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20 Fibonacci Heaps

Fibonacci heaps are predominantly of theoretical interest.

Structure of fibonacci heaps

A Fibonacci heap is a collection of min-heap-ordered trees. Unlike trees within binomial trees, which are oredered, trees within Fibonacci heaps are rooted but unordered.

For a given Fibonacci heap $H$, we indicate by $t(H)$ the number of trees in the root list of $H$ and by $m(H)$ the number of marked nodes (The boolean-valued field $mark[x]$ indicates whether node $x$ has lost a child since the last time $x$ was made the child of another node.) in $H$. The potential of Fibonacci heap $H$ is then defined by:

$Φ(H) = t(H) + 2m(H)$

Mergable-heap operations

Lemma 19.1, which gives properties of binomial trees, holds for unordered binomial trees as well, but with the following variation on property 4.

4'. For the unordered binomial tree $U_k$, the root has degree $k$, which is greater than that of any other node. The children of the root are roots of subtrees $U_0, U_1, \cdots, U_{k-1}$ in some order.

1   degree[x] ← 0
2   p[x] ← NIL
3   child[x] ← NIL
4   left[x] ← NIL
5   right[x] ← NIL
6   mark[x] ← FALSE
7   concatenate the root list containing  with root list H
8   if min[H] = NIL or key[x] < key[min[H]]
9      then min[H] ← x
10  n[H] ← n[H] + 1

To determine the amortized cost of FIB-HEAP-INSERT, let $H$ be the input Fibonacci heap and $H'$ be the resulting Fibonacci heap. Then, $t(H') = t(H) + 1$ and $m(H') = m(H)$, and the increase in potential is $1$. Since the actual cost is $Ο(1)$, the amortize cost is $Ο(1) + 1 = Ο(1)$.

2   min[H] ← min[H1]
3   concatenate the root list of H2 with the root list of H
4   if (min[H1] = NIL) or (min[H2] != NIL and min[H2] < min[H1])
5      then min[H] ← min[H2]
6   n[H] ← n[H1] + n[H2]
7   free the objects H1 and H2
8   return H

The change in potential is

$Φ(H) - (Φ(H1) + Φ(H2)) = (t(H) + 2m(H)) - ((t(H1) + 2m(H1) + (t(H2) + m(H2)))) = 0$

because $t(H) = t(H1) + t(H2)$ and $m(H) = m(H1) + m(H2)$. The amortized cost of FIB-HEAP-UNION is therefore equal to its $Ο(1)$ actual cost.

1   z ← min[H]
2   if z != NIL
3      then for each child x of z
4           do add x to the root list of H
5              p[x] ← NIL
6           remove z from the root list of H
7           if z = right[z]
8              then min[H] ← NIL
9              else min[H] ← right[z]
10                  CONSOLIDATE(H)
11          n[H] ← n[H] - 1
12  return z

Consolidating the root list consists of repeatedly executing the following steps until every root in the root list has a distinct degree value.

  1. Find two roots x and y in the root list with the same degree, where $key[x] &lt;= key[y]$.
  2. Link y to x: remove y from the root list, and make y a child of x. This operation is performed by the FIB-HEAP-LINK procedure. The field $degree[x]$ is incremented, and the mark ib t, if any, is cleared.
1   for i ← 0 to D(n[H])
2       do A[i] ← NIL
3   for each node w in the root list of H
4       do x ← w
5          d ← degree[x]
6           while A[d] != NIL
7               do y ← A[d] ▷ Another node with the same degree as x.
8                  if key[x] > key[y]
9                     then exchange x <--> y
10                 FIB-HEAP-LINK(H, y, x)
11                 A[d] ← NIL
12                 d ← d + 1
13          A[d] ← x
14  min[H] ← NIL
15  for i ← 0 to D(n[H])
16      do if A[i] != NIL
17            then add A[i] to the root list of H
18                 if min[H] is NIL or key[A[i]] < key[min[H]]
19                    then min[H] ← A[i]

1   remove y from the root list of H
2   make y a child of x, incrementing degree[x]
3   mark[y] ← FALSE

The amortized cost of extracting the minimum node is $Ο(\lg n)$.

Decreasing a key and deleting a node

1   if k > key[x]
2      then error "new key is greater than current key"
3   key[x] ← k
4   y ← p[x]
5   if y != NIL and key[x] < key[y]
6      then CUT(H, x, y)
7           CASCADING-CUT(H, y)
8   if key[x] < key[min[H]]
9      then min[H] ← x

CUT(H, x, y)
1   remove x from the child list of y, decrementing degree[y]
2   add x to the root list of H
3   p[x] ← NIL
4   mark[x] ← FALSE

1   z ← p[y]
2   if z != NIL
3      then if mark[y] = FALSE
4              then mark[y] ← TRUE
5              else CUT(H, y, z)
6                   CASCADING-CUT(H, z)

We use the mark fields to obtain the desired time bounds. They record a little piece of the history of each node. Suppose that the following events have happened to node $x$:

  1. at some time, x was a root,
  2. then x was linked to another node,
  3. then two children of x were removed by cuts.

The amortized cost of FIB-HEAP-DECREASE-KEY is at most

$Ο(c) + 4 - c = Ο(1)$


Since $D(n) = Ο(\lg n)$, the amortized time of FIB-HEAP-DELETE is $Ο(\lg n)$.

Bounding the maximum degree

Lemma 20.1

Let $x$ be any node in a Fibonacci heap, and suppose that $degree[x] = k$. Let $y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_k$ denote the children of $x$ in the order in which they were linked to $x$, from the earliest to the latest. Then, $degree[y_1] &gt;= 0$ and $degree[y_i] &gt;= i - 2$ for $i = 2, 3, \cdots, k$.

Lemma 20.2

For all integers $k &gt;= 0$, $F_{k+2} = 1 + \sum_{i=0}^k F_i$

Lemma 20.3

Let $x$ be any node in a Fibonacci heap, and let $k = degree[x]$. Then, $size(x) &gt;= F_{k+2} &gt;= Φ^k$, where $Φ = (1 + \sqrt 5)/2$.

Corollary 20.4

The maximum degree $D(n)$ of any node in an n-node Fibonacci heap is $Ο(\lg n)$.