We're still putting together the Help-a-Family developer APIs.
We need your help:
- What use cases for an API would you like us to support?
- What are you working on?
Join us in chat at https://discord.gg/y3tTgpuM and tell us more.
We'll provide a list of device exchange spots: places where people can give or receive laptops, tablets, smartphones, or other devices.
Each exchange spot will probably have:
- Address (can be specific or a more general location for people who don't wish to list their address publicly)
- Phone number (optional)
- Organization name (optional)
- Hours (optional)
- Devices accepted
We'll provide a list of events where volunteers can come and help families in need.
- Date
- Start Time
- End Time (optional)
- Address
- Requirements
- Proof of COVID-19 vaccination card
- Proof of clearance from the MHF office (we do certain background checks or require proof of other vaccinations if working with minors)
- Proof of any other clearances
- Eligibility for volunteer hours credits for:
- School requirements
- Court-Referred Community Service Program (CRCS)
- Other programs TBD