🔧 This rule is automatically fixable by the --fix
CLI option.
Wrapping multiline JSX in parentheses can improve readability and/or convenience.
This rule optionally takes a second parameter in the form of an object, containing places to apply the rule. By default, all the syntax listed below will be checked except the conditions out of declaration or assignment, logical expressions and JSX attributes, but these can be explicitly disabled. Any syntax type missing in the object will follow the default behavior displayed below.
"declaration": "parens",
"assignment": "parens",
"return": "parens",
"arrow": "parens",
"condition": "ignore",
"logical": "ignore",
"prop": "ignore"
Note: conditions are checked by default in declarations or assignments.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with parens
or parens-new-line
var Hello = createClass({
render: function() {
return <div>
<p>Hello {this.props.name}</p>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with parens-new-line
var Hello = createClass({
render: function() {
return (<div>
<p>Hello {this.props.name}</p>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with either parens
or parens-new-line
var singleLineJSX = <p>Hello</p>
var Hello = createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<p>Hello {this.props.name}</p>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with never
var singleLineJSX = <p>Hello</p>
var Hello = createReactClass({
render: function() {
return (
<p>Hello {this.props.name}</p>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with never
var singleLineJSX = <p>Hello</p>
var Hello = createReactClass({
render: function() {
return <div>
<p>Hello {this.props.name}</p>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { declaration: "parens" }
var hello = <div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { declaration: "parens" }
var hello = (
var hello = (<div>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { declaration: "parens-new-line" }
var hello = <div>
var hello = (<div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { declaration: "parens-new-line" }
var hello = (
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { declaration: "never" }
var hello = (<div>
var hello = (
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { declaration: "never" }
var hello = <div>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { assignment: "parens" }
var hello;
hello = <div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { assignment: "parens" }
var hello;
hello = (
var hello;
hello = (<div>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { assignment: "parens-new-line" }
var hello;
hello = <div>
var hello;
hello = (<div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { assignment: "parens-new-line" }
var hello;
hello = (
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { assignment: "never" }
var hello;
hello = (<div>
var hello;
hello = (
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { assignment: "never" }
var hello;
hello = <div>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { return: "parens" }
function hello() {
return <div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { return: "parens" }
function hello() {
return (
function hello() {
return (<div>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { return: "parens-new-line" }
function hello() {
return <div>
function hello() {
return (<div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { return: "parens-new-line" }
function hello() {
return (
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { return: "never" }
function hello() {
return (<div>
function hello() {
return (
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { return: "never" }
function hello() {
return <div>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { arrow: "parens" }
var hello = () => <div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured { arrow: "parens" }
var hello = () => (
var hello = () => (<div>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { arrow: "parens-new-line" }
var hello = () => <div>
var hello = () => (<div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { arrow: "parens-new-line" }
var hello = () => (
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { arrow: "never" }
var hello = () => (<div>
var hello = () => (
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { arrow: "never" }
var hello = () => <div>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { condition: "parens" }
{foo ? <div>
</div> : null}
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { condition: "parens" }
{foo ? (<div>
</div>) : null}
{foo ? (
): null}
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { condition: "parens-new-line" }
{foo ? <div>
</div> : null}
{foo ? (<div>
</div>) : null}
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { condition: "parens-new-line" }
{foo ? (
): null}
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { condition: "never" }
{foo ? (<div>
</div>) : null}
{foo ? (
): null}
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { condition: "never" }
{foo ? <div>
</div> : null}
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { logical: "parens" }
{foo &&
<p>Hello World</p>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { logical: "parens" }
{foo &&
<p>Hello World</p>
{foo && (
<p>Hello World</p>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { logical: "parens-new-line" }
{foo &&
<p>Hello World</p>
{foo &&
<p>Hello World</p>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { logical: "parens-new-line" }
{foo && (
<p>Hello World</p>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { logical: "never" }
{foo &&
<p>Hello World</p>
{foo && (
<p>Hello World</p>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { logical: "never" }
{foo &&
<p>Hello World</p>
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { prop: "parens" }
<div foo={<div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { prop: "parens" }
<div foo={(<div>
<div foo={(
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { prop: "parens-new-line" }
<div foo={<div>
<div foo={(<div>
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { prop: "parens-new-line" }
<div foo={(
Examples of incorrect code for this rule, when configured with { prop: "never" }
<div foo={(<div>
<div foo={(
Examples of correct code for this rule, when configured with { prop: "never" }
<div foo={<div>