Fibonacci heaps are predominantly of theoretical interest.
A Fibonacci heap is a collection of min-heap-ordered trees. Unlike trees within binomial trees, which are oredered, trees within Fibonacci heaps are rooted but unordered.
For a given Fibonacci heap
$Φ(H) = t(H) + 2m(H)$
Lemma 19.1, which gives properties of binomial trees, holds for unordered binomial trees as well, but with the following variation on property 4.
4'. For the unordered binomial tree
$U_k$ , the root has degree$k$ , which is greater than that of any other node. The children of the root are roots of subtrees$U_0, U_1, \cdots, U_{k-1}$ in some order.
1 degree[x] ← 0
2 p[x] ← NIL
3 child[x] ← NIL
4 left[x] ← NIL
5 right[x] ← NIL
6 mark[x] ← FALSE
7 concatenate the root list containing with root list H
8 if min[H] = NIL or key[x] < key[min[H]]
9 then min[H] ← x
10 n[H] ← n[H] + 1
To determine the amortized cost of FIB-HEAP-INSERT, let
2 min[H] ← min[H1]
3 concatenate the root list of H2 with the root list of H
4 if (min[H1] = NIL) or (min[H2] != NIL and min[H2] < min[H1])
5 then min[H] ← min[H2]
6 n[H] ← n[H1] + n[H2]
7 free the objects H1 and H2
8 return H
The change in potential is
$Φ(H) - (Φ(H1) + Φ(H2)) = (t(H) + 2m(H)) - ((t(H1) + 2m(H1) + (t(H2) + m(H2)))) = 0$
1 z ← min[H]
2 if z != NIL
3 then for each child x of z
4 do add x to the root list of H
5 p[x] ← NIL
6 remove z from the root list of H
7 if z = right[z]
8 then min[H] ← NIL
9 else min[H] ← right[z]
11 n[H] ← n[H] - 1
12 return z
Consolidating the root list consists of repeatedly executing the following steps until every root in the root list has a distinct degree value.
- Find two roots x and y in the root list with the same degree, where
$key[x] <= key[y]$ .- Link y to x: remove y from the root list, and make y a child of x. This operation is performed by the FIB-HEAP-LINK procedure. The field
$degree[x]$ is incremented, and the mark ib t, if any, is cleared.
1 for i ← 0 to D(n[H])
2 do A[i] ← NIL
3 for each node w in the root list of H
4 do x ← w
5 d ← degree[x]
6 while A[d] != NIL
7 do y ← A[d] ▷ Another node with the same degree as x.
8 if key[x] > key[y]
9 then exchange x <--> y
10 FIB-HEAP-LINK(H, y, x)
11 A[d] ← NIL
12 d ← d + 1
13 A[d] ← x
14 min[H] ← NIL
15 for i ← 0 to D(n[H])
16 do if A[i] != NIL
17 then add A[i] to the root list of H
18 if min[H] is NIL or key[A[i]] < key[min[H]]
19 then min[H] ← A[i]
1 remove y from the root list of H
2 make y a child of x, incrementing degree[x]
3 mark[y] ← FALSE
The amortized cost of extracting the minimum node is
1 if k > key[x]
2 then error "new key is greater than current key"
3 key[x] ← k
4 y ← p[x]
5 if y != NIL and key[x] < key[y]
6 then CUT(H, x, y)
8 if key[x] < key[min[H]]
9 then min[H] ← x
CUT(H, x, y)
1 remove x from the child list of y, decrementing degree[y]
2 add x to the root list of H
3 p[x] ← NIL
4 mark[x] ← FALSE
1 z ← p[y]
2 if z != NIL
3 then if mark[y] = FALSE
4 then mark[y] ← TRUE
5 else CUT(H, y, z)
We use the mark fields to obtain the desired time bounds. They record a little piece of the history of each node. Suppose that the following events have happened to node
- at some time, x was a root,
- then x was linked to another node,
- then two children of x were removed by cuts.
The amortized cost of FIB-HEAP-DECREASE-KEY is at most
$Ο(c) + 4 - c = Ο(1)$
Lemma 20.1
$x$ be any node in a Fibonacci heap, and suppose that$degree[x] = k$ . Let$y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_k$ denote the children of$x$ in the order in which they were linked to$x$ , from the earliest to the latest. Then,$degree[y_1] >= 0$ and$degree[y_i] >= i - 2$ for$i = 2, 3, \cdots, k$ .
Lemma 20.2
For all integers
$k >= 0$ ,$F_{k+2} = 1 + \sum_{i=0}^k F_i$
Lemma 20.3
$x$ be any node in a Fibonacci heap, and let$k = degree[x]$ . Then,$size(x) >= F_{k+2} >= Φ^k$ , where$Φ = (1 + \sqrt 5)/2$ .
Corollary 20.4
The maximum degree
$D(n)$ of any node in an n-node Fibonacci heap is$Ο(\lg n)$ .