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Releases: microsoft/playwright


22 Oct 23:07
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This patch includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#9688 - [REGRESSION]: toHaveCount does not work anymore with 0 elements
#9692 - [BUG] HTML report shows locator._withElement for locator.evaluate

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 97.0.4666.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 93.0
  • WebKit 15.4

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 94
  • Microsoft Edge 94



21 Oct 18:45
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Playwright v1.16 updates

🎭 Playwright Test

API Testing

Playwright 1.16 introduces new API Testing that lets you send requests to the server directly from Node.js!
Now you can:

  • test your server API
  • prepare server side state before visiting the web application in a test
  • validate server side post-conditions after running some actions in the browser

To do a request on behalf of Playwright's Page, use new page.request API:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('context fetch', async ({ page }) => {
  // Do a GET request on behalf of page
  const response = await page.request.get('');
  // ... 

To do a stand-alone request from node.js to an API endpoint, use new request fixture:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('context fetch', async ({ request }) => {
  // Do a GET request on behalf of page
  const response = await request.get('');
  // ... 

Read more about it in our API testing guide.

Response Interception

It is now possible to do response interception by combining API Testing with request interception.

For example, we can blur all the images on the page:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import jimp from 'jimp'; // image processing library

test('response interception', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.route('**/*.jpeg', async route => {
    const response = await page._request.fetch(route.request());
    const image = await response.body());
    await image.blur(5);
      body: await image.getBufferAsync('image/jpeg'),
  const response = await page.goto('');

Read more about response interception.

New HTML reporter

Try it out new HTML reporter with either --reporter=html or a reporter entry
in playwright.config.ts file:

$ npx playwright test --reporter=html

The HTML reporter has all the information about tests and their failures, including surfacing
trace and image artifacts.

html reporter

Read more about our reporters.

🎭 Playwright Library


Wait for a locator to resolve to a single element with a given state.
Defaults to the state: 'visible'.

Comes especially handy when working with lists:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('context fetch', async ({ page }) => {
  const completeness = page.locator('text=Success');
  await completeness.waitFor();
  expect(await page.screenshot()).toMatchSnapshot('screen.png');

Read more about locator.waitFor().

🎭 Playwright Trace Viewer

  • web-first assertions inside trace viewer
  • run trace viewer with npx playwright show-trace and drop trace files to the trace viewer PWA
  • API testing is integrated with trace viewer
  • better visual attribution of action targets

Read more about Trace Viewer.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 97.0.4666.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 93.0
  • WebKit 15.4

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 94
  • Microsoft Edge 94



05 Oct 20:40
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This patch includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#9261 - [BUG] npm init playwright fails on path spaces
#9298 - [Question]: Should new Headers methods work in RouteAsync ?

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 96.0.4641.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 92.0
  • WebKit 15.0

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 93
  • Microsoft Edge 93



30 Sep 21:39
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This patch includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#9065 - [BUG] browser(webkit): disable COOP support
#9092 - [BUG] browser(webkit): fix text padding
#9048 - [BUG] fix(test-runner): toHaveURL respect baseURL
#8955 - [BUG] fix(inspector): stop on all snapshottable actions
#8921 - [BUG] fix(test runner): after hooks step should not be nested
#8975 - [BUG] feat(fetch): support form data and json encodings
#9071 - [BUG] fix(fetch): be compatible with a 0 timeout
#8999 - [BUG] fix: do not dedup header values
#9038 - [BUG] fix: restore support for slowmo connect option

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 96.0.4641.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 92.0
  • WebKit 15.0

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 93
  • Microsoft Edge 93



21 Sep 13:31
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Playwright v1.15 updates

🎭 Playwright Library

🖱️ Mouse Wheel

By using Page.mouse.wheel you are now able to scroll vertically or horizontally.

📜 New Headers API

Previously it was not possible to get multiple header values of a response. This is now possible and additional helper functions are available:

🌈 Forced-Colors emulation

Its now possible to emulate the forced-colors CSS media feature by passing it in the context options or calling Page.emulateMedia().

New APIs

🎭 Playwright Test

🤝 test.parallel() run tests in the same file in parallel

test.describe.parallel('group', () => {
  test('runs in parallel 1', async ({ page }) => {
  test('runs in parallel 2', async ({ page }) => {

By default, tests in a single file are run in order. If you have many independent tests in a single file, you can now run them in parallel with test.describe.parallel(title, callback).

🛠 Add --debug CLI flag

By using npx playwright test --debug it will enable the Playwright Inspector for you to debug your tests.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 96.0.4641.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 92.0
  • WebKit 15.0

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 93
  • Microsoft Edge 93


24 Aug 18:05
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This patch includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#8287 - [BUG] webkit crashes intermittently: "file data stream has an unexpected number of bytes"
#8281 - [BUG] HTML report crashes if diff snapshot does not exists
#8230 - Using React Selectors with multiple React trees
#8366 - [BUG] Mark timeout in isVisible as deprecated and noop

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 94.0.4595.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 91.0
  • WebKit 15.0

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 92
  • Microsoft Edge 92


13 Aug 23:40
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Playwright v1.14 updates

🎭 Playwright Library

⚡️ New "strict" mode

Selector ambiguity is a common problem in automation testing. "strict" mode
ensures that your selector points to a single element and throws otherwise.

Pass strict: true into your action calls to opt in.

// This will throw if you have more than one button!
await'button', { strict: true });

📍 New Locators API

Locator represents a view to the element(s) on the page. It captures the logic sufficient to retrieve the element at any given moment.

The difference between the Locator and ElementHandle is that the latter points to a particular element, while Locator captures the logic of how to retrieve that element.

Also, locators are "strict" by default!

const locator = page.locator('button');

Learn more in the documentation.

🧩 Experimental React and Vue selector engines

React and Vue selectors allow selecting elements by its component name and/or property values. The syntax is very similar to attribute selectors and supports all attribute selector operators.


Learn more in the react selectors documentation and the vue selectors documentation.

✨ New nth and visible selector engines

  • nth selector engine is equivalent to the :nth-match pseudo class, but could be combined with other selector engines.
  • visible selector engine is equivalent to the :visible pseudo class, but could be combined with other selector engines.
// select the first button among all buttons
await'button >> nth=0');
// or if you are using locators, you can use first(), nth() and last()
await page.locator('button').first().click();

// click a visible button
await'button >> visible=true');

🎭 Playwright Test

✅ Web-First Assertions

expect now supports lots of new web-first assertions.

Consider the following example:

await expect(page.locator('.status')).toHaveText('Submitted');

Playwright Test will be re-testing the node with the selector .status until fetched Node has the "Submitted" text. It will be re-fetching the node and checking it over and over, until the condition is met or until the timeout is reached. You can either pass this timeout or configure it once via the testProject.expect value in test config.

By default, the timeout for assertions is not set, so it'll wait forever, until the whole test times out.

List of all new assertions:

⛓ Serial mode with describe.serial

Declares a group of tests that should always be run serially. If one of the tests fails, all subsequent tests are skipped. All tests in a group are retried together.

test.describe.serial('group', () => {
  test('runs first', async ({ page }) => { /* ... */ });
  test('runs second', async ({ page }) => { /* ... */ });

Learn more in the documentation.

🐾 Steps API with test.step

Split long tests into multiple steps using test.step() API:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('test', async ({ page }) => {
  await test.step('Log in', async () => {
    // ...
  await test.step('news feed', async () => {
    // ...

Step information is exposed in reporters API.

🌎 Launch web server before running tests

To launch a server during the tests, use the webServer option in the configuration file. The server will wait for a given port to be available before running the tests, and the port will be passed over to Playwright as a baseURL when creating a context.

// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
  webServer: {
    command: 'npm run start', // command to launch
    port: 3000, // port to await for 
    timeout: 120 * 1000, 
    reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
export default config;

Learn more in the documentation.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 94.0.4595.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 91.0
  • WebKit 15.0

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 92
  • Microsoft Edge 92


29 Jul 17:46
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This patch includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#7800 - [Bug]: empty screen when opening
#7785 - [Bug]: Channel installation requires curl/wget on the system
#7746 - [Bug]: global use is not working to launch firefox or webkit
#7849 - [Bug]: Setting the current shard through config uses n+1 instead

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 93.0.4576.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 90.0
  • WebKit 14.2


21 Jul 17:36
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Playwright Test



  • Playwright Trace Viewer now shows parameters, returned values and console.log() calls.
  • Playwright Inspector can generate Playwright Test tests.

New and Overhauled Guides

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 93.0.4576.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 90.0
  • WebKit 14.2

New Playwright APIs


26 Jun 08:03
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This patch release includes bug fixes for the following issues:

#7085 - [BUG] Traceviewer screens are not recorded well when using constructable stylesheets
#7093 - Folder for a test-case is getting generated in test-results even if Test Case Passes when properties are given on Failure
#7099 - [test-runner] Missing types for the expect library
#7124 - [Test Runner] config.outputDir must be an absolute path
#7141 - [Feature] Options for video resolution
#7163 - [Test runner] artifacts are removed
#7223 - [BUG] test-runner viewport can't be null
#7284 - [BUG] incorrect @playwright/test typings for toMatchSnapshot/toMatchInlineSnapshot/etc
#7304 - [BUG] Snapshots are not captured if there is an animation at the beginning
#7326 - [BUG] When PW timeouts, last trace action does not get collected[BUG] When PW timeouts, last trace action does not get collected

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 93.0.4530.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 89.0
  • WebKit 14.2

This version of Playwright was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 91
  • Microsoft Edge 91