8086-based system, designed in KiCAD
3D Render of PCB
PCB Overview (fill zones not shown)
Root Sheet
8086 Processor and Bus Demultiplexing Logic
28F010 CMOS Flash
8284A Clock Generator
PAL16L8 I/O Address Decoding
8259 Interrupt Controller
8254 Counter
8279 Keyboard
16550 UART Interface
8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface 1
8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface 2
8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface 3
LCD, 7-Segment Displays, LEDs, DIP Switches
Bus Headers, Power Connections
Front Copper Layer
Inner Copper Layer 1
Inner Copper Layer 2
Back Copper Layer
This repository is for submission as the final project for Systems Design and Programming at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County under instruction of William Smith
Unauthorized copying of this project is considered a violation of university academic integrity policy