- In the first LC (02-03-2020) you will be assigned account names for DAS-5, a computing cluster that you will be expected to run some experiments on.
- DAS5 uses a scheduler called SLURM, the basic procedure to use it is first reserving a node (or a number of them) and then running your script on that node.
- You are recommended to use the VU node of DAS-5 (fs0.das5.cs.vu.nl)
- You are not allowed to use the account name given to you for this course for any other work such as training NN etc...
- For information about DAS-5 see https://www.cs.vu.nl/das5/
- Once you log in to DAS-5 you will be automatically in a shell environment on the headnode.
- While on the headnode you are only supposed to edit files and compile your code and not execute code on the head node.
- You need to use prun to run your code on a DAS-5 node.
- You should not execute on a DAS-5 node for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Use ssh to connect to the cluster:
ssh -Y [email protected]
Enter your password, If its correct then you should be logged in.
If you are a MacOS or Linux user, ssh is already available to you in the terminal.
If you are a Windows user, you need to use a ssh client for Windows. The easiest option is to use putty: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
module list
module avail
module load prun
module load cuda80/toolkit
sinfo -o "%40N %40f"
preserve -llist
- BE AWARE: 15 minutes is the maximum time slot you should reserve!
- In the output of your command you will see your reservation number
preserve -np 1 -native '-c cpunode' -t 15:00
prun -np 1 -reserve <reservation_id> cat /proc/cpuinfo
prun -np 1 cat /proc/cpuinfo
Schedule a reservation for a node with a gtx1080ti gpu on christmas day ( 25th of december )starting at midnight and 15 minutes for 15 minutes
preserve -np 1 -native ’-c gpunode,gtx1080ti’ -s 12-25-00:15 -t 15:00
preserve -c <reservation_id>