default [])
--selector-target string sets which path in the Kubernetes resources to select on instead of metadata.labels.
- jx-gitops sa - Commands for working with kubernetes ServiceAccount resources