The release process is automated using Github Actions. This automated process mirrors the manual one currently used.
Everytime a new release starts, you have to run the action create-release-pr. It will ask if you wanna relase a patch, a minor or a major. After that, it will:
- Generate a new version of the package
- Create a branch with this name release/<new-version> starting from develop
- It will update the package.json
- It will update the publiccode.yml
- It will open a PR on that branch
The PR process has the aim of giving the freedom to do manual editing. You MUST update manually before closing the PR.
Another Github Action, finish-release, is triggered when the PR is closed on main.
This action will:
- Create a tag and push it
- Merge main on develop
- Create a release package on Github
It's highly recommended to edit manually the description of the release. It will be automated in the next releases.
This worfklow will be changed with the adoption of more solid and more robust solutions.