With Ubidots you can monitor your values remotely and get notifications when they go over set thresholds.
- Indiegogo Ubidots coupons are applicable for Education platform and each coupon code provided can be used only once
- Details to how a coupon code can be applied to any Ubidots for Education account can be found here
- Ubidots for Education and additional details to this DIY platform can be found here
- New Ubidots for Education Accounts can be created using the following link
Any users looking for additional cloud and IoT Application development tools are encouraged to take Ubidots free 30-day trial using this link
- Create an Ubidots account here.
- Click on the profile icon in the top-right corner and select API Credentials, then copy your Default Token
Here is the complete flow which you can import to Node-RED:
[{"id":"6c6622f5.06be2c","type":"mqtt in","z":"2c41a2bd.aa36ae","name":"","topic":"node/#","qos":"2","broker":"29fba84a.b2af58","x":70,"y":40,"wires":[["f3036e8f.15107"]]},{"id":"f3036e8f.15107","type":"function","z":"2c41a2bd.aa36ae","name":"Ubidots Decode","func":"// Declare variables\nvar ubi_payload = {}\nvar ubi_msg = {};\nvar topic = msg.topic.split(\"/\");\n\n// Get device label, variable name and value from BigClown message\nvar device_label = topic[1];\nvar variable = topic[4];\nvar value = msg.payload;\n\n// Build Ubidots MQTT payload\nubi_msg['device_label'] = device_label;\nubi_payload[variable] = value;\nubi_msg['payload'] = ubi_payload;\nreturn ubi_msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":280,"y":40,"wires":[["3ae188a9.accc48"]]},{"id":"3ae188a9.accc48","type":"ubidots_out","z":"2c41a2bd.aa36ae","name":"","token":"YOUR-TOKEN-HERE","label_device":"","device_label":"","tier":"educational","x":530,"y":40,"wires":[]},{"id":"29fba84a.b2af58","type":"mqtt-broker","z":"","broker":"","port":"1883","clientid":"","usetls":false,"compatmode":true,"keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":"","willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":""}]
To send your data to your Ubidots account just double click on the Ubidots out node and enter your Ubidots TOKEN.
BigClown utilizes Ubidots official Node-RED node, which connects to Ubidots' MQTT broker and expects a Node-RED message with the following format:
"device_label": YOUR_DEVICE_NAME,
To aggregate BigClown's messages into the expected Ubidots format, a function called Ubidots Decode is used (this function is already included in the Node-RED flow above):
// Declare variables
var ubi_payload = {}
var ubi_msg = {};
var topic = msg.topic.split("/");
// Get device label, variable name and value from BigClown message
var device_label = topic[1];
var variable = topic[4];
var value = msg.payload;
// Build Ubidots MQTT payload
ubi_msg['device_label'] = device_label;
ubi_payload[variable] = value;
ubi_msg['payload'] = ubi_payload;
return ubi_msg;
This simple setup will automatically create a new Ubidots device for every new BigClown module detected by your BigClown gateway.
In the Dashboard tab you can create a preview of all your important values. In the Eventtab you can set rules so you'll get notified when some value gets out of the limits. The SMS notification is easy to set-up and just works.