For your Windows, MacOS, or Linux workstation you can follow the official Ansible installation guidelines.
$ pip3 install ansible
$ export PATH="/home/vscode/.local/bin/:$PATH"
If the container you're working in doesn't already have pip3 installed - like the default CodeSpaces devcontainer does - and it's a Debian / Ubuntu flavoured container, run:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
If you get this message when trying to install Ansible, or another Python dependency, you are probably running on a
newer Debian / Ubuntu based container. You can either pass the the --break-system-packages
flag to each pip3
or you can remove the special flag file that prevents you from running pip by running:
sudo rm /usr/lib/python3.*/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED || true
Since we use Python only for Ansible, this works well as a workaround, but if you were to run pandas, PyTorch, or other heavy Python library ecosystems look into alternatives like venv / pipx.
A known issue within the repo-ansible generated devcontainer is a default locale configuration incompatible which is incompatible with ansible and will result in the above error message.
To work around this issue you can either prefix your command, or export, the following environment variable