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API Design


Require a “callbacks” argument. This can be expressed in two ways:

  • Module
  • Record of callback functions (do we need this?)

A module is a short hand for a predefined set of callbacks that may be exported by the module.

Also require an “init state” argument. This is either the single argument to an “init” function, or if the “init” function isn’t a part of the callbacks, the initial state of the process.

All remaining arguments should be optional.


  • Named or registered
  • Anonymous


Rambling Notes

There’s an app supervisor, which is used like this:


It looks like the intent here is to not use callbacks here.

I’m wondering what the point of using init/1 with supervisors, as opposed to just specifying a child spec.

init/1 has access to the application config, whereas the caller might not.

But is that really a reason to require a separate module for a supervisor?

Actually, a supervisor is a factory API, so it’s a good idea.

So that’s that.

But there’s no need for a callback?

Here’s how the task supervisor is used:



-export([start_link/0, start_handler/1]).

start_link() ->

start_handler(Socket) ->
    e2_task_supervisor:start_task(?MODULE, calc_handler, [Socket]).

When would `start_link/0` be called outside the context of an application start?

Looking at it’s not clear what benefit init/1 provides outside of just passing the child spec to the supervisor start_link.


A very simple, common supervisor spec:

supervisor:start_link([my_ids, my_data, my_web])

This will start and supervisor the list of services using a one_for_one restart strategy, which is a common scenarion.

If you want to change the restart policy, specify it as an option:

supervisor:start_link([my_ids, my_data, my_web], [one_for_all])

To specify options for a child, you can provide a tuple with a list of options:

supervisor:start_link([{my_ids, [{args, ["some_seed"])

Message Handling

gen_servers handle three types of messages:

  • Calls
  • Casts
  • Other Erlang messages

There are three different callbacks used for this:

  • handle_call/3
  • handle_cast/2
  • handle_info/2

I think this delineation could be a Bad Thing:

  • It’s not necessary to break up the handler implementation like this
  • The handler implementation is bound to the way the message is sent

I’d rather see a single message handler that looked like this:

@spec handle_msg(Msg, From, State) -> Result
Msg = term()
From = anonymous | {pid(), Tag}
State = term()
Result = {noreply, State} | {reply, Reply, State} | ...

In cases where a message doesn’t have a sender (e.g. a cast or a normal Erlang message), the From argument will be ‘anonymous’ (NOTE: could alternatively be ‘undefined’ or similar).

It would be accessptable to return {reply, Value, State} even for anonymous messages – this would just mean that the reply value is ignored.

I don’t see any difference between a cast and a normal Erlang send. I can see the interest in providing a ‘cast’ function in the interest of symmetry with ‘call’ – but I’d rather see it called gen_server:send/2 – which is really nothing more than a alternative spelling of erlang:send/2.

With this approach, an e2 process would just need to export a single handle_msg/3 callback to deal with anything.

How does this relate to explicitly mapped callbacks? E.g. a typical public function is implemented like this:

ping() ->
    e2_service:call(?MODULE, {handle_ping, []}).

handle_ping(_From, State) ->
    {reply, pong, State}.

I suppose the alternative spelling in the case of handle_msg would look like this:

ping() ->
    e2_service:call(?MODULE, ping).

handle_msg(ping, _From, State) ->
    {reply, pong, State}.

In some ways I prefer this to the explicit handler form:

  • Avoids the smelly Args ++ [From, State] pattern
  • Makes it clear that a process implementation is a message handler
  • Makes it easier to group message handling logic

The original motivator for this change was not to simplify the callback API – it was to make it easier to view a process’s message handling logic in once place.


Options Processing

It’s common to accept a proplist as an argument to an operation. The problem is that property lists are easy to get wrong – and without proper validation, the user may specify something incorrectly without realizing it.

We need a module that takes an option schema and converts a user provided proplist into a validated list.

Something like this:

Schema = [{color, ?DEFAULT_COLOR}],
Opts = e2_opt:validate(Options, Schema),
Color = e2_opt:value(color, Opts)


vs Scala

The e2 service analog to the Scala Counter class:



start_link() ->

tick(T) ->
    e2_service:call(T, {handle_tick, []}).

handle_tick(Counter) ->
    Next = Counter + 1,
    {reply, Next, Next}.

A little cheating here: export_all flag and not declaring the e2_service behavior.

What if we wanted to make the initialization implicit?



-e2_service([{init_state, 0}]).

tick(T) -> e2_service:cast(T, handle_tick).

handle_tick(Counter) ->
    Next = Counter + 1,
    io:format("~b~n", [Next]),
    {noreply, Next}.

IMO this is a mess:

  • The implicit behavior is just as much work as the explicit behavior above
  • Process initialization is a part of the module API – it needs to be defined so it can be documented

So, NO! Bad dog!

A stricter Erlangy interpretation, which is closer in spirit to the Scala actor example:



start() ->
    spawn(fun() -> loop(0) end).

loop(Counter) ->
        tick ->
            Next = Counter + 1,
            io:format("~b~n", [Next]),

Here’s some aweful code:

val result = (actor !! Message).as[String]

This is what we’d expect in Erlang:

Result = some_module:some_function(Actor),
ResultAsStr = io_lib:format("~p", [Result])

The advantage of Erlang here is that it’s so damn simple. There’s no implicit stuff that goes anywhere – it’s all just functions. That it!

E.g. in Scala, what the hell is this:

class MyActor extends Actor {
  self.dispatcher = Dispatchers.newThreadBasedDispatcher(self)
actor.dispatcher = dispatcher // before started

This smells, nay, reeks, of Scala’s Java heritage.

Instant Grok

It might not be instance Grok, but the hello work ring example is pretty compact and demonstrates the ability to start hundreds of thousands of processes trivially.

To Do / Issues

Application init callback needs a param

Support two forms:

  • If the app is specified as {Module, ArgList}, then invoke init/1
  • If the app is specified as Module, invoke init/0

Document implicit trap_exit behavior

If a service exports terminate/2, exits are automatically trapped for the process. I think this is right, but it’s implicit and needs to be documented.

Upcoming supervisor proplist support

In this thread:

RC is proposing something similar to what we have for e2_supervisor. Let’s sync up on that if/when it lands!

Virding’s “state reconstruction” idea

At EUC 2011, Robert mentioned a process type that was responsible for reconstructing state on process restart/recovery.

I would have guessed this was a job for the process itself. What’s the rationale for using a separate process?

I can’t imagine the recovered process would block until its state was available – but what would it do as the state recover was underway? It’s one or the other though.

In e2, I would see this looking something like this:

start_link() ->

init(_) ->
    {ok, recovery}.

handle_msg({recovered_state, State}, _From, recovery) ->
    {noreply, State};
handle_msg(_Msg, _From, recovery) ->
    {noreply, recovery};
handle_msg(do_something, _From, State) ->

This could be something baked into a new process type – e.g. e2_recoverable_service. The above code would be simplfied to this:

start_link() ->
      ?MODULE, [{state_builder, some_recovery_helper}]).

handle_msg(do_something, _From, State) ->

The terms ‘recovery’ and ‘state_builder’ are debatable.

I like formalizing this concept – I think there are areas I could use this. It could also just be a pattern.

This could also be a facility that uses a supervisor to start both the recovered process and the recovery helper. The start_link directly from a worker is not ideal.

Repeating tasks

It should be possible to schedule a repeating task (ala gen_timer).

I think this is belongs in e2_task – there’s still just one thing to do, you just need to do it on a schedule.

This is sort of supported today with continue return type – this is probably just a matter of adding a repeat option for the task and treat ‘continue’ as an implicit indicator of a repeat. {continue, State, Delay} would say, “skip the repeat interval and execute after Delay” – you could use {continue, State, 0} to continue immediately.

Check repeating task logic

Tasks delay and repeat logic can be specified two ways: as options to the task and from the init/1 return value. Make sure that a repeat spec in the task options is used, even when init/1 doesn’t provide any repeat info.

I.e. this should repeat:

start_link() ->
    e2_task:start_link(?MODULE, [], [{repeat, 1000}, {delay, 5000}]).

init([]) ->
    {ok, #state{}}.

If a timeing spec is returned by init, it should override the options.


Using error_logger for generic logging is awful. Just a rename would be a benefit.

But a basic logging facility should do more than cleanup distractingly poor module names. In addition to straight pass through of logging to error_logger, e2 logging should:

  • DONE Support a compact format for logging
  • TODO Make it trivial to plugin different handlers (e.g. syslog)
  • TODO Otherwise keep it drop dead simple (i.e. avoid any log4j moments of inspiration)

The working API is very simple in that it combines messages and reports.

In the way it’s implemented, we’ve lost report types. This undermines the whole custom handler desgin of error_logger.

E.g. these are not distinguishable:

e2_log:info(“I got this: ~p”, [“a message”])

e2_log:info(custom_log_type, {msg, “a message”})

We could get very hacky here and prescribe that, for custom report types, the first arg must be an atom or a tuple, rather than an iolist.

I suspect custom types and handlers are more edge cases and should fall behind API simplicity in priority.

For now, we can keep the API as is and work types into it later, perpahs as a separate function.

Also, the translated log events currently use both {error, Report} and {error_msg, {Format, Data}} formats – the _msg variant being something that could leak through if someone uses error_logger directly (e2_log converts everything to reports). This needs to be cleaned up somehow.

Rethink “next message” pattern in e2_service

We’ve morphed the optional timeout/hibernate tuple element for “next message” in e2 return values.

The problem with this is it’s disabled the gen_server timeout and hibernate features.

One could argue that ‘timeout’ is a misfeature and we shouldn’t support it.

Hiberate on the other hand is possibly something we want.

A possible API change is to do make this term explicit:

Term = {timeout, Timeout} | hibernate | {handle_msg, Msg}

So a “send this as next message scenario” would look like this:

handle_msg(check, noreply, State) ->
    {noreply, State, {handle_msg, check}}.

It currently looks like this:

handle_msg(check, noreply, State) ->
    {noreply, State, check}.

How does this tie to the init result API? It should be consistent / make sense.

Workers and result collections

This is a pattern that we want to support: a coodinator starts a bunch of tasks that run in parallel and then collects the results.

This should probably piggy back on task supervisors and tasks. We’re just missing the result collection mechanism.

Maybe a e2_worker behavior, which is a subtype of e2_task. The task however is allowed to return a value from handle_task.

Then e2_worker_supervisor, which is used to start the workers and returns the results.

A worker might look like this:



-export([start_link/2, handle_task/1]).

start_link(X, Y) ->
    e2_task:start_link(?MODULE, [X, Y]).

handle_task([X, Y]) ->
    {reply, X + Y}.

The supervisor might look like this:



-export([start_link/2, add/1]).

start_link() ->
    e2_task_supervisor:start_link(?MODULE, adder).

add(Pairs) ->
    {ok, Tasks} = e2_task_supervisor:start_tasks(Pairs),

start_child support for e2_supervisor

This is big missing feature!

Task refactor

The ‘continue’ signal from a task’s handle_task callback should be changed:

  • It should more clearly indicate that the task will be repeated
  • We need to differentiate a “repeat” from a “keep running” signal


  • Change ‘continue’ to ‘repeat’ - semmantics remain the same
  • Add ‘wait’ to indicate that the task should keep running, but not be repeated

The “repeat” signal is clear.

The term “wait” comes from the Erlang process state “waiting”, which indicates that it’s ready to receive messages. This is what we want to suggest.

The motivation for this is to enable asynchronous tasks, which aren’t possible under with just ‘continue’.

A wait reply should support an optional third element, which is a timeout value in milliseconds. This is just a pass through to the noreply result.

Supervisor trees as data

Why can’t we just provide a declarative model for supervisors?

[{service, calc_server},
 {task_supervisor, calc_handler_sup, calc_handler},
 {supervisor, fancy_logging_sup,
  [{service, my_logger},
   {service, another_logger}]}].

This would not require modules. In that case, applicable APIs could be provided by the e2 modules.


  • Fewer modules, most of which are boilerplate
  • You can see the supervisory hierarchy in once place

This could even be included in the .app file.

This approach underscores the idea that supervisors are very and just follow recipes.

Resolve Task API for waiting / handling messages

What’s best API for a task to signal that it wants to still run but not to repeat.

{wait, State} {wait_for_msg, State} {handle_messages, State} {keep_running, State}

The current tag is ‘wait’, which I’m inclined to keep. ‘wait_for_msg’ is also good.

Resolves: using wait_for_msg.

Resolve optional state element in return values

In some cases (rare) a handler API does not require a state element (e.g. e2_task:handle_task/1).

We need to either drop that – i.e. always require a state element – or make it optional everywhere.

I’m inclined to require it:

  • It’s consistent
  • It’s explicit
  • Making it optional everywhere would add quite a few case/function clauses
  • There’s very little cost in adding the state

One could make the case that it should be optional in ‘stop’ results.


I think we want to include an e2 version of groc. I’d see this as a combination of two things:

e2_gprocAn exact copy of gproc
e2_regA e2 interface to e2_gproc

The use cases we want to cover:

  • Publishing values for a process
  • Registering a process under a tag

Perhaps an API like this:

incr_value(Name) -> any()
incr_value(Name, Amount) -> any()
set_value(Name, Value) -> any()
register(Name) -> any()

e2_reg is debatable.


A very simple value cache with expiration.

This can be used to guard against DoS vectors.

handle_msg return fast support

From Richard Carlson’s recent Dos and Donts:


handle_call({find, X}, _From, State) -> {reply, {ok, search_db(X)}, State}.


handle_call({find, X}, _From, State) -> proc_lib:spawn_link( fun() -> gen_server:reply(From, {ok, search_db(X)}) end), {noreply, State}.

This is great. Could e2 highlight this as a pattern?

handle_msg({find, X}, _From, State) -> {spawn_reply, fun() -> {ok, search_db(X)} end, State}.


app start to support restart type

e2_application:start_xxx functions need to support a restart type (e.g. permanent, temporary, transient).

Release support

Create a make file target for setting up release support.

Maybe we use rebar for “generate” – or maybe we just do it directly.

Compiled escript support

Create a makefile target (or util) to create an escript for an app.

Implicit supervisor options

If we don’t already, support implicit child options (e.g. transient in addition to {restart, transient}, etc.)

Document it.

Tweaks to tutorial

Workflow intro

It’s odd to “stop” the app as the first step - I was confused here.

Instead, “start” the app and explain what the app is. Then tweak the code and recompile to illustrate the work flow.

Newer shells don’t crash on unbound variable access

“Let’s make a mistake” doesn’t apply in later shells. Use a more extreme error like 1 / 0.

Added value of function vs case

In addition to having a name, a function has limited scope. That makes it easier to reason about and eliminates the chance of using a variable you don’t want to use.

Use used-order ordering of functions in examples

E.g. listen/1 in mydb_server.erl should occur after init/1.

Move inet:setopts in client handler to init

This should not be in read_line, wtf.

This should be a refactoring to introduce init/1 as an optional function for a task.

Use of erlang:function_exported/3 considered useless?

erlang:function_exported/3 is accurate only if the module is loaded.

Why not just try a method and catch the error (and remember) if it’s not exported?