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E2E testing purpose is to validate submariner behaviour from an integration point of view. It needs to be executed in connection to an existing set of clusters.
The E2E tests require kubeconfigs for at least 2 dataplane clusters. By dataplane clusters we mean clusters which are interconnected by a deployment of submariner.
E2E tests identify each cluster by their associated kubeconfig context names, so you need to specify the -dp-context flag for each context name you want the E2E tests to use.
Assuming that we have cluster1, cluster2 and cluster3 contexts, and that cluster1 is our broker cluster, to execute the E2E tests we would do:
export GO111MODULE=on
cd test/e2e
go test -args -kubeconfig=creds/cluster1:creds/cluster2:creds/cluster3 \
-dp-context cluster2 \
-dp-context cluster3 \
The -kubeconfig flag can be ommited if the KUBECONFIG environment variable is set to point to the kubernetes config files.
export KUBECONFIG=creds/cluster1:creds/cluster2:creds/cluster3
If you want to execute just a subset of the available E2E tests, you can specify the ginkgo.focus argument
export GO111MODULE=on
cd test/e2e
go test -args -kubeconfig=creds/cluster1:creds/cluster2:creds/cluster3 \
-dp-context cluster2 \
-dp-context cluster3 \
-ginkgo.focus=dataplane \
It's possible to generate jUnit XML report files
export GO111MODULE=on
cd test/e2e
go test -args -kubeconfig=creds/cluster1:creds/cluster2:creds/cluster3 \
-dp-context cluster2 \
-dp-context cluster3 \
-ginkgo.v -ginkgo.reportPassed -report-dir ./junit -ginkgo.randomizeAllSpecs
Suggested arguments
-test.v : verbose output from go test
-ginkgo.v : verbose output from ginkgo
-ginkgo.trace : output stack track on failure
-ginkgo.randomizeAllSpecs : prevent test-ordering dependencies from creeping in
It may be helpful to use the delve debugger to gain insight into the test:
export GO111MODULE=on
cd test/e2e
dlv test
When using delve please note, the equivalent of go test -args
is dlv test --
dlv test treats both single and double quotes literally.
Neither -ginkgo.focus="mytest"
nor -ginkgo.focus='mytest'
will match mytest
is required, for example:
export GO111MODULES=on
cd test/e2e
dlv test -- -ginkgo.v -ginkgo.focus=mytest
The e2e environment can be used for local testing, development, and CI purposes.
E2E environment consists of:
- 3 k8s clusters deployed with kind.
- Cluster1: One master node for broker and elasticsearch if required.
- Cluster{2..3}: One master node and two workers for gateways nodes. The configuration can be viewed or changed at scripts/kind-e2e/cluster{1..3}-config.yaml.
- Submariner installed and configured on top of the clusters.
kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”.
Optional useful tools for troubleshooting:
The environment can be used in two modes:
This mode will create e2e environment on a local workstation, run unit tests, E2E tests, and clean up the created resources afterwards. This mode is very convenient for CI purposes.
make ci e2e
To test specific k8s version, additional version parameter can be passed to make ci e2e command.
make ci e2e version=1.14.1
Full list of supported k8s versions can found on kind release page page. We are using kind vesion 0.3.0. Default version is 1.14.2.
This mode will keep the e2e environment running on a local workstation for further development and debugging.
This mode can be triggered by adding status=keep parameter to make ci e2e command.
make ci e2e status=keep
After a permanent run completes, the configuration for the running clusters can be found inside output/kind-config/local-dev folder. You can export the kube configs in order to interact with the clusters.
export KUBECONFIG=$(echo $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/output/kind-config/local-dev/kind-config-cluster{1..3} | sed 's/ /:/g')
List the contexts:
kubectl config list-contexts
You should be able to see 3 contexts. From this stage you can interact with the clusters as with any normal k8s cluster.
NOTE: Each time make ci e2e status=keep command is executed, the local code will be build, pushed to kind clusters as docker images, submariner will be redeployed on the clusters from pushed images and E2E tests will be executed. This mode allows the developers to test their local code fast on a very close to real world scenario setup.
Providing logging=true parameter to make ci e2e command will setup ELK stack on the kind clusters. The logs from three clusters will be shipped to an elasticsearch deployment on cluster1. Logging should be used only in addition to status=keep command. The default value for logging is false.
make ci e2e status=keep logging=true
To access Kibana, run the following from new terminal tab/window:
kubectl config use-context cluster1
kibana_pod=$(kubectl get pods -l app=kibana | awk 'FNR > 1 {print $1}')
kubectl port-forward ${kibana_pod} 8080:5601
Open new browser tab/window and access Kibana at http://localhost:8080.
Create default index filebeat- and choose @timestamp as time filter field. After the default index pattern is configured, the following lucene query example can be used to query the logs.
kubernetes.namespace:"submariner" AND (cluster2* OR cluster3*) AND submariner*
Providing kubefed=true parameter to make ci e2e command will setup federation. Federation control plane will be created on cluster1 and clusters 2/3 will be added as members.
make ci e2e status=keep kubefed=true
To get the status of federated clusters:
kubectl -n kube-federation-system get kubefedclusters
Federated deployment example resides in scripts/kind-e2e/ To federate resources across the clusters kubefedctl tool must be installed on the local system.
After generating the Operator by running make build-operator
, your newly generated operator
is automatically fully integrated into the Submariner CI automation. Simply use
the deploytool
flag to the standard make
make ci e2e status=keep deploytool=operator
A large set of verifications for the Operator and the resulting Submariner deployment will automatically run during and after the deployment.
At any time you can run a cleanup command that will remove kind resources.
make ci e2e status=clean
You can do full docker cleanup, but it will force all the docker images to be removed and invalidate the local docker cache. The next run will be a cold run and will take more time.
docker system prune --all
make ci e2e status=keep version=1.14.1 logging=true kubefed=true