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Samples for specific PNR Creation / modification scenario's

Below are some examples of how to do specific things with regards to creating & modifying PNR's:

Usually, only one actionCode is needed. However, it is also possible to provide multiple actionCodes in the request (= optionCode XML node):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'actionCode' => [
        PnrCreatePnrOptions::ACTION_END_TRANSACT_RETRIEVE, //11
        PnrCreatePnrOptions::ACTION_WARNING_AT_EOT,        //30
        PnrCreatePnrOptions::ACTION_STOP_EOT_ON_SELL_ERROR //267
    //Other options omitted

Add an infant to a traveller without providing extra information:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'travellers' => [
        new Traveller([
            'number' => 1,
            'lastName' => 'Bowie',
            'firstName' => 'David',
            'withInfant' => true

Add an infant to a traveller and provide only the infant's first name:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'travellers' => [
        new Traveller([
            'number' => 1,
            'lastName' => 'Bowie',
            'firstName' => 'David',
            'infant' => new Traveller(['firstName' => 'Junior'])

Add an infant to a traveller and provide the infant's first & last name and date of birth:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'travellers' => [
        new Traveller([
            'number' => 1,
            'lastName' => 'Bowie',
            'firstName' => 'David',
            'infant' => new Traveller([
                'firstName' => 'Junior',
                'lastName' => 'Dylan',
                'dateOfBirth' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2016-01-08')

Adding of an infant that takes a seat is similar to adding child. But remember, not all airlines support INS and a different passenger could be quoted:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'travellers' => [
        new Traveller([
            'lastName' => 'Dylan',
            'firstName' => 'Junior',
            'travellerType' => Traveller::TRAV_TYPE_INFANT_WITH_SEAT,

Add a Confidential Remark to a PNR (e.g. RC This remark is confidential):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\MiscellaneousRemark;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new MiscellaneousRemark([
            'text' => 'This remark is confidential',
            'type' => MiscellaneousRemark::TYPE_CONFIDENTIAL,

Add a remark with a specific category to a PNR (e.g. RMZ/A REMARK WITH CATEGORY Z):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\MiscellaneousRemark;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new MiscellaneousRemark([
            'text' => 'A REMARK WITH CATEGORY Z',
            'type' => MiscellaneousRemark::TYPE_MISCELLANEOUS,
            'category' => 'Z'

Add a TKTL element (e.g. TKTL 10 MAR):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\Ticketing;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new Ticketing([
            'ticketMode' => Ticketing::TICKETMODE_TIMELIMIT,
            'date' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20160310', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))

Add a TKTL element and specify ticketing queue (e.g. TKTL 10 MAR/Q50C1):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\Ticketing;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Queue;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new Ticketing([
            'ticketMode' => Ticketing::TICKETMODE_TIMELIMIT,
            'date' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20160310', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))
            'ticketQueue' => new Queue([
                'queue' => 50,
                'category' => 1

Add a TKXL element and specify a date (e.g. TKXL15APR) for automatic cancellation:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\Ticketing;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Queue;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new Ticketing([
            'ticketMode' => Ticketing::TICKETMODE_CANCEL,
            'date' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', '20160415', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))

Add a TK OK element to indicate ticketing is done:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\Ticketing;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Queue;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new Ticketing([
            'ticketMode' => Ticketing::TICKETMODE_OK

Add an APE-element with a personal e-mail address (e.g. [email protected])

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\Contact;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new Contact([
            'type' => Contact::TYPE_EMAIL,
            'value' => '[email protected]'

Add an AP element with a contact phone number(e.g. AP 003222222222)

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\Contact;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new Contact([
            'type' => Contact::TYPE_PHONE_GENERAL,
            'value' => '003222222222'

In general for Special Service Request (SSR) elements, you need to provide the correct "type" of SSR element. You can find a list of all SSR elements on the Amadeus Service Hub on this page.

Provide mandatory SR DOCS with APIS information for flights to the US (must be associated with the correct passenger):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\ServiceRequest;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new ServiceRequest([
            'type' => 'DOCS',
            'status' => ServiceRequest::STATUS_HOLD_CONFIRMED,
            'company' => '1A',
            'quantity' => 1,
            'freeText' => [
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1


As mentioned here, this is the full APIS format:


Request a Gluten intolerant meal for passenger 2 on flight 3 (See all meal request codes here):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\ServiceRequest;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new ServiceRequest([
            'type' => 'GFML',
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 2
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_SEGMENT_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 3

Request a wheelchair for passenger 1 on flights 1 and 2 (SSR code is WCHR):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\ServiceRequest;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new ServiceRequest([
            'type' => 'WCHR',
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_SEGMENT_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_SEGMENT_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 2

Add a manual Frequent Flyer number (e.g. SR FQTV SN-SN 111111111/P2)

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\FrequentFlyer;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new FrequentFlyer([
            'airline' => 'SN',
            'number' => '111111111',
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 2

Add an FP CASH element to the PNR to indicate the PNR is to be paid in cash:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\FormOfPayment;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new FormOfPayment([
            'type' => FormOfPayment::TYPE_CASH

Add an FP CC element to the PNR to perform PNR payment by Credit Card through Amadeus:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\FormOfPayment;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new FormOfPayment([
            'type' => FormOfPayment::TYPE_CREDITCARD,
            'creditCardType' => 'VI',
            'creditCardNumber' => '4444333322221111',
            'creditCardExpiry' => '1017',
            'creditCardCvcCode' => 123,
            'creditCardHolder' => 'BOWIE'

Add a service fee paid using Visa:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\FormOfPayment;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new FormOfPayment([
            'type' => FormOfPayment::TYPE_CREDITCARD,
            'creditCardType' => 'VI',
            'creditCardNumber' => '4444333322221111',
            'creditCardExpiry' => '1017',
            'creditCardCvcCode' => 123,
            'isServiceFee' => true

Free flow text Form of Payment:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\FormOfPayment;

$opt = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new FormOfPayment([
            'type' => FormOfPayment::TYPE_MISC,
            'freeText' => 'the FOP free text content',

Create an FM element (Manual Commission):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\ManualCommission;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new ManualCommission([
            'passengerType' => ManualCommission::PAXTYPE_PASSENGER,
            'indicator' => 'FM',
            'percentage' => 5

Create an FT element (Tour Code):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\TourCode;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new TourCode([
            'passengerType' => TourCode::PAX_PASSENGER,
            'freeText' => 'TOUR CODE'

Provide an Account Number in an AI element (e.g. AI AN THEACCOUNT)

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\AccountingInfo;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new AccountingInfo([
            'accountNumber' => 'THEACCOUNT'

Add a free-flow mailing address element (e.g. AM NAME,ADDRESS,CITY)

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\Address;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new Address([
            'type' => Address::TYPE_MAILING_UNSTRUCTURED,
            'freeText' => 'NAME,ADDRESS,CITY'

Add a structured billing address element (e.g. AB //CY-COMPANY/NA-NAME/A1-LINE 1/ZP-ZIP CODE/CI-CITY/CO-COUNTRY/P1):

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\Address;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new Address([
            'type' => Address::TYPE_BILLING_STRUCTURED,
            'company' => 'COMPANY',
            'name' => 'NAME',
            'addressLine1' => 'LINE 1',
            'city' => 'CITY',
            'country' => 'COUNTRY',
            'zipCode' => 'ZIP CODE',
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1

Seat request for a non-smoking aisle seat (NSSA) for passenger with tattoo 1 and segment with tattoo 1.

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\SeatRequest;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new SeatRequest([
            'type' => SeatRequest::TYPE_NO_SMOKING_AISLE_SEAT,
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_SEGMENT_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1

Request seat 13f for passenger with tattoo 1 and segment with tattoo 1.

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\SeatRequest;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new SeatRequest([
            'seatNumber' => '13f',
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_SEGMENT_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1

Request multiple seats within one SeatRequest (e.g. 5a and 5b)

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\SeatRequest;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new SeatRequest([
            'seatNumber' => [
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_SEGMENT_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\SeatRequest;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new SeatRequest([
            'specialType' => SeatRequest::SPECIAL_AISLE_SEAT,
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\ManualIssuedTicket;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'elements' => [
        new ManualIssuedTicket([
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_SEGMENT_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 2
            'ticketNumber' => "123456789",
            'passengerType' => ManualIssuedTicket::PASSENGER_TYPE_PASSENGER,
            'companyId' => "172",

Create a PNR for a group of 25 people and already provide 3 of the travellers:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\TravellerGroup;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;

$opt = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'travellerGroup' => [
        new TravellerGroup([
            'name' => 'Group Name',
            'nrOfTravellers' => 25,
            'travellers' => [
                new Traveller([
                    'number' => 1,
                    'lastName' => 'Bowie',
                    'firstName' => 'David'
                new Traveller([
                    'number' => 2,
                    'lastName' => 'Bowie',
                    'firstName' => 'Ziggy'
                new Traveller([
                    'number' => 3,
                    'lastName' => 'Jones',
                    'firstName' => 'David'

Add a single AIR segment to a PNR:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Itinerary;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Segment\Air;

$createPnrOptions = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'travellers' => [
        new Traveller([
            'number' => 1,
            'lastName' => 'Bowie'
    'actionCode' => PnrCreatePnrOptions::ACTION_END_TRANSACT_RETRIEVE,
    'itineraries' => [
        new Itinerary([
            'origin' => 'CDG',
            'destination' => 'HEL',
            'segments' => [
                new Air([
                    'date' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d His', "2013-10-02 000000", new \DateTimeZone('UTC')),
                    'origin' => 'CDG',
                    'destination' => 'HEL',
                    'flightNumber' => '3278',
                    'bookingClass' => 'Y',
                    'company' => '7S'

Itinerary AMS to SLC via connected flights AMS-LHR, LHR-LAX, LAX-SLC:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrCreatePnrOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Itinerary;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Segment\Air;

$createPnrOptions = new PnrCreatePnrOptions([
    'travellers' => [
        new Traveller([
            'number' => 1,
            'lastName' => 'Bowie'
    'actionCode' => PnrCreatePnrOptions::ACTION_END_TRANSACT_RETRIEVE,
    'itineraries' => [
        new Itinerary([
            'origin' => 'AMS',
            'destination' => 'SLC',
            'segments' => [
                new Air([
                    'date' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d His', "2013-05-17 000000", new \DateTimeZone('UTC')),
                    'origin' => 'AMS',
                    'destination' => 'LHR',
                    'flightNumber' => '1288',
                    'bookingClass' => 'K',
                    'company' => '7S'
                new Air([
                    'date' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d His', "2013-05-17 000000", new \DateTimeZone('UTC')),
                    'origin' => 'LHR',
                    'destination' => 'LAX',
                    'flightNumber' => '1286',
                    'bookingClass' => 'B',
                    'company' => '7S'
                new Air([
                    'date' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d His', "2013-05-21 000000", new \DateTimeZone('UTC')),
                    'origin' => 'LAX',
                    'destination' => 'SLC',
                    'flightNumber' => '4690',
                    'bookingClass' => 'Y',
                    'company' => '6X'

Outbound trip BRU-LIS, inbound trip FAO-BRU with an ARNK (Arrival Unknown) segment in between:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Itinerary;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Segment\Air;

$createPnrOptions = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'travellers' => [
        new Traveller([
            'number' => 1,
            'lastName' => 'Bowie'
    'actionCode' => PnrCreatePnrOptions::ACTION_END_TRANSACT_RETRIEVE,
    'itineraries' => [
        new Itinerary([
            'origin' => 'BRU',
            'destination' => 'LIS',
            'segments' => [
                new Air([
                    'date' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d His', "2008-06-10 000000", new \DateTimeZone('UTC')),
                    'origin' => 'BRU',
                    'destination' => 'LIS',
                    'flightNumber' => '349',
                    'bookingClass' => 'Y',
                    'company' => 'TP'
        new Itinerary([
            'segments' => [
                new ArrivalUnknown()
        new Itinerary([
            'origin' => 'FAO',
            'destination' => 'BRU',
            'segments' => [
                new Air([
                    'date' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d His', "2008-06-25 000000", new \DateTimeZone('UTC')),
                    'origin' => 'FAO',
                    'destination' => 'BRU',
                    'flightNumber' => '355',
                    'bookingClass' => 'Y',
                    'company' => 'TP'

This library will add a default Received From element when using pnrAddMultiElements() or pnrCreatePnr(). Sometimes it's necessary to disable this behaviour, for example when doing multiple operations on a PNR in context without performing a Save operation on each call (using PnrAddMultiElementsOptions::ACTION_NO_PROCESSING).

Here's an example how to stop the library from automatically adding an RF element:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Itinerary;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Segment\Air;

$createPnrOptions = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'autoAddReceivedFrom' => false //Defaults to true
    'travellers' => [
        new Traveller([
            'number' => 1,
            'lastName' => 'Bowie'
    'actionCode' => PnrCreatePnrOptions::ACTION_NO_PROCESSING,
    'elements' => [
        new SeatRequest([
            'seatNumber' => '13f',
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_SEGMENT_TATTOO,
                    'id' => 1

Creating an OSI with Mandatory Airline Code:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Traveller;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\OtherServiceInfo;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$createPnrOptions = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'travellers' => [
        new Traveller([
            'number' => 1,
            'lastName' => 'Bowie'
    'actionCode' => PnrAddMultiElementsOptions::ACTION_NO_PROCESSING,
    'elements' => [
        new OtherServiceInfo([
            'airline' => 'AA',
            'freeText' => 'free text',
            'references' => [
                new Reference([
                    'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_REQUEST,
                    'id' => 1

Fare Element used to specify some miscellaneous fare information. This field is usually used to record data for accounting purposes in the National Systems and the AMADEUS Central System reporting database.

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\FareMiscellaneousInformation;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

$createPnrOptions = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'actionCode' => PnrAddMultiElementsOptions::ACTION_END_TRANSACT_RETRIEVE,
    'elements' => [
        new FareMiscellaneousInformation([
            'indicator' => FareMiscellaneousInformation::GENERAL_INDICATOR_FS,
            'freeText'  => 'MISC TICKETING INFORMATION'

Adding an Individual Security Element (ES) to a PNR

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\PnrAddMultiElementsOptions;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\PnrSecurity;

$createPnrOptions = new PnrAddMultiElementsOptions([
    'actionCode' => PnrAddMultiElementsOptions::ACTION_END_TRANSACT_RETRIEVE,
    'elements' => [
        new PnrSecurity([
            'identification' => 'WGFD00321',
            'accessMode' => PnrSecurity::ACCESS_MODE_BOTH,
            'indicator' => PnrSecurity::INDICATOR_GLOBAL