All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.3.2 (2022-01-23)
1.3.1 (2021-12-27)
1.3.0 (2021-12-27)
- generate numbering for independent list types (67151ce)
- generating numbering xml based on type instead of type elements (56c165e)
- nanoid api usage (4aa4edc)
- revert optional chaining on border check (9ae5982)
- update @rollup/plugin-node-resolve usage (c359d92)
- update html-to-vdom import (fbca2d3)
1.2.4 (2021-09-20)
- spacing issue in between tags and text on multiple lines (98e1a8d)
1.2.3 (2021-09-15)
- add support for nested code and pre tags (7a504e1)
1.2.2 (2021-07-17)
1.2.1 (2021-06-05)
1.2.0 (2021-06-05)
- Headings should have headings style (8a731bb)
- added browser module building support (343867a)
- changed all imports to esm style (d02320b)
- changed default value to "Normal" (b0e67d8)
- moved to shortid for filename (81ae184)
- removed code made redundant with heading styles (48da1dc)
- renamed method to more descriptive name (b211f20)
- renamed to paragraphStyle (a1c4429)
- replaced html-minifier with regex replacement (d6c9b38)
- updated example to use umd build (078fa5d)
1.1.34 (2021-02-07)
- superscript (2fd87fd)
1.1.33 (2021-01-20)
- added indentation support (9c1c3a4)
- added row span support (8f56a4a)
- added skip first header footer flag (7710f28)
- added table grid fragment from table row generator (f8c4380)
- packaging: added jszip for packaging (89619ec)
- packaging: added method to create container (9808cf2)
- added font size support (0f27c60)
- template: added base docx template (abdb87b)
- abstracted conversion using docxDocument class (c625a01)
- added b tag support (f867abd)
- added builder methods for images (9e2720f)
- added css border string parser (15562e8)
- added css color string (cb0db2f)
- added document file render helper (6dd9c3a)
- added eip conversions (9d6e317)
- added em tag support (6a06265)
- added escape-html (1a231d5)
- added font support in styles (18b3281)
- added font table (0903d6b)
- added footer support (24f60df)
- added generic rels xml string (7d2ea84)
- added header generation (25fb44f)
- added header relationship support (cc08355)
- added heading sizes (bb18e72)
- added headings support (fd489ee)
- added highlight support (6159925)
- added horizontal text alignment (d29669f)
- added hsl conversion support (153fa43)
- added hyperlink styling (6c3f1bd)
- added hyperlinks support (3560ce9)
- added ins tag support (6d64908)
- added line height support (3d0ea2f)
- added linebreak support (57c054c)
- added method to archive images with other files (b6da74b)
- added minimum width support to tables (b10d820)
- added more unit converters (8f78c52)
- added more xml builder methods (ffc584b)
- added more xml statment builder methods (337e530)
- added other measure units for margins and fonts (1ae584a)
- added page break support (085ed2a)
- added page number support (84ea1c3)
- added strike through support (b73e8c7)
- added support for span font sizing (98b4844)
- added support for subscript and superscript (f1ee4ed)
- added table max width support (49ab5d3)
- template: added styles schema (d83d230)
- added table row cant split option (252178c)
- added table row height support (031c3aa)
- added text formatting to paragraph (bacd888)
- added valign to table cell element (20e94f1)
- added vdom to xml method (8b5a618)
- added virtual-dom and html-to-vdom (feaa396)
- added xbuilder (f13b5cc)
- added xml builder methods for images (f413ad8)
- added xml statement builder helper (5e23c16)
- changed list parsing to support nested lists (4339f2f)
- enabling header on flag (516463c)
- handle line breaks (164c0f5)
- template: added numbering schema (d179d73)
- template: added XML schemas (42232da)
- make tables center aligned (077049b)
- styling table color (2b44bff)
- 3 digit hex color code support (255fe82)
- added attributes to anchor drawing (62e4a29)
- added black as default color (bcfcba3)
- added bold to headings (abe968a)
- added border for paragraph padding (252ead6)
- added colspan support for table cells (bdf92f8)
- added default options (4590800)
- added effectextent and srcrect fragment (5f5e975)
- added empty paragraph for spacing after table (6bae787)
- added extent fragment (7ce81f2)
- added extra before spacing for heading elements (dc50c8d)
- added header override in content-types xml (5de681b)
- added html string minifier (8faa19c)
- added image conversion handler (f726e71)
- added image in table cell support (7d98a16)
- added inline attributes (0a4d2ce)
- added italics, underline and bold in runproperties (34c2e18)
- added missing argument in buildParagraph (2307076)
- added more namespaces (68636b4)
- added namespace aliases to header and numbering xmls (d0b4101)
- added numbering and styles relationship (c7e29af)
- added other namespaces to the xml root (afbbca9)
- added override for relationship (30acddc)
- added override for settings and websettings (977af04)
- added overrides for relationships (22b9cac)
- added padding between image and wrapping text (e45fbf5)
- added positioning fragments (e6f7e1c)
- added required attributes to anchor fragment (d01c9f9)
- added settings and websettings relation (34aeedc)
- added settings and websettings to ooxml package (6c829b5)
- added simple positioning to anchor (5006cc4)
- added support for decimal inch (6027d2f)
- added support for full width background color (733a937)
- added table and cell border support (985f6a1)
- added table borders (12864db)
- added table cell border support (852c091)
- added table header support (592aa89)
- added table width support (73b172b)
- added unit conversion utils (d5b5a91)
- added unit conversions (e6d546b)
- added unit conversions (5890b18)
- added wrap elements (c951688)
- bold based on font-weight (3f0376e)
- border color (a322450)
- changed attribute field for picture name (aef241d)
- changed attribute used for name (3885233)
- changed default namespace of relationship to solve render issue (56a3554)
- changed file extension if octet stream is encountered (32c5bf1)
- changed line spacing rule to work with inline images (489f1c6)
- changed namespaces to original ecma 376 spec (51be86e)
- changed paragraph after spacing (025523b)
- changed width conditions to match suggestions (48347ab)
- created seperate abstract numbering for each lists (c723c74)
- fix table render issue due to grid width (636d499)
- fixed abstract numbering id (9814cb8)
- fixed coloring and refactored other text formatting (c288f80)
- fixed document rels and numbering bug (d6e3152)
- fixed docx generation (3d96acf)
- fixed incorrect table row generation (742dd18)
- fixed internal mode and added extensions (1266121)
- fixed margin issues (f841b76)
- fixed numbering and header issue due to wrong filename (64a04bc)
- fixed table and image rendering (c153092)
- formatted list (2e00e44)
- handled empty formatting tag (d97521f)
- handled figure wrapper for images and tables (4182a95)
- handled formatting within list element (aeb3f00)
- handled horizontal alignment (72478cb)
- handled image inside table cell (339c18a)
- handled table width (237ddfd)
- handled vertical alignment (b2b3bcc)
- handling anchor tag (8d0fa4b)
- handling multiple span children and multilevel formatting of text (4c81f58)
- handling nested formatting (04f0d7e)
- handling non paragraph text elements (b4cc062)
- hyperlink within table cell issue (3a02365)
- improved table border styling (ba3aa67)
- list element render (2881455)
- modified abstractnumbering definition to support nested lists (3dd6e3e)
- modified example to use esm bundle (491a83d)
- moved namespaces into separate file (75cdf30)
- namespace updated to 2016 standards (6fc2ac2)
- package-lock conflicts (e577239)
- preserve spacing on text (f2f12b1)
- removed html tidying (0a43396)
- removed libtidy-updated (aab3b19)
- removed unwanted attribute (f3caf44)
- renamed document rels schema file (10c3fda)
- renamed unit converters (eee4487)
- rewrote formatting loop to avoid memory leaks and text loss (e5fe27c)
- scaled down images (72d7c44)
- set default values for table attributes and styles (2a4fb23)
- set header and footer HTML strings if corresponding option is true (c4aecd0)
- table cell border style support (2c5a205)
- table cell vertical align issue (424d2c1)
- table header bold (aa62347)
- updated document abstraction to track generation ids (c34810f)
- updated documentrels xml generation (433e4b4)
- updated example (ec6323a)
- updated high level option (84a11bc)
- updated numbering xml generation (81b7a82)
- updated row borders to use css borders (76aeb85)
- updated xml builder to use namespace and child nodes (2e28b5e)
- used image dimensions for extent fragment (aa17f74)
- using libtidy for cleaning up HTML string (6b237a8)
- wrapped drawing inside paragraph tag (d0476b4)
- template: fixed document templating (5f6a74f)
- template: fixed numbering templating (8b09691)
- template: removed word xml schema (ee0e1ed)
1.1.31 (2020-10-06)
- removed html tidying (0a43396)
- removed libtidy-updated (aab3b19)
- updated example (ec6323a)
- updated high level option (84a11bc)
1.1.30 (2020-09-21)
1.1.29 (2020-08-11)
- formatted list (2e00e44)
1.1.28 (2020-08-06)
- added table max width support (49ab5d3)
- added extra before spacing for heading elements (dc50c8d)
- changed width conditions to match suggestions (48347ab)
1.1.27 (2020-08-04)
- list element render (2881455)
1.1.26 (2020-08-04)
- handled formatting within list element (aeb3f00)
1.1.25 (2020-07-24)
- changed list parsing to support nested lists (4339f2f)
- modified abstractnumbering definition to support nested lists (3dd6e3e)
1.1.24 (2020-07-22)
- updated row borders to use css borders (76aeb85)
1.1.23 (2020-07-21)
- added css border string parser (15562e8)
- added eip conversions (9d6e317)
- added minimum width support to tables (b10d820)
- make tables center aligned (077049b)
- border color (a322450)
- improved table border styling (ba3aa67)
- set default values for table attributes and styles (2a4fb23)
- packaging: added jszip for packaging (89619ec)
- packaging: added method to create container (9808cf2)
- enabling header on flag (516463c)
- template: added base docx template (abdb87b)
- abstracted conversion using docxDocument class (c625a01)
- added b tag support (f867abd)
- added builder methods for images (9e2720f)
- added css color string (cb0db2f)
- added document file render helper (6dd9c3a)
- added em tag support (6a06265)
- added escape-html (1a231d5)
- added font size support (0f27c60)
- added font support in styles (18b3281)
- added font table (0903d6b)
- added header generation (25fb44f)
- added heading sizes (bb18e72)
- added headings support (fd489ee)
- added highlight support (6159925)
- added horizontal text alignment (d29669f)
- added hsl conversion support (153fa43)
- added hyperlinks support (3560ce9)
- added ins tag support (6d64908)
- added line height support (3d0ea2f)
- added linebreak support (57c054c)
- added method to archive images with other files (b6da74b)
- added more unit converters (8f78c52)
- added more xml builder methods (ffc584b)
- added more xml statment builder methods (337e530)
- added other measure units for margins and fonts (1ae584a)
- added strike through support (b73e8c7)
- added support for span font sizing (98b4844)
- added support for subscript and superscript (f1ee4ed)
- added table row height support (031c3aa)
- added text formatting to paragraph (bacd888)
- added valign to table cell element (20e94f1)
- added vdom to xml method (8b5a618)
- added virtual-dom and html-to-vdom (feaa396)
- added xbuilder (f13b5cc)
- added xml builder methods for images (f413ad8)
- added xml statement builder helper (5e23c16)
- handle line breaks (164c0f5)
- styling table color (2b44bff)
- template: added numbering schema (d179d73)
- template: added styles schema (d83d230)
- template: added XML schemas (42232da)
- 3 digit hex color code support (255fe82)
- added attributes to anchor drawing (62e4a29)
- added black as default color (bcfcba3)
- added bold to headings (abe968a)
- added border for paragraph padding (252ead6)
- added colspan support for table cells (bdf92f8)
- added default options (4590800)
- added effectextent and srcrect fragment (5f5e975)
- added empty paragraph for spacing after table (6bae787)
- added extent fragment (7ce81f2)
- added header override in content-types xml (5de681b)
- added html string minifier (8faa19c)
- added image conversion handler (f726e71)
- added image in table cell support (7d98a16)
- added inline attributes (0a4d2ce)
- added italics, underline and bold in runproperties (34c2e18)
- added more namespaces (68636b4)
- added namespace aliases to header and numbering xmls (d0b4101)
- added numbering and styles relationship (c7e29af)
- added other namespaces to the xml root (afbbca9)
- added override for relationship (30acddc)
- added override for settings and websettings (977af04)
- added overrides for relationships (22b9cac)
- added padding between image and wrapping text (e45fbf5)
- added positioning fragments (e6f7e1c)
- added required attributes to anchor fragment (d01c9f9)
- added settings and websettings relation (34aeedc)
- added settings and websettings to ooxml package (6c829b5)
- added simple positioning to anchor (5006cc4)
- added support for decimal inch (6027d2f)
- added support for full width background color (733a937)
- added table and cell border support (985f6a1)
- added table borders (12864db)
- added table cell border support (852c091)
- added table header support (592aa89)
- added table width support (73b172b)
- added unit conversion utils (d5b5a91)
- added unit conversions (e6d546b)
- added unit conversions (5890b18)
- added wrap elements (c951688)
- bold based on font-weight (3f0376e)
- changed attribute field for picture name (aef241d)
- changed attribute used for name (3885233)
- changed default namespace of relationship to solve render issue (56a3554)
- changed file extension if octet stream is encountered (32c5bf1)
- changed line spacing rule to work with inline images (489f1c6)
- changed namespaces to original ecma 376 spec (51be86e)
- changed paragraph after spacing (025523b)
- created seperate abstract numbering for each lists (c723c74)
- fix table render issue due to grid width (636d499)
- fixed abstract numbering id (9814cb8)
- fixed coloring and refactored other text formatting (c288f80)
- fixed document rels and numbering bug (d6e3152)
- fixed docx generation (3d96acf)
- fixed incorrect table row generation (742dd18)
- fixed internal mode and added extensions (1266121)
- fixed margin issues (f841b76)
- fixed numbering and header issue due to wrong filename (64a04bc)
- fixed table and image rendering (c153092)
- handled empty formatting tag (d97521f)
- handled figure wrapper for images and tables (4182a95)
- handled horizontal alignment (72478cb)
- handled image inside table cell (339c18a)
- handled table width (237ddfd)
- handled vertical alignment (b2b3bcc)
- handling multiple span children and multilevel formatting of text (4c81f58)
- handling nested formatting (04f0d7e)
- handling non paragraph text elements (b4cc062)
- modified example to use esm bundle (491a83d)
- moved namespaces into separate file (75cdf30)
- namespace updated to 2016 standards (6fc2ac2)
- preserve spacing on text (f2f12b1)
- removed unwanted attribute (f3caf44)
- renamed document rels schema file (10c3fda)
- renamed unit converters (eee4487)
- rewrote formatting loop to avoid memory leaks and text loss (e5fe27c)
- scaled down images (72d7c44)
- table cell border style support (2c5a205)
- template: fixed document templating (5f6a74f)
- table cell vertical align issue (424d2c1)
- table header bold (aa62347)
- updated document abstraction to track generation ids (c34810f)
- template: fixed numbering templating (8b09691)
- updated documentrels xml generation (433e4b4)
- updated numbering xml generation (81b7a82)
- updated xml builder to use namespace and child nodes (2e28b5e)
- template: removed word xml schema (ee0e1ed)
- used image dimensions for extent fragment (aa17f74)
- using libtidy for cleaning up HTML string (6b237a8)
- wrapped drawing inside paragraph tag (d0476b4)
1.1.21 (2020-07-02)
- changed paragraph after spacing (025523b)
1.1.20 (2020-07-01)
1.1.19 (2020-07-01)
- handled empty formatting tag (d97521f)
1.1.18 (2020-06-23)
- added border for paragraph padding (252ead6)
1.1.17 (2020-06-15)
1.1.16 (2020-06-12)
- handled image inside table cell (339c18a)
1.1.15 (2020-06-12)
- packaging: added jszip for packaging (89619ec)
- packaging: added method to create container (9808cf2)
- enabling header on flag (516463c)
- template: added base docx template (abdb87b)
- abstracted conversion using docxDocument class (c625a01)
- added b tag support (f867abd)
- added builder methods for images (9e2720f)
- added css color string (cb0db2f)
- added document file render helper (6dd9c3a)
- added em tag support (6a06265)
- added escape-html (1a231d5)
- added font size support (0f27c60)
- added font support in styles (18b3281)
- added font table (0903d6b)
- added header generation (25fb44f)
- added heading sizes (bb18e72)
- added headings support (fd489ee)
- added highlight support (6159925)
- added horizontal text alignment (d29669f)
- added hsl conversion support (153fa43)
- added hyperlinks support (3560ce9)
- added ins tag support (6d64908)
- added line height support (3d0ea2f)
- added linebreak support (57c054c)
- added method to archive images with other files (b6da74b)
- added more unit converters (8f78c52)
- added more xml builder methods (ffc584b)
- added more xml statment builder methods (337e530)
- added other measure units for margins and fonts (1ae584a)
- added strike through support (b73e8c7)
- added support for span font sizing (98b4844)
- added support for subscript and superscript (f1ee4ed)
- added table row height support (031c3aa)
- added text formatting to paragraph (bacd888)
- added valign to table cell element (20e94f1)
- added vdom to xml method (8b5a618)
- added virtual-dom and html-to-vdom (feaa396)
- added xbuilder (f13b5cc)
- added xml builder methods for images (f413ad8)
- added xml statement builder helper (5e23c16)
- handle line breaks (164c0f5)
- styling table color (2b44bff)
- template: added numbering schema (d179d73)
- template: added styles schema (d83d230)
- template: added XML schemas (42232da)
- 3 digit hex color code support (255fe82)
- added attributes to anchor drawing (62e4a29)
- added colspan support for table cells (bdf92f8)
- added default options (4590800)
- added effectextent and srcrect fragment (5f5e975)
- added empty paragraph for spacing after table (6bae787)
- added extent fragment (7ce81f2)
- added header override in content-types xml (5de681b)
- added html string minifier (8faa19c)
- added image conversion handler (f726e71)
- added image in table cell support (7d98a16)
- added inline attributes (0a4d2ce)
- added italics, underline and bold in runproperties (34c2e18)
- added more namespaces (68636b4)
- added namespace aliases to header and numbering xmls (d0b4101)
- added numbering and styles relationship (c7e29af)
- added other namespaces to the xml root (afbbca9)
- added override for relationship (30acddc)
- added override for settings and websettings (977af04)
- added overrides for relationships (22b9cac)
- added padding between image and wrapping text (e45fbf5)
- added positioning fragments (e6f7e1c)
- added required attributes to anchor fragment (d01c9f9)
- added settings and websettings relation (34aeedc)
- added settings and websettings to ooxml package (6c829b5)
- added simple positioning to anchor (5006cc4)
- added table and cell border support (985f6a1)
- added table borders (12864db)
- added table cell border support (852c091)
- added table header support (592aa89)
- added table width support (73b172b)
- added unit conversion utils (d5b5a91)
- added unit conversions (5890b18)
- added unit conversions (e6d546b)
- added wrap elements (c951688)
- bold based on font-weight (3f0376e)
- changed attribute field for picture name (aef241d)
- changed attribute used for name (3885233)
- changed default namespace of relationship to solve render issue (56a3554)
- changed file extension if octet stream is encountered (32c5bf1)
- changed line spacing rule to work with inline images (489f1c6)
- changed namespaces to original ecma 376 spec (51be86e)
- created seperate abstract numbering for each lists (c723c74)
- fix table render issue due to grid width (636d499)
- fixed abstract numbering id (9814cb8)
- fixed coloring and refactored other text formatting (c288f80)
- fixed document rels and numbering bug (d6e3152)
- fixed docx generation (3d96acf)
- fixed incorrect table row generation (742dd18)
- fixed internal mode and added extensions (1266121)
- fixed margin issues (f841b76)
- fixed numbering and header issue due to wrong filename (64a04bc)
- fixed table and image rendering (c153092)
- handled figure wrapper for images and tables (4182a95)
- handled horizontal alignment (72478cb)
- handled table width (237ddfd)
- handled vertical alignment (b2b3bcc)
- handling multiple span children and multilevel formatting of text (4c81f58)
- handling nested formatting (04f0d7e)
- modified example to use esm bundle (491a83d)
- moved namespaces into separate file (75cdf30)
- namespace updated to 2016 standards (6fc2ac2)
- preserve spacing on text (f2f12b1)
- removed unwanted attribute (f3caf44)
- renamed document rels schema file (10c3fda)
- renamed unit converters (eee4487)
- scaled down images (72d7c44)
- table cell border style support (2c5a205)
- table cell vertical align issue (424d2c1)
- updated document abstraction to track generation ids (c34810f)
- updated documentrels xml generation (433e4b4)
- updated numbering xml generation (81b7a82)
- updated xml builder to use namespace and child nodes (2e28b5e)
- template: fixed document templating (5f6a74f)
- template: fixed numbering templating (8b09691)
- used image dimensions for extent fragment (aa17f74)
- template: removed word xml schema (ee0e1ed)
- wrapped drawing inside paragraph tag (d0476b4)
1.1.13 (2020-06-12)
1.1.12 (2020-06-12)
1.1.11 (2020-06-10)
- added table width support (73b172b)
1.1.10 (2020-06-10)
- added b tag support (f867abd)
- added em tag support (6a06265)
- added heading sizes (bb18e72)
- added headings support (fd489ee)
- added highlight support (6159925)
- added ins tag support (6d64908)
- added linebreak support (57c054c)
- added strike through support (b73e8c7)
- added support for subscript and superscript (f1ee4ed)
- added empty paragraph for spacing after table (6bae787)
- added html string minifier (8faa19c)
- added image in table cell support (7d98a16)
- added table and cell border support (985f6a1)
- added table cell border support (852c091)
- changed line spacing rule to work with inline images (489f1c6)
- preserve spacing on text (f2f12b1)
- table cell border style support (2c5a205)
- used image dimensions for extent fragment (aa17f74)
1.1.9 (2020-06-08)
- added colspan support for table cells (bdf92f8)
- created seperate abstract numbering for each lists (c723c74)
- renamed unit converters (eee4487)
- table cell vertical align issue (424d2c1)
1.1.8 (2020-06-05)
- 3 digit hex color code support (255fe82)
1.1.7 (2020-06-04)
- added table row height support (031c3aa)
- added table header support (592aa89)
- packaging: added jszip for packaging (89619ec)
- packaging: added method to create container (9808cf2)
- added xml builder methods for images (f413ad8)
- template: added base docx template (abdb87b)
- abstracted conversion using docxDocument class (c625a01)
- added builder methods for images (9e2720f)
- added css color string (cb0db2f)
- added document file render helper (6dd9c3a)
- added escape-html (1a231d5)
- added font size support (0f27c60)
- added header generation (25fb44f)
- added horizontal text alignment (d29669f)
- added hsl conversion support (153fa43)
- added hyperlinks support (3560ce9)
- added line height support (3d0ea2f)
- added method to archive images with other files (b6da74b)
- added more xml builder methods (ffc584b)
- added more xml statment builder methods (337e530)
- added support for span font sizing (98b4844)
- added text formatting to paragraph (bacd888)
- added valign to table cell element (20e94f1)
- added vdom to xml method (8b5a618)
- added virtual-dom and html-to-vdom (feaa396)
- added xbuilder (f13b5cc)
- added xml statement builder helper (5e23c16)
- enabling header on flag (516463c)
- handle line breaks (164c0f5)
- styling table color (2b44bff)
- template: added numbering schema (d179d73)
- template: added styles schema (d83d230)
- template: added XML schemas (42232da)
- added attributes to anchor drawing (62e4a29)
- added default options (4590800)
- added effectextent and srcrect fragment (5f5e975)
- added extent fragment (7ce81f2)
- added header override in content-types xml (5de681b)
- added image conversion handler (f726e71)
- added inline attributes (0a4d2ce)
- added italics, underline and bold in runproperties (34c2e18)
- added more namespaces (68636b4)
- added namespace aliases to header and numbering xmls (d0b4101)
- added numbering and styles relationship (c7e29af)
- added other namespaces to the xml root (afbbca9)
- added override for relationship (30acddc)
- added override for settings and websettings (977af04)
- added overrides for relationships (22b9cac)
- added padding between image and wrapping text (e45fbf5)
- added positioning fragments (e6f7e1c)
- added required attributes to anchor fragment (d01c9f9)
- added settings and websettings relation (34aeedc)
- added settings and websettings to ooxml package (6c829b5)
- added simple positioning to anchor (5006cc4)
- added table borders (12864db)
- added unit conversion utils (d5b5a91)
- added unit conversions (5890b18)
- added unit conversions (e6d546b)
- added wrap elements (c951688)
- bold based on font-weight (3f0376e)
- changed attribute field for picture name (aef241d)
- changed attribute used for name (3885233)
- changed default namespace of relationship to solve render issue (56a3554)
- changed file extension if octet stream is encountered (32c5bf1)
- changed namespaces to original ecma 376 spec (51be86e)
- fix table render issue due to grid width (636d499)
- fixed abstract numbering id (9814cb8)
- fixed coloring and refactored other text formatting (c288f80)
- fixed document rels and numbering bug (d6e3152)
- fixed docx generation (3d96acf)
- fixed incorrect table row generation (742dd18)
- fixed internal mode and added extensions (1266121)
- fixed margin issues (f841b76)
- fixed numbering and header issue due to wrong filename (64a04bc)
- fixed table and image rendering (c153092)
- handled figure wrapper for images and tables (4182a95)
- handled table width (237ddfd)
- handling multiple span children and multilevel formatting of text (4c81f58)
- handling nested formatting (04f0d7e)
- modified example to use esm bundle (491a83d)
- moved namespaces into separate file (75cdf30)
- namespace updated to 2016 standards (6fc2ac2)
- removed unwanted attribute (f3caf44)
- renamed document rels schema file (10c3fda)
- scaled down images (72d7c44)
- updated document abstraction to track generation ids (c34810f)
- updated documentrels xml generation (433e4b4)
- updated numbering xml generation (81b7a82)
- updated xml builder to use namespace and child nodes (2e28b5e)
- template: fixed document templating (5f6a74f)
- template: fixed numbering templating (8b09691)
- wrapped drawing inside paragraph tag (d0476b4)
- template: removed word xml schema (ee0e1ed)
1.1.5 (2020-06-03)
1.1.4 (2020-06-03)
- packaging: added jszip for packaging (89619ec)
- packaging: added method to create container (9808cf2)
- added escape-html (1a231d5)
- template: added base docx template (abdb87b)
- abstracted conversion using docxDocument class (c625a01)
- added builder methods for images (9e2720f)
- added document file render helper (6dd9c3a)
- added header generation (25fb44f)
- added hsl conversion support (153fa43)
- template: added styles schema (d83d230)
- added hyperlinks support (3560ce9)
- added method to archive images with other files (b6da74b)
- added more xml builder methods (ffc584b)
- added more xml statment builder methods (337e530)
- added text formatting to paragraph (bacd888)
- added valign to table cell element (20e94f1)
- added vdom to xml method (8b5a618)
- added virtual-dom and html-to-vdom (feaa396)
- added xbuilder (f13b5cc)
- added xml builder methods for images (f413ad8)
- added xml statement builder helper (5e23c16)
- enabling header on flag (516463c)
- handle line breaks (164c0f5)
- styling table color (2b44bff)
- template: added numbering schema (d179d73)
- template: added XML schemas (42232da)
- added attributes to anchor drawing (62e4a29)
- added default options (4590800)
- added effectextent and srcrect fragment (5f5e975)
- added extent fragment (7ce81f2)
- added header override in content-types xml (5de681b)
- added image conversion handler (f726e71)
- added inline attributes (0a4d2ce)
- added italics, underline and bold in runproperties (34c2e18)
- added more namespaces (68636b4)
- added namespace aliases to header and numbering xmls (d0b4101)
- added numbering and styles relationship (c7e29af)
- added other namespaces to the xml root (afbbca9)
- added override for relationship (30acddc)
- added override for settings and websettings (977af04)
- added overrides for relationships (22b9cac)
- added padding between image and wrapping text (e45fbf5)
- added positioning fragments (e6f7e1c)
- added required attributes to anchor fragment (d01c9f9)
- changed namespaces to original ecma 376 spec (51be86e)
- template: removed word xml schema (ee0e1ed)
- added settings and websettings relation (34aeedc)
- added settings and websettings to ooxml package (6c829b5)
- added simple positioning to anchor (5006cc4)
- added table borders (12864db)
- added unit conversion utils (d5b5a91)
- added wrap elements (c951688)
- changed attribute field for picture name (aef241d)
- changed attribute used for name (3885233)
- changed default namespace of relationship to solve render issue (56a3554)
- changed file extension if octet stream is encountered (32c5bf1)
- fix table render issue due to grid width (636d499)
- fixed abstract numbering id (9814cb8)
- fixed coloring and refactored other text formatting (c288f80)
- fixed document rels and numbering bug (d6e3152)
- fixed docx generation (3d96acf)
- fixed incorrect table row generation (742dd18)
- fixed internal mode and added extensions (1266121)
- fixed margin issues (f841b76)
- fixed numbering and header issue due to wrong filename (64a04bc)
- fixed table and image rendering (c153092)
- handled figure wrapper for images and tables (4182a95)
- handled table width (237ddfd)
- handling multiple span children and multilevel formatting of text (4c81f58)
- modified example to use esm bundle (491a83d)
- moved namespaces into separate file (75cdf30)
- namespace updated to 2016 standards (6fc2ac2)
- removed unwanted attribute (f3caf44)
- renamed document rels schema file (10c3fda)
- scaled down images (72d7c44)
- updated document abstraction to track generation ids (c34810f)
- updated documentrels xml generation (433e4b4)
- updated numbering xml generation (81b7a82)
- updated xml builder to use namespace and child nodes (2e28b5e)
- template: fixed document templating (5f6a74f)
- template: fixed numbering templating (8b09691)
- wrapped drawing inside paragraph tag (d0476b4)
- packaging: added jszip for packaging (89619ec)
- packaging: added method to create container (9808cf2)
- abstracted conversion using docxDocument class (c625a01)
- template: added base docx template (abdb87b)
- added builder methods for images (9e2720f)
- added document file render helper (6dd9c3a)
- added escape-html (1a231d5)
- added header generation (25fb44f)
- added hyperlinks support (3560ce9)
- added method to archive images with other files (b6da74b)
- added more xml builder methods (ffc584b)
- added more xml statment builder methods (337e530)
- added text formatting to paragraph (bacd888)
- added vdom to xml method (8b5a618)
- added virtual-dom and html-to-vdom (feaa396)
- added xbuilder (f13b5cc)
- added xml builder methods for images (f413ad8)
- added xml statement builder helper (5e23c16)
- enabling header on flag (516463c)
- handle line breaks (164c0f5)
- template: added numbering schema (d179d73)
- template: added styles schema (d83d230)
- template: added XML schemas (42232da)
- added attributes to anchor drawing (62e4a29)
- added default options (4590800)
- added effectextent and srcrect fragment (5f5e975)
- added extent fragment (7ce81f2)
- added header override in content-types xml (5de681b)
- added image conversion handler (f726e71)
- added inline attributes (0a4d2ce)
- added italics, underline and bold in runproperties (34c2e18)
- added more namespaces (68636b4)
- added namespace aliases to header and numbering xmls (d0b4101)
- added numbering and styles relationship (c7e29af)
- added other namespaces to the xml root (afbbca9)
- added override for relationship (30acddc)
- added override for settings and websettings (977af04)
- added overrides for relationships (22b9cac)
- added padding between image and wrapping text (e45fbf5)
- added positioning fragments (e6f7e1c)
- added required attributes to anchor fragment (d01c9f9)
- added settings and websettings relation (34aeedc)
- added settings and websettings to ooxml package (6c829b5)
- added simple positioning to anchor (5006cc4)
- added table borders (12864db)
- added wrap elements (c951688)
- changed attribute field for picture name (aef241d)
- changed attribute used for name (3885233)
- changed default namespace of relationship to solve render issue (56a3554)
- changed file extension if octet stream is encountered (32c5bf1)
- changed namespaces to original ecma 376 spec (51be86e)
- fix table render issue due to grid width (636d499)
- fixed abstract numbering id (9814cb8)
- fixed coloring and refactored other text formatting (c288f80)
- fixed document rels and numbering bug (d6e3152)
- fixed docx generation (3d96acf)
- fixed incorrect table row generation (742dd18)
- fixed internal mode and added extensions (1266121)
- fixed margin issues (f841b76)
- fixed numbering and header issue due to wrong filename (64a04bc)
- fixed table and image rendering (c153092)
- handled figure wrapper for images and tables (4182a95)
- handled table width (237ddfd)
- handling multiple span children and multilevel formatting of text (4c81f58)
- modified example to use esm bundle (491a83d)
- moved namespaces into separate file (75cdf30)
- namespace updated to 2016 standards (6fc2ac2)
- template: fixed document templating (5f6a74f)
- template: fixed numbering templating (8b09691)
- template: removed word xml schema (ee0e1ed)
- removed unwanted attribute (f3caf44)
- renamed document rels schema file (10c3fda)
- updated document abstraction to track generation ids (c34810f)
- updated documentrels xml generation (433e4b4)
- updated numbering xml generation (81b7a82)
- updated xml builder to use namespace and child nodes (2e28b5e)
- wrapped drawing inside paragraph tag (d0476b4)
1.1.1 (2020-05-28)
- modified example to use esm bundle (dcd7f4b)
- packaging: added jszip for packaging (89619ec)
- packaging: added method to create container (9808cf2)
- template: added base docx template (abdb87b)
- template: added numbering schema (d179d73)
- template: added styles schema (d83d230)
- abstracted conversion using docxDocument class (c625a01)
- added builder methods for images (9e2720f)
- added document file render helper (6dd9c3a)
- added escape-html (1a231d5)
- added header generation (25fb44f)
- added hyperlinks support (3560ce9)
- added method to archive images with other files (b6da74b)
- added more xml builder methods (ffc584b)
- added more xml statment builder methods (337e530)
- added text formatting to paragraph (bacd888)
- added vdom to xml method (8b5a618)
- added virtual-dom and html-to-vdom (feaa396)
- added xbuilder (f13b5cc)
- added xml builder methods for images (f413ad8)
- added xml statement builder helper (5e23c16)
- handle line breaks (164c0f5)
- template: added XML schemas (42232da)
- added attributes to anchor drawing (62e4a29)
- added effectextent and srcrect fragment (5f5e975)
- added extent fragment (7ce81f2)
- added header override in content-types xml (5de681b)
- added image conversion handler (f726e71)
- added inline attributes (0a4d2ce)
- added italics, underline and bold in runproperties (34c2e18)
- added more namespaces (68636b4)
- added namespace aliases to header and numbering xmls (d0b4101)
- added numbering and styles relationship (c7e29af)
- added other namespaces to the xml root (afbbca9)
- added override for relationship (30acddc)
- added override for settings and websettings (977af04)
- added overrides for relationships (22b9cac)
- added padding between image and wrapping text (e45fbf5)
- added positioning fragments (e6f7e1c)
- added required attributes to anchor fragment (d01c9f9)
- added settings and websettings relation (34aeedc)
- added settings and websettings to ooxml package (6c829b5)
- added simple positioning to anchor (5006cc4)
- added table borders (12864db)
- added wrap elements (c951688)
- changed attribute field for picture name (aef241d)
- changed attribute used for name (3885233)
- changed default namespace of relationship to solve render issue (56a3554)
- changed file extension if octet stream is encountered (32c5bf1)
- changed namespaces to original ecma 376 spec (51be86e)
- fix table render issue due to grid width (636d499)
- fixed abstract numbering id (9814cb8)
- fixed coloring and refactored other text formatting (c288f80)
- fixed document rels and numbering bug (d6e3152)
- fixed docx generation (3d96acf)
- fixed incorrect table row generation (742dd18)
- fixed internal mode and added extensions (1266121)
- fixed margin issues (f841b76)
- fixed numbering and header issue due to wrong filename (64a04bc)
- fixed table and image rendering (c153092)
- handled figure wrapper for images and tables (4182a95)
- handled table width (237ddfd)
- handling multiple span children and multilevel formatting of text (4c81f58)
- moved namespaces into separate file (75cdf30)
- namespace updated to 2016 standards (6fc2ac2)
- removed unwanted attribute (f3caf44)
- renamed document rels schema file (10c3fda)
- updated document abstraction to track generation ids (c34810f)
- template: fixed document templating (5f6a74f)
- template: fixed numbering templating (8b09691)
- updated documentrels xml generation (433e4b4)
- updated numbering xml generation (81b7a82)
- updated xml builder to use namespace and child nodes (2e28b5e)
- wrapped drawing inside paragraph tag (d0476b4)
- template: removed word xml schema (ee0e1ed)