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Releases: microsoft/playwright


06 Jan 18:04
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#19661 - [BUG] 1.29.1 browserserver + page.goto = net::ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 109.0.5414.46
  • Mozilla Firefox 107.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 108
  • Microsoft Edge 108


21 Dec 22:22
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#18928 - [BUG] Electron firstWindow times out after upgrading to 1.28.0
#19246 - [BUG] Electron firstWindow times out after upgrading to 1.28.1
#19412 - [REGRESSION]: 1.28 does not work with electron-serve anymore.
#19540 - [BUG] returns the path one level higher if you run electron pointing to the directory
#19548 - [REGRESSION]: Ubuntu 18 LTS not supported anymore

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 109.0.5414.46
  • Mozilla Firefox 107.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 108
  • Microsoft Edge 108


16 Dec 22:51
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New APIs

  • New method route.fetch() and new option json for route.fulfill():

    await page.route('**/api/settings', async route => {
      // Fetch original settings.
      const response = await route.fetch();
      // Force settings theme to a predefined value.
      const json = await response.json();
      json.theme = 'Solorized';
      // Fulfill with modified data.
      await route.fulfill({ json });
  • New method locator.all() to iterate over all matching elements:

    // Check all checkboxes!
    const checkboxes = page.getByRole('checkbox');
    for (const checkbox of await checkboxes.all())
      await checkbox.check();
  • Locator.selectOption matches now by value or label:

    <select multiple>
      <option value="red">Red</div>
      <option value="green">Green</div>
      <option value="blue">Blue</div>
    await element.selectOption('Red');
  • Retry blocks of code until all assertions pass:

    await expect(async () => {
      const response = await page.request.get('');
      await expect(response).toBeOK();

    Read more in our documentation.

  • Automatically capture full page screenshot on test failure:

    // playwright.config.ts
    import type { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';
    const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
      use: {
        screenshot: {
          mode: 'only-on-failure',
          fullPage: true,
    export default config;


Browser Versions

  • Chromium 109.0.5414.46
  • Mozilla Firefox 107.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 108
  • Microsoft Edge 108


23 Nov 17:57
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This patch release includes the following bug fixes:

#18928 - [BUG] Electron firstWindow times out after upgrading to 1.28.0
#18920 - [BUG] [expanded=false] in role selector returns elements without aria-expanded attribute
#18865 - [BUG] regression in killing web server process in 1.28.0

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 108.0.5359.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 106.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 107
  • Microsoft Edge 107


16 Nov 17:01
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Playwright Tools

  • Record at Cursor in VSCode. You can run the test, position the cursor at the end of the test and continue generating the test.

New VSCode Extension

  • Live Locators in VSCode. You can hover and edit locators in VSCode to get them highlighted in the opened browser.
  • Live Locators in CodeGen. Generate a locator for any element on the page using "Explore" tool.

Locator Explorer

  • Codegen and Trace Viewer Dark Theme. Automatically picked up from operating system settings.

Dark Theme

Test Runner

New APIs

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 108.0.5359.29
  • Mozilla Firefox 106.0
  • WebKit 16.4

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 107
  • Microsoft Edge 107


12 Oct 06:01
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This patch release includes the following bug fixes:

#18010 - fix(generator): generate nice locators for arbitrary selectors
#17999 - chore: don't fail on undefined video/trace
#17955 - [Question] Github Actions test compatibility check failed mitigation?
#17960 - [BUG] Codegen 1.27 creates NUnit code that does not compile
#17952 - fix: fix typo in treeitem role typing

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 107.0.5304.18
  • Mozilla Firefox 105.0.1
  • WebKit 16.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 106
  • Microsoft Edge 106


07 Oct 20:39
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With these new APIs, inspired by Testing Library, writing locators is a joy:

await page.getByLabel('User Name').fill('John');

await page.getByLabel('Password').fill('secret-password');

await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Sign in' }).click();

await expect(page.getByText('Welcome, John!')).toBeVisible();

All the same methods are also available on Locator, FrameLocator and Frame classes.

Other highlights

  • workers option in the playwright.config.ts now accepts a percentage string to use some of the available CPUs. You can also pass it in the command line:

    npx playwright test --workers=20%
  • New options host and port for the html reporter.

    reporters: [['html', { host: 'localhost', port: '9223' }]]
  • New field FullConfig.configFile is available to test reporters, specifying the path to the config file if any.

  • As announced in v1.25, Ubuntu 18 will not be supported as of Dec 2022. In addition to that, there will be no WebKit updates on Ubuntu 18 starting from the next Playwright release.

Behavior Changes

  • expect(locator).toHaveAttribute(name, value, options) with an empty value does not match missing attribute anymore. For example, the following snippet will succeed when button does not have a disabled attribute.

    await expect(page.getByRole('button')).toHaveAttribute('disabled', '');
  • Command line options --grep and --grep-invert previously incorrectly ignored grep and grepInvert options specified in the config. Now all of them are applied together.

  • JSON reporter path resolution is performed relative to the config directory instead of the current working directory:

    ["json", { outputFile: "./test-results/results.json" }]]

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 107.0.5304.18
  • Mozilla Firefox 105.0.1
  • WebKit 16.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 106
  • Microsoft Edge 106


27 Sep 17:00
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This patch includes the following bug fixes:

#17500 - [BUG] No tests found using the test explorer - pw/[email protected]

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 106.0.5249.30
  • Mozilla Firefox 104.0
  • WebKit 16.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 105
  • Microsoft Edge 105


20 Sep 16:36
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Other Highlights

  • New option maxRedirects for apiRequestContext.get(url[, options]) and others to limit redirect count.
  • New command-line flag --pass-with-no-tests that allows the test suite to pass when no files are found.
  • New command-line flag --ignore-snapshots to skip snapshot expectations, such as expect(value).toMatchSnapshot() and expect(page).toHaveScreenshot().

Behavior Change

A bunch of Playwright APIs already support the waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' option. For example:

await page.goto('', {
  waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded',

Prior to 1.26, this would wait for all iframes to fire the DOMContentLoaded event.

To align with web specification, the 'domcontentloaded' value only waits for the target frame to fire the 'DOMContentLoaded' event. Use waitUntil: 'load' to wait for all iframes.

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 106.0.5249.30
  • Mozilla Firefox 104.0
  • WebKit 16.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 105
  • Microsoft Edge 105


07 Sep 11:30
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This patch includes the following bug fixes:

#16937 - [REGRESSION]: session storage failing >= 1.25.0 in firefox
#16955 - Not using channel on config file when Show and Reuse browser is checked

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 105.0.5195.19
  • Mozilla Firefox 103.0
  • WebKit 16.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

  • Google Chrome 104
  • Microsoft Edge 104