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File metadata and controls

100 lines (72 loc) · 2.71 KB


Bindings for mounting and interacting with Elm applications in Reason.


Writing web applications in Elm is nice. It's type system and enforced architecture are just a couple of the really cool things that it offers. The Elm ecosystem is pretty small compared to the Javascript(JS) ecosystem, and this is a draw back when coming from the world of JS. Interop with JS is possible, but it requires writing regular JS code, which has none of Elm's safety. This is where Reason enters the picture. Reason can communicate more direclty with JS with much more type safety than vanilla JS. The possibility of writing an Elm app and handling JS interop with Reason is pretty powerful. Having access to the entire JS ecosytem in a (more) typesafe way is pretty exciting, so bs-elm was created.

Getting Started

  • Install
    • With yarn: yarn add bs-elm
    • With npm: npm install --save bs-elm
  • Add bs-elm as a dependency in bsconfig.json
  "bs-dependencies": ["bs-elm"]
  • Use the Elm module in reason
module R = Belt.Result;

type ports = {
  infoForReason: Elm.elmToReasonPort(string),
  infoForElm: Elm.reasonToElmPort(string),

[@bs.val] external elmProgram: Elm.elmProgramWithPorts(ports) = "Elm";
/* Or if using a bundler.
  external elmProgram : Elm.elmProgramWithPorts(ports) = "path/to/App.elm";

type flags = {...};

let resultRuntime =
    ~flags={..}, /* Optional, defaults to Nothing */
    ~moduleName="Other.Main", /* Optional, defaults to "Main" */

switch (resultRuntime) {
| R.Ok(runtime) =>
  runtime.ports.infoForReason.subscribe(info =>
    runtime.ports.infoForElm.send("You pressed " ++ info)
| R.Error(message) => Js.log(message)

Checkout the example/! Checkout this repo using webpack!


Checkout the rei file for documenation.

If you have any suggestions or run into any bugs, please open an issue!

Change log

v3.0.0 ->

  • Upgrade to bsb 7.3.2
  • Improve interop with new bsb records <-> js object compatability

v2.0.0 ->

  • Drop support for 0.18
  • Add support for 0.19

v1.0.2 ->

  • Compile reason modules in-source

v1.0.1 ->

  • Upgrade to [email protected] (No change in the generated code)
  • Generate files with the suffix .bs.js instead of .js
  • NOTE: If using webpack this, changes how the project must be built. Please refer to jaredramirez/bs-elm-example for an example.

v1.0.0 ->

  • Rename project to bs-elm
  • Changed exported module from ReasonElm to Elm
  • Changed export port types to elmOutPort -> portToElm and elmInPort -> portFromElm