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Part 2: Train a surrogate model for the eDOS with doslearn

2.0: TLDR of requried commands

After copying dft-options.yaml and hpc-options.yaml to this directory and modifying ml-options.yaml as desired, the commands needed to train and evalute a model are below. For a full explanation of each, read on to the following sections.

# Copy dft-options.yaml and hpc-options.yaml into this directory, and modify ml-options.yaml if desired
# ...

# Train

# Eval

where each command can be wrapped in an HPC submission script.

2.1: Key parts of the training workflow

The training script trains a machine learning model based on the output of FHI-AIMS generated by part-1-dft. The training pipeline generates SOAP power spectrum descriptors based on structures in the .xyz file defined in the XYZ field of dft-options.yaml. A neural-network architecture (whose architecture is defined by the HIDDEN_LAYER_WIDTHS parameter in ml-options.yaml) is used to predict the value of the atomic contributions to the global DOS on an energy grid. The loss is evaluated by comparing the predictions against the DOS computed from the splines relative to the optimizable energy reference. Minibatch gradient descent is used to train the model, with concurrent optimization of the energy reference of each training frame.

2.2: Specify ML settings

First copy files dft-options.yaml and hpc-options.yaml into the current directory part-2-ml. Next, inspect the user settings file ml-options.yaml and edit the appropriate fields.

You can also inspect the default DFT settings, which can be printed with:

import pprint
from rholearn.options import get_defaults

pprint.pprint(get_defaults("ml", "doslearn"))

Any of these can be modified by specification in the local file ml-options.yaml.

2.3: Train a model

Training a model locally can be done as follows:

from rholearn.doslearn import train


# Alternatively: from the command line

The file hpc-options.yaml is not used by the rholearn.doslearn.train function. Instead, to run training on a cluster, the one-line python command can be incorporated into an HPC run script. In this case, ensure that the calculation is run from within the rho conda environment. For slurm schedulers, this is done by running the script from the rho env with the --get-user-env flag in the submission script:

#SBATCH --job-name=ml
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=40
#SBATCH --get-user-env


2.4: Evaluate the model

The model can then be evaluated on the test set as follows:

from rholearn.doslearn import eval


# Alternatively: from the command line

As evaluation of the model requires rebuilding the field in FHI-aims, the rholearn.doslearn.eval function requires specification of the local file hpc-options.yaml.

Once running, information is logged to part-2-ml/outputs/eval.log. Model inference is performed: the nuclear coordinates of the test structures are transformed into an atom-centered density correlation descriptor, then passed through the neural network to yield the predicted DOS.